Semua Bab Bullied by Navy Triplet Stepbrothers: Bab 31 - Bab 40
207 Bab
31.The Return of the Brothers
QuinnI frowned as I stepped into the mansion and heard Mia's scream. That was unusual and unexpected. That didn't seem like she was screaming in delight and even if it was, I didn't think that there was anything that would happen at home that late to make her scream in delight.I frowned at the thought in my head, pushing it away. She wouldn't dare to bring a boyfriend home and have sex with him in the house. I didn't know how liberal her mum was and I was sure that dad wouldn't mind if she had visited with her boyfriend but I didn't like the thought of that.I didn't like the thought of a stranger in our house. I didn't like the thought of another man in the house. Oh, please. I rolled my eyes. I should be honest with myself. I was strong enough to do that for myself. I didn't like the thought of Mia with another man. She belonged to me. She belonged to us, reminding me that my brothers wanted her as well.I wouldn't let anyone else have her.There. I admitted it. It wasn't that ha
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32.The True Story of the Woman In the Cave
MiaWe got outside and I asked Quinn to let go of me but he wouldn't respond. The brothers kept on walking, teasing one another and I eventually gave up when I realized that they meant to get me to my room.I felt uncomfortable but oddly at peace in their presence and in Quinn's arms. I must have been shaken by that woman more than I thought. Who wouldn't? I would be inhuman to not have been shaken. That was a near-death experience. I realized that I still didn't know who she was except what Quinn had called her.A sorceress?That was odd. I didn't even want to believe that werewolves existed and now, there were sorceresses. How many inhumane characters were walking on the surface of the earth?Quinn seemed to know her well - and hated her too - and I was determined to find out the truth from them. That was better than trying to get the truth from Albert without giving myself away that I had gone to the cave."You don't have to do this." I told him, trying to hold on to the little of
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33.Coming Out Totally
QuinnI could sense that she was shocked at what I just told her. I could also feel her gratitude coming out of my pores and knew my brothers could sense it too though we pretended not to know. We would scare her if she knew that we could sense emotions and we didn't need that. Asides the gratitude she felt towards us for saving her life, distrust was also there and that had to leave before she allowed us to be closer to her as we wanted to. We didn't need to add to what she felt already and we were being careful.I couldn't remember the last time me and my brothers were as careful of our ourselves around anybody asides our father but Mia did that to us. We didn't care about what humans or ladies thought of us. We took from them without apologies knowing that they wanted us and wouldn't mind. Everyone was like that Mia.She was both human and a lady and she made us treat her in ways that we hadn't ever done to anyone. She called for and demanded her respect, leaving us no choice but
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34.Faking Love and Acceptance
MiaThe weekend holiday came to an end. I woke up - I snorted - I didn't sleep a wink. Who was I kidding? I hadn't been able to sleep a wink after the triplets had left. I had been busy thinking of them, how I felt about them, what my thoughts were of the whole situation and more importantly, I hadn't been able to keep my mind off the sorceress.What had Quinn called her? I sighed. I didn't even know what to call the sorceress. He had said that she was a genderless dark wizard who could switch forms. It sent a shudder to me to know that someone could be a male or a female anytime they wished without going through an operation.I was going to stick to calling her a female. That was the form I had seen her in, the form I had known of her and what I was going to stick to. I wasn't about to drive myself crazy wondering what gender it initially was. The witch or wizard or whatever it was wasn't worth losing my sanity over.I prayed that she didn't get free. I had a huge chunk of fear strea
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35.The Exaggerated Appeal
Mia"We actually made some background checks on you, Mia." John revealed.What? I turned in my seat to stare at him. What was he saying? Was he serious? He nodded, laughing at the look on my face."We knew you weren't going to say anything about your job if we asked. That was just us trying to confirm what we already knew.""Did you make a bet on that?" I snorted at him, facing forward. I glanced at Quinn and scowled. He had his eyes on the road as if he wasn't concerned with the conversation going on in the car but he had an amused smirk on his lips. It would be hard for me not to notice that. He was in with his brothers and I scowled harder as I folded my hands on my chest and stared at the road ahead, trying to calculate how far we were to the city.I was already tired of them and I made sure that they knew it.John laughed, his body betraying his amusement as if he knew that I was acting out and throwing tantrums. "What is the point of placing a bet when we all knew what you woul
