All Chapters of Gaia The Wolf Goddess Of Hell: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
113 Chapters
Chapter 41.
Gaia POV.I watch as my army slaughter Morgana’s followers. I smirk at the carnage, the screams, and the coppery tinge of blood calls to me. My red eyes locked on Morgana as she pulls at her hair in frustration.I see Calista as he pulls himself up. She turns and grabs him. I jump down off the rubble and charge forward, letting Kodiak push us forward.Cutting her followers down as I move. The sword in my hand dripping with blood. A loud roar comes from behind Morgana as the trees shake as birds shriek and fly away. I watch as a hydra steps out and my eyes widen as I come skidding to a stop.“Oh, shit!” Kodiak says. Oh, shit indeed. How the fuck did she get one of those? They are meant to be in the underworld. I look closer and see it has collars on it’s three necks. It is only young.Even being young, it is huge. Towering over the trees. There is only one thing to do. I look around. I need to find him. I spot him chomping down on someone. Shaking his head violently as the person is spl
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Chapter 42.
Gaia POV.Loud voices rouse me from my sleep. I lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling as the voices become more prominent. Groaning, I sit up when an arm tightens around me. Looking down, I smile as I snuggle back down, hugging my little sister.“Who is shouting?” She mumbles, and I stroke her hair from her face. Her eyes snap open as her lip quivers as she blinks, tears rolling down her face.“Gaia,” she launches herself at me as she sobs, my heartbreaks to see her like this.“It’s ok, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Shhh baby I’m here.” I hold her tighter as she sobs into my shoulder.“You died, Gaia, then you came back. I lost you Gaia, you are my big sister and best friend. You left me and went somewhere I couldn’t follow.” I choke on my sob as the voices get louder.“You meddling bitch. How could you do this?” That’s Asteria. What the hell is going on?“What? It wasn’t my fault. I tried to undo it but I couldn’t. Your father even tried.” Selene shouts back and I sit up, listeni
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Chapter 43.
Gaia POV.Following Gabe’s scent, I follow it through the forest. My heart beats wildly in my chest. I hope he doesn’t do anything silly. Bursting through the treeline into the clearing next to the dark lake. I see him; he is on his knees by the water’s edge. I breathe in relief.It’s beautiful today. The dark lake looks black under the sun’s rays. Walking closer, I can smell the salt from his tears and hear his whimpers. I approach him cautiously. A wolf in this state can be dangerous. I Know he is hurting because of guilt, but I know it’s not his fault.“Gabe,” I call softly as I place my hand on his shoulder and he jumps with a gasp. He slowly turns to look at me over his shoulder. The tears fall from his eyes as he moves away from me, and I have to admit that hurts.“Gabe, you did nothing wrong. I don’t blame you.” He shakes his head as he turns and looks out over the lake. I move to sit beside him. I watch him, placing my hand on his thigh as I wait patiently for him to calm down
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Chapter 44.
Leo POV.“Do you think Gabe will be ok?” I turn to look at Jake and smile at him. When I feel it, not just the lust that courses through me, but the tingle in my neck that tells me she has marked him. I did notice that the marks on her neck from me and Calista had disappeared, but I suppose they would when she died.“Let’s not think about that, Leo. She is back, and we all have to complete the mating and marking. If she was pissed with us for what happened, do you think we would all still be alive? No, we wouldn’t Gaia is vengeful and you know this. The fact we are all still alive is proof she doesn’t blame any of us,” Aries says to me and I nod at his words.“She has marked him.” I say when Calista and Jake look at me and I know they felt it too. The thing about multiple mates is when one gets marked by their fated we all feel it. That and the overpowering need to mate.“She will go into heat soon. When she does, we will mark her as ours then.” Calista says as he sips on his coffee.
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Chapter 45.
Gaia POV.“What do you mean, she is dying?” I look at my little sister, who has tears running down her cheeks.“Her light and her power have been fading.” I hug her to my chest and kiss the crown of her head.“There has to be a way. You know what she is like. She should have been named Loki.” I say with a chuckle, but I know she is telling the truth. I felt it when I was brought back and long before that. Selene, at full power, wouldn’t have been so easily subdued by me.“Take me to her.” I murmur into her hair, and she nods before wiping her eyes with the heel of her hand. She takes my hand and pulls me into the packhouse. My mates follow behind me as I’m led to the office.Sofia pushes open the door and the mood in the room is depressing. Why can’t my family ever have a moment of joy instead of despair?I look towards Selene and I squint my eyes at her. I see her aura flicker and I sigh as I move towards her. I stand in front of her as I cross my arms over my chest. I look down at h
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Chapter 46.
