Semua Bab Sleeping with the Enemy: Bab 121 - Bab 130
136 Bab
Another Regrett
TysonI barely slept a wink. All night long, I thought about Mae. I should have gone with her. I felt like an asshole that I didn’t.I hoped she would understand how important this was to me. Her father was gone and there was very little I could do to change that. I couldn’t change it. This was a time for her to be with her family. I was sure I would not be welcome.Gino was meeting me in thirty minutes. I was early to the museum with nothing better to do with my time. I couldn’t believe how empty I felt without her. I was used to traveling alone. That was all different now. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to share my life with her.I checked the time again. I had been checking the time every five minutes. She didn’t call me or text me to tell me she landed. I knew she landed safely because I had been in contact with the pilot. I was a little hurt she didn’t check in with me. She did it for Carrie.My phone rang just as I slid it back into my pocket. I quickly pulled it out, anxious
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Time To Refocus
TysonGino led me through a door marked employees only. I was taken down a long hall and into his expansive office. “We have some ideas that I think you will be very impressed with. As I said, my bosses have been keeping a close eye on your museums. They watch your moves. They have learned a great deal from you.”“From me?”Gino smiled. “We know when Tyson Helms is interested, we should be as well.”He was flattering me. I didn’t mind, but I wasn’t going to be swayed to give up my life’s work with a few pretty words. “I have gone up against your buyers on occasion.”“Ah, yes, but you have the means to bid it up. We are restricted by our owners, the government.”I chuckled. “And I have only myself to answer to.”“Yes. There are several pieces we have been very interested in. We considered offering you a loan program, but we feel it would be in the best interest to purchase the museums.”“Would you be closing them in the United States?”He made a face. “I believe that was the initial pl
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Moving On Without Him
MaeI cracked an egg in the pan and stared at the yellow yolk spreading out, mingling with the white. I watched for too long and realized I fried the damn thing instead of scrambling it. I tossed it in the trash and started over. I was tired. Exhausted. I was completely spent. I had tried like hell to sleep on the way back, but it was impossible. It was like being forced to sit in a movie theater with your life playing before your eyes that were taped open.I couldn’t stop seeing my dad. It was little snippets of our lives over the last twenty-nine years. There were few really good, happy times, but they were there. Those were the memories I wanted to hang onto. Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of memories that involved my dad drunk and angry or drunk and humiliating me were hard to ignore.I finally managed to focus long enough to make a plate of scrambled eggs for me and Hayden to split. “Here,” I said, putting the plate with a piece of buttered toast on it in front of her.“I
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Trying to Explain the Unexplainable
MaeI immediately grew concerned. “What? What’s wrong?”She snatched another tissue and dabbed at the fresh onslaught of tears. “What if I had been there? What if I found him? I could have never lived with that.”“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t.”“But if you didn’t come to the house that day, I would be in that house dealing with that.”I scooted my chair closer to her. “It’s okay,” I said, patting her shoulder.“Thank you.”“For?”“For getting me out of there. I couldn’t have dealt with that. This is bad enough. I feel so guilty for leaving. I feel even guiltier for being glad I wasn’t there.”“Do. Not. Feel. Guilty. You are completely innocent in this. You were born into this shitstorm. You didn’t get a choice in your parents. I’m glad you are out of there. I am so glad we got you out of there.”She wiped her cheeks. “I think it was some kind of fate or premonition. How many times had you offered to let me live with you before? I always turned you down. I always told you I was okay. For
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I Don't Feel Like a Winner
TysonI tapped my pen on the yellow pad sitting atop my desk. Mae was still not talking to me. I didn’t blame her. I fucked up. The funeral was tomorrow. I only found out because I saw the obituary in the paper. The family sure as hell wasn’t talking to me.“Hello?” I answered my cell phone with no enthusiasm.“Wow, that doesn’t make a man feel welcome,” Alec said.“Sorry,” I mumbled. “It’s been a shitty couple of days.”“What’s going on?”“The Louvre wants to buy the museums,” I told him.“What? Are you fucking kidding me?”“No, I’m very serious,” I told him. “I just got back Sunday night, or morning. Fuck if I know when I got back.”“They want to buy you out?” he questioned.“Yes.”He laughed. “You sound pretty damn excited about that.”“It’s not been a great couple of days.”“You went to France?” he questioned.“Yes. They gave me a big presentation, showing me what my shit would look like in their big, fancy museum. He gave me a private tour.”“That definitely sounds awful,” he sai
