Все главы Larissa Discovered herself In A Strained Marriage: Глава 81 - Глава 82
Chapter 81
Lucia's world shattered the day her dad returned back after long seven years of absconded from home, And her brother, Richard, was brutally beaten by their dad, In a desperate attempt to escape their abusive household, Lucia called her boyfriend Freddie for help. Without hesitation, Freddie rushed to their aid, giving Lucia the key to his car while they ushered Richard into the vehicle.As Lucia sped towards the hospital, panic consumed her. She prayed for Richard's safety, desperately hoping they would make it in time. But fate had a cruel twist in store for them. A fatal accident unfolded before their eyes, extinguishing Richard's life within seconds. Lucia's own world went dark as she slipped into unconsciousness.Slowly, Lucia began to regain consciousness on the side of the road.The sirens blared in the distance, growing louder with each passing second, the police were on their way. Tears streamed down her face as she realized the magnitude of what had transpired. She st
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Chapter 82
Larissa stood in front of the podium, her voice projecting through the microphone as she continued her program of peace, unity, and health talk She had already visited numerous schools, spreading her message of love and understanding, before finally arriving at her children's school for her much anticipated lecture, As Larissa began her speech, parents filled the chairs, eagerly awaiting her words of wisdom. Stanley, Larissa's ex husband, was among them. He couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise and admiration at how respected and expected she had become as a public figure. Despite their differences, he acknowledged Larissa's dedication and the positive impact she was making.Sitting beside Stanley was his personal assistant, and his son, Bernard had convinced Stanley to stay and listen to the lecture, assuring him that it would be an eye opening experience. Stanley reluctantly agreed, deciding to wait and see what Larissa had to say.The lecture was filled with powerful m
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