Semua Bab The Mafia Prince's Angel: His Miracle: Bab 31 - Bab 40
54 Bab
I Miss You
I sat quietly on a the floor of the library with a voluminous book on my laps. I simply just stared at the words on the book, not making any meaning out of it. It's actually a Greek mythology book.The library has now become my favorite place for the past one week. Drowning myself in the vast and different genres of book, which tends to distract me and keep my mind away from the outside world.Alexander hasn't been home for a week now and I haven't heard from him either. As a matter of fact, I don't even know about his whereabouts. I had asked John and he said that he went on an important business trip.He went on a business trip and he didn't deem it fit to let me know about it?A brief text message would've helped sated my worries but he decided to leave me hanging.Such an arrogant asshole!The house had become quite boring since he left, with nobody else to talk to and nobody to annoy. Except a brief discussions with Claire and the other workers, I've literally kept to myself the
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Alexander?!Oh my God!!!I immediately plunged myself down to his side, my heart beating frantically against my ribcage.I stared at him in panic, not knowing what to do exactly.How do I stop the blood that was continuously flowing out by the side of his stomach, soaking his midnight black shirt? And I really hate the sight of blood.I desperately looked around the library, my eyes seeking to find a thick cloth but all I could see were books neatly stacked on shelves. I sighed out in frustration, but then, my eyes caught a white thick cloth that looked like a blanket. It was carelessly drooped on a one-sitter chair at the far end of the library.Has that chair been here all this while? Not caring about the answer to that question, I immediately rushed towards the chair, almost tripping on my steps. I grabbed the small, soft blanket and bolted back to Alexander. I held the blanket against his bleeding stomach, aiming to stop the bleeding.I looked up at him to see him staring intentl
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Fallen Angel
The bedroom was a sanctuary of serenity, where soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through gauzy curtains, casting a gentle, golden glow on the room's furnishings. A large, plush bed dominated the center, its duvet artfully tousled as if the slumberer had just departed. The walls, painted a tranquil shade of sky blue, were adorned with an eclectic mix of artwork, from vibrant abstract canvases to serene landscapes that seemed to invite the outside world in.A quaint wooden desk nestled against one corner, cluttered with books, journals, and a meticulously arranged collection of pens. The window sill, adorned with potted succulents, overlooked a tranquil garden, where the occasional bird's song added a touch of melody to the morning tableau.On the far side of the room, a walk-in closet stood ajar, revealing a kaleidoscope of fashion choices, from tailored suits to whimsical dresses, each hung with care. A full-length mirror leaned against the closet door, ready to reflect the day's
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First, there's the darkness. It's like being in the womb again, right before the grand explosion of birth. Except now, the darkness isn't comforting, it's claustrophobic. It's an abyss that threatens to consume me whole, and yet, somewhere within it, I find the strength to start swimming."She'll be fine, right?" I heard a soft female voice ask, her voice was familiar yet soothing and pleasant to my ears.My eyes slowly fluttered open, my visions were blurry and vague at first as I looked around the room strangely. It slowly became clearer as I could see the room very clearly.This looks like Alexander's room. I turned to stare at the figures that were staring back at me. I felt a soft wave of deja vu wash over me. My eyes caught Alexander's grey orbs that were mixed with so many emotions I couldn't decipher. He just stood three foots away from the bed I'm lying on - his bed. I forcefully dragged my eyes away from his to stare at his parents, who were standing closely beside him. Mr
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Love To Hate You
The door opened and Claire came in with a tray of food in her hands. She slowly approached the bed with calculated footsteps. When she got to the foot of the bed, Samantha stood up and took the tray from her. Claire flashed me a smile and a look of concern when my eyes jammed with hers. I just nodded at her with a small smile.She bowed lowly before turning to leave the room. Samantha opened the covers on the two plates that was on the tray. My stomach grumbled at the sight of the pasta and the grilled chicken that filled the two plates.I stared awkwardly at Samantha when she took a spoonful of pasta and brought it to my lips. Is she trying to feed me?"I can really feed myself, Sam," I whispered and tried to take the pasta filled spoon from her but she moved it away from me with a little shake of her head."You obviously lack the strength to do that. So, just let me feed you alright? Or do you want me to call Alexander to feed you?" My eyes immediately widened and I vigorously sh
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Unbridled Passion
As our lips met, a tingling sensation ran through my body. I felt his hands gently cup my face as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against mine with a gentle urgency. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity between us, and the pure, unbridled passion of the kiss. His bit at my lower lip and I gasped against his lips. He seized that opportunity and plunged his tongue into my mouth, sucking and ravishing every corner of my mouth. Lost in the moment, I locked my fingers into his hair, drawing him closer to me as the heat of his body warmed me up.His kiss was full of tenderness, passion and untold emotions. The world around me ceased to exist, leaving only the two of us in a sea of pure, unbridled emotion.I felt his hand lift the hem of the small crop top I was wearing. It slowly travelled up and settled under my naked breasts. His fingers lightly grazed the underside of my left breast.