Gaia POV.I walk through the packhouse. I need to calm down before I blow up. Stepping outside into the warm sunshine, I move towards the training field and see Dahlia, Nicholas, and Sofia talking. I make my way over to them. This shit needs to end now.“Hey,” I say as I get closer. They all turn and see me. They all smile at me. I walk into the open arms of my brother as I embrace him. He kisses my head.“Hey, so how did it go?” I groan and untangle myself as I move to sit on the grass and they do the same thing. We all lay down on the grass, looking up at the clear sky. We used to do this a lot when we were younger.“I told her she needs to fix this shit.” I say as they all sigh. Yeah, this is shit.“What did she say?” Dahlia asks from the side, and I shake my head.“Nothing. She told me everything, and she is lucky I didn’t kill there and then. I’m sick of her interfering with this. Dah she made you Alpha of Alpha’s, she made me the ruler of hell, now she wants to make Sof the next
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Chapter 47.
Gaia POV.Kodiak was always enormous in her wolf form. She is easily nine feet tall. It’s the perk of having God and Goddess blood running through her veins. My father, aunt, siblings, and cousins are the same. The average Alpha wolf stands at seven feet. We are stronger, faster, more dominant and aggressive. This makes us more of a challenge for anyone who is stupid enough to try to take us down.“Hey, it’s just more of us to love. Besides, we are cute and fluffy when we want to be.” I chuckle at Kodiak’s words as she charges through the forest. Our mates gaining on us.“You are cute and fluffy, if that is what you would use to describe a cactus.” I mock back and she growls at me.“Focus, this is a chase. Don’t lose sight of the goal. Let them think they are winning, then push on. You wanted to do this before Kodiak and I’m letting you now.” I say to her when she huffs before she slows slightly.The vibrations of paws on the earth, the sound of their breathing and low growls sound ar
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Chapter 48.
Gaia POV.I untangle myself from them and look up at all four of them. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the beautiful colours in the sky make the perfect setting for what we are about to do.I stand and they all look at me, confused, as I start stripping my clothes in front of them. I look at each of them and see desire and fiery lust in their gazes, and I smirk as I bite my bottom lip.Standing in front of them completely bare, I lower myself on to Calista’s lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss him. Having his hands on my bare skin sends the sparks everywhere. Tracing the seam of his bottom lip with my tongue, he grants me access.Plunging my tongue into his mouth, our tongues dance together in a sultry tango, each fighting for dominance over the other. My hands tangle in my hair as he deepens the kiss. I moan as my core pulses with a greedy need to be filled.More hands run up my spine and sides. I gasp, breaking the kiss, turning my head as Leo kisses me. M
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Chapter 49.
Gaia POV.Waking surrounded by warmth as the sun beats down on me. I open my eyes and see we are still on the beach. We slept on the sand. The burning embers from a fire are dying. Sitting up, I yawn and stretch.“Fuck, my back.” I mumble as I stand, stretching as my back crunches and I shiver.“Morning.” I turn my head and see my mates all waking up. I look back out over the water and release a slow breath. Waking like this is perfect.“Morning.” I say I am extremely chirpy this morning.“Yeah, that is what happens when you mate and mark. You need to finish the process with Jake and then you need to mark them, too.” Kodiak sounds groggy in my head. She has never been a morning wolf and I don’t think that will ever change.“I know. I plan on doing that.” I tell her and she yawns before going back to sleep. Looks like someone is wiped out. I’m pulled out of my thoughts as I’m pulled back down with a giggle. I land against a warm chest.“Who dressed me?” I ask as Leo rubs his eyes befor
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Chapter 50.
Calista POV.It’s late in the afternoon of the next day and we are still waiting for Gaia and Jake to come back. We know they have completed the mating and marking. We all felt it last night, but there was something else happening. You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach that something big is about to happen? Yeah, we have been feeling that since this morning.“When do you think they will be back? I don’t like this feeling something is about to happen. What could it be?” Gabe says from the island in the kitchen nursing his coffee and I look towards Leo and I know he is just as anxious.“How longs a piece of string? I don’t know as for this feeling we will just have to wait and find out. Have any of you tried to get in touch with them?” I ask as I tighten my grip on the mug. They both nod. It’s like they have gone AWOL and cut all comms with us.“Are they still not back?” I turn to see Sofia enter the kitchen and we all look towards the front door, willing it to open up and re
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