Все главы Bound By Paper Hearts: Глава 101 - Глава 108
Custody Clash
Alice and Andrew were stunned to see the director of Sunshine Orphanage appear as Mason's witness."Your honor, I'd like to point out that this woman is Mrs. Green, the director of Sunshine Orphanage—the entity the defendant manipulated to falsely assert her adoption of baby Emma. Yet, Director Green's statement provides a stark contrast," Mr. Jones explained.The judge peered over his glasses at the individuals before him and declared,
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Custodial Crossroads
"Your honor, it's crucial to acknowledge that Miss Cooper opted to prioritize her public image over the well-being of the infant.""That's wrong......" Alice attempted to protest, but Jones kept firing questions with a booming voice. "Why'd you stroll out with the baby solo without giving a heads-up to your folks or security?""I went with Emma to the restroom, but she bolted unexpectedly while I was washing my hands. Despite my quick commands, being small and flickering, the little baby wouldn't listen, so I had to dash after her urgently, without alerting anyone to the sudden twist of events." Alice spilled the beans without holding back."Your honor, it's worth emphasizing that the defendant isn't just self-centered but also an inattentive mother, incapable of looking after a one-year-old child," Jones remarked, a broader smirk evident on his face.Once again, he slyly targeted Alice, preventing her from defending herself. "Miss Cooper, in the interview, did you really discuss a o
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Battle Unleashed
Alice and Andrew stepped out of the elevator onto the 52nd floor of the Royman Hotel that evening, ready to meet Mason. Thanks to Vicky's setup, the ball was in Mason's court."Sunny, any hunch on why Mason opted for our hotel meet-up instead of his office digs?" Alice queried as they strolled in."The thief thinks everybody steals. I reckon Mason Rex's a bit wary, fearing we might have some tricks up our sleeves for this meeting. So, he's strategically set it in our territory to clear his name if anything fishy happens," Andrew mused with a touch of suspicion.He read Mason's cunning mind like an open book."Hmm, you are right.""Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kingston."Mason awaited them in Andrew's exclusive waiting lounge; spotting their entry, he rose, extending his hand for a shake. Andrew, a bit iffy, eventually gave it the nod."So spill it, Alice, what's the rush for this impromptu meeting? Worried that the verdict tomorrow will swing my way and your little angel, oops, I mean my darli
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Courtroom Chess
"Your honor, before we commence today's proceedings, Miss Cooper would like to make a request to the court," Vicky stated after bowing to the judge.Mason and his lawyer exchanged glances, and Jones threw them a look that said they were pulling the same stunt, but he made it clear it's not going to fly in court—different day, same old song.The judge gave a nod of approval, granting permission for the request.Alice sauntered up, taking her spot in front of the judge after shooting a quick nod. Feeling the weight of onlookers' stares, she nervously licked her lips, sensing the heat in the room.The seasoned stage and on-camera pro, unafraid in the limelight, is now grappling with stage fright for the first time. However, driven by her love for her daughter, she pushes through.Alice let out a deep breath, mustered her courage, and started speaking. "Your honor, during the previous session, Attorney Jones claimed I'm unfit as a mother for Emma, and even...""Your honor, objection. What
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Witnessing Shadows
Vicky vented his simmering rage over Mason's intricate web of lies about his relationship, a revelation that outpaced even the awareness of his legal representative."Your Honor, the accused asserts a lack of recollection regarding the breakup with Miss Cooper. Nonetheless, the truth emerges: he terminated the relationship upon her refusal to endorse his company as a brand ambassador. This is what he is not in a position to accept. Subsequent revelations exposed his infidelity during the course of their relationship.""Miss Cooper, left with no recourse, exposed his misconduct, resulting in the loss of his company. In retaliation, he targeted Miss Monica after their marriage, subjecting her to a tumultuous and distressing life."Vicky's statement was left incomplete as Jones abruptly rose and began applauding. Departing from his usual objections, he introduced a surprising and unconventional method of interruption that caught everyone off guard."Lawyer Jones, can you please put words
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Legally Exposed
In the courtroom, Paul Rex brought to light a new revelation, a piece of knowledge shared among Alice, Andrew, and Vicky. Yet, their challenge lay in the absence of concrete proof to back up the information they possessed."Point duly noted, Your Honor. Mr. Mason Rex professed a profound love for his ex-wife and conveyed regret for the child. However, this revelation unveils a contradiction—indicating he was never genuinely inclined towards marriage or assuming responsibility for the child but was compelled to do so."Vicky's words stirred a reaction from Mason, who hastily stood up to defend himself. In response, Jones gestured for him to exercise caution and avoid actions that could prove unfavorable in the proceedings."What unfolded next, Mr. Rex?" Vicky shifted his focus back to Paul, encouraging him to pick up where he left off."I deeply regret coercing this troublemaker and hoping he would reform for the well-being of his wife and child. Sadly, my choice subjected the poor wom
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Final Showdown
"I may not have singled out your name, but to the plaintiff's lawyer, your statement carried significant weight."Vicky's remark triggered laughter in the courtroom, leaving Jones feeling offended."Excuse me, we don't need to play a cheap trick when truth is our ally. Mr. Rex is Emma's biological father, and a parent needs no justification to reclaim their daughter.""Your honor, I earnestly implore the court to weigh Mr. Rex's blood relation to the child and render a decision in his favor. Allow an anguished father to reunite with his daughter."Jones, at this moment, had no recourse but to go to court, relying on Mason's biological fatherhood as the sole influential factor in tilting the case in their favor.Vicky sighed and shook his head, accustomed to Jones's theatrical displays and feigned emotions aimed at swaying the court."What if there's a legitimate reason?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow."What?""What if I propose that even a father like Mason may have a rationale fo
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Farewell Echoes
Listening to lawyer Jones's argument, Alice and Vicky held their heads. They were at a dead end when a sudden voice made them jump in surprise."Pardon the interruption, but I have evidence that exposes Mason Rex not only as a bad father but as a genuinely awful person," Andrew declared with a sense of outrage upon entering the courtroom.Alice and Vicky exchanged surprised glances before turning their attention to Andrew, whose expression was stern and his eyes blazed a fierce red. Even Mason and Jones were visibly shaken, captivated by the intensity emanating from his fiery gaze.The judge glared at him and massaged his temples. "What's going on here? Mr. Kingston, maintain order in the court or face removal. Defense counsel, enlighten us on this new development." His irritation heightened with the persistent interruptions.Vicky was completely in the dark about what Andrew was talking about, rendering him dumbfounded. He looked at Andrew and the judge with a zipped mouth, like a de
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