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My Salvation
ALEXANDERI strolled through the dimly lit passageway with Ivory still hung over my shoulder. I know her hands must be numb now from hitting my back relentlessly, hits that felt like where I'm being tapped with feathers. I stopped abruptly and gently put her down. She swayed a little but I caught her arm before she could fall. She forced her arm away from me and gave me a harsh glare, making my lips to lift in an amused smile.As I watched her with an amused gaze, I couldn't help but be captivated by her tenacious and feisty nature. There was something about the way she moved that drew me in, like she was dancing through life with effortless ease. She exuded confidence and poise, and it was impossible to look away.I had never met anyone quite like her before, not even Nicole. She was a mystery, a puzzle that I was determined to solve. With every interaction, I found myself growing more intrigued by her. She was intelligent and quick-witted, always one step ahead in every conversatio
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Tantalizing Cupcakes
IVORYAs I stepped into the brand new bakery, I was greeted by a charming and cozy atmosphere. The walls were painted in a soft pastel color scheme, creating a warm and inviting space. Hanging from the ceiling were delicate pendant lights that casted a soft glow throughout the room, adding a touch of elegance to the decor.The bakery featured rustic wooden tables and chairs, accented with plush cushions in floral patterns. Each table was adorned with a small vase of fresh flowers, adding a pop of color and a touch of nature to the setting. The countertops were made of sleek marble, providing a clean and polished look to the space.The centerpiece of the bakery was a large display case filled with an array of mouthwatering pastries, breads, and cakes. The pastries were artfully arranged on tiered stands, showcasing their beauty and tempting customers to indulge. The aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, creating a sense of comfort and nostalgia.The walls were adorned with vinta
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The silence in the car was palpable. Alexander hasn't said a word to me since he carried me out of the alleyway. The man who wanted to attack me was left behind with two of Alexander's bodyguards who showed up from nowhere. I'm still wondering how he knew where I was and at the exact place. I didn't remember telling anyone where I was going to. I simply sneaked out and I'm sure no one saw me when I did or maybe someone did.My erratically beating heart had reduced and the shock I felt when I thought the strange man would hurt me had fizzled off. What was he going to do with me anyway?Hurt me? Kill me? Abduct or kidnap? Worst of all, rape me? I couldn't just pinpoint exactly what could've happened to me if Alexander hadn't arrived on time. Despite him being an arrogant ass, I'm still grateful to him for saving my life.I sighed out and glanced at him, his grip on the steering wheel was tight and his face was taut. I could feel the anger and annoyance that was oozing off him. I gul
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The Clubhouse
The black jeep stopped in front a building that looked like a....A clubhouse???!!I immediately turned my head to look at Alexander. Is this the important meeting he wanted me to escort him to??After our argument earlier today, Alexander had come back to tell me to dress up, that we were going for an important meeting. He even had to choose a dress for me. A black strapless dress that exposed most of my skin. It made me feel like a whore and to my utmost chagrin, we're outside a clubhouse.A freaking clubhouse! I don't do clubbing. Literally, I've never been to a club house all my life. There was this one time Ava wanted to drag me to one that was a few blocks away from our apartment, but I vehemently refused with the excuse of being sick.And now, Alexander had to cunningly and deceptively bring me here. If this is where he was going to have his important meeting, then I'm not going in with him. I'd rather wait for him inside this car."Is this where your important meeting is goin
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