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36.The Brothers' Dilemma
JohnI loved how Quinn had used his style to invite Mia to a party. I hadn't been expecting that. That was so smooth and I chuckled to myself. Of course, what had I been expecting? That was Quinn. He was as smooth as a rock.We got to the car, ignoring the ladies on the way who cast glances at us. Some were even bold enough to throw kisses at us. We ignored them all. We knew how these things work. If we showed them that we weren't interested at all in ladies, they would give up soon and not torment Mia. If we acted like we were interested in them and gave them up, they would all fly around Mia like vultures, trying to use her to get to us and there was only one outcome for that.Mia wouldn't tell us of their affections on their behalf. She would only get mad and hate us - and that is what we didn't need at the moment.We knew she didn't like us but she didn't have to hate us more than she already did.Three of the ladies crowded out there decided to be bold and walked up to us. I coul
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37.Seeing a Different Light
MiaI was nervous, biting my lips as I stood before the mirror. I shouldn't have agreed to the party. I shouldn't have let them persuade me. Well, technically, they didn't persuade me. I was the one who had fallen for the hopeful expressions on their faces. I was beginning to regret accepting to go to the party. What was I thinking? I should have said no to them, without bothering about anything else. I was getting nice and I wondered if I should be worried about that.I didn't want to be nice to the boys but knowing that they had helped twice within two days that they came back from their mission was making that impossible.They had saved my life when the crazy sorceress was trying to kill me and also driven me to school when they didn't have to.I didn't want to say it was from the goodness of their hearts that they had done it but I was grateful for their good deeds regardless.Their appearance had done a lot for me, helped me in so many ways that I wouldn't have experienced if it
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38.The Unexpectedly Nice Brother
JackI could smell the distrust on her as I drove her back home. I knew how much she hated being drunk and she would be mortified that others saw her out of control. Mia was a sucker for control. I didn't want her to regret going out with us because we were going to invite her again to another party soon.We weren't going to stop inviting her to party till she got comfortable with us. That wasn't going to happen if she got embarrassed for being drunk and hated herself for going out with us.I drove her home instead of her company apartment. I got her to her bedroom without letting our parents see us. I didn't want to explain why she was home when they weren't expecting her. I didn't think that she wanted to explain that as well.I got her to her bedroom and smiled as I glanced at her. "I will be back soon so do whatever you want to do before then."She arched her eyebrows at me in her normal obtuse manner. "Whatever I want to do like what?"I shrugged. "Anything you want to do. Maybe
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39.The Nightmare Which Never Went Away
MiaIt was our parents' wedding. Finally, they had tied the knot and we were officially a family. I was their sister on paper. I was family and the triplets were determined to make me think of them as that.It was a small ceremony filled with a few trusted people from both ends. Some of my mother's friends were invited and I wondered if Albert's guests were humans or werewolves. I rubbed at my temples, eager to get a drink but I wasn't going to do that. It was my mother's day and I wasn't going to make a fool of myself and embarrass her.What was my business with wondering if his guests were werewolves or not? As far as I was concerned, they weren't going to harm me. The werewolves I knew and had been living with for months hadn't hurt me so I didn't think I have reason to worry about the new werewolves. They weren't going to hurt me if they were anything like Albert. I knew he was a responsible person and wouldn't have moved with irresponsible people, human or werewolf. He wouldn't
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40.Living a Normal Life
MiaThe wedding was over. The newly married couple were on their honeymoon and everyone was back to their lives. I was back at work but the triplets weren't back at work yet.It seemed like they were still on a break from the mission that they had been on. It was almost two weeks and they weren't back yet. They had to have been on one dangerous mission for them to be allowed to not report to work and all was well.I shook my head. I wasn't going to think of that. The thought always made me feel bad and I was too busy at the moment to wallow in guilt. I missed my mum and wondered when she was going to be back. Albert hadn't told us where he was taking her. He had said that it was a surprise and they would only be back when they were done with all the treats that he wanted to give to her.I missed her and wanted to hear her voice but I couldn't call her. I didn't even know where she was at the moment and even if I knew, I felt bad about disturbing a couple on their honeymoon.My phone
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