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Sign on the Dotted Line
TysonI put the phone down and cradled my head in my hands. There was a lot of moving pieces happening. Usually, I felt very in control of my life and what was happening. Just then, I didn’t have the control. I did, but I didn’t. It felt like I was being attacked from all sides. I wasn’t used to upheaval. I was used to my familiar, mundane life.I missed the days when Alec worked down the hall. I missed the days when I could pack a bag and set out for some dark corner of the world in search of a cool relic with no worries about who might be missing me or who I missed. My life was different now. I thought I was ready for the new changes and then all of this happened.I was completely lost in thought when I heard a soft knock on the door. “Mr. Helms?”I looked up to see my secretary poking her head in. I didn’t understand the woman’s thing about not opening a door all the damn way. “What is it?”“You told me to remind you when it was time for the meeting with your lawyer,” she said in a
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No One Wants to Be Here
MaeHayden and I sat in my car in the parking lot of the funeral home. We were early. Neither of us was in a hurry to get out of the car. I turned to look at her, taking in her black dress that was new. Retail therapy was therapeutic. She wanted to wear black and I wasn’t going to tell her not to. We’d found a pretty dress with short sleeves and a hemline that reached her knees. It was youthful and we were hoping she might be able to wear the dress again.“Are you ready for this?” I asked her.She stared out the windshield, watching a couple walk inside the funeral home. “I don’t think I will ever be ready.”“We can go in the side entrance,” I told her. “You, me, Patrick, and Mom will all be sitting in the first row.”“Why?”I sighed. “It’s tradition. I think it’s mostly so the other attendees don’t stare at you when you are crying. The only person looking at you will be the guy talking.”She slowly nodded. “Will there be a lot of people?”“I don’t know. Before Dad got too bad, he did
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The Funeral
MaePatrick nodded. “I couldn’t find a lot of pictures. Usually they do a slide show but they are going to just flash the pictures behind the minister while he talks.”“Are you going to give a eulogy?” I asked. It was something we debated for hours the other day. Neither of us wanted to do it. We didn’t know of any of his friends that could do it. We were left trying to decide what was the right thing to do and what we wanted to do.“I wrote up a very short one. I can’t get up there and give a long speech about what a great dad he was.”“I understand and I wouldn’t ask you to.”“What about Mom?” Hayden asked again as she leaned forward to look at Patrick. “Shouldn’t she say something?”“No,” Patrick and I answered at the same time.I put my hand on Patrick’s leg, letting him know I would field the question. “No, the widow doesn’t need to speak. No one will expect her to. It’s best she doesn’t try.”“Oh,” Hayden said, seemingly satisfied with my explanation.I noticed a flash of moveme
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It's All Over Now
TysonI didn’t go into the office today. I wasn’t in the mood. Technically, there was little for me to do now anyway. I was going through my own version of mourning. I was pissed at myself for ruining the best thing going in my life.I wasn’t ready to give up just yet. I would give her some time and then try again. That was all I could do. I hoped she would understand and give me a chance to explain. It seemed like that was the rhythm of our relationship. Things went great, I fucked up, she got hurt, and I left her. It was not a great way to live and I understood why she was tired of it.I would beg forgiveness, promise to be better, and then commit to doing it. Although I’d tried that once before as well. I was destined to fuck up. I needed clear guidelines on how to navigate the very tricky road I was walking with her.The doorbell rang, pulling me from my thoughts. I got up from where I’d settled into the couch and answered the door. “Mae?”“Hi,” she said as she took off her dark s
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We Are Enough
Tyson“No!” I immediately protested. “It is enough. It’s everything.”“What are you saying? I will not be treated as an afterthought. I’m not going to be the runner-up to whatever else is going on in your life. I cannot take being thrown to the side when something shinier grabs your attention. I’m done with it, Tyson. Absolutely over it.”Panic welled inside me at the thought of losing her for good. “That’s what I am telling you. You are not the runner-up. You are the only thing I want in this world.”She rolled her eyes. “Me and your business. I won’t be second fiddle to money.”“And you never will be. Not with me. Not ever again.”I got up and walked to the small table against the wall and picked up the stack of paperwork. I carried it back and handed it to her.“What’s this?” she asked.“Read it.” I watched her expression as she flipped through the contract her lawyer had presented me with. She was slowly shaking her head. “What is this? What does this mean?”“I signed the papers.
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