Semua Bab The Lycan King’s Broken Luna: Bab 41 - Bab 50
112 Bab
  Rhea's POV   "Excuse me," she gasped, her gaze moving from Mercy to me.  "You heard me right, Lila, leave us," I pulled my gaze from her and averted it to the open door in front of us.  Following the direction of my eye, it fall on the door before she turned to look at me, "I am your beta, shouldn't I know what the information is all about,"   I noticed Mercy tensed at her words and that's when my eye fell on the file behind me. Picking up the file, I threw it at her, "As my beta, I instruct you to pick up some omegas and go work on that southern part of the pack,"   Despite how calm my voice seemed, the contempt and vile in each and every word that left my lips had her frozen. It feels like she has been drenched in a tub of ice cube water.   "Please if you can excuse us, Lila," I motioned for her to leave, beating her in her own game.   "Ah... Whatever," she groans loathly on regaining herself and angrily stomps out from the place but before she could make it to the door. I h
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CHAPTER 42 Call Me by My Name
  Rhea's POV  Daemon leaned in, closer so that our noses could briefly collide. I can feel his hot breath against my lips, I nervously swallowed the big lump that has managed to form in my throat.   I suddenly felt hot, the atmosphere was not in my favor at all because I could feel the tension in the air. What... What is he up to? I just couldn't tell because I couldn't think straight.  Brushing his lips past my cheeks to my ear, "Daemon to you," I felt him say it like it was the right thing to do.  Gulping hard, I placed my hand over his chest and suddenly pushed him off me, his gaze met mine again and I can see the coldness in them for our sudden detachment from each other.   "I am sorry, my King, but it is taboo and against the custom to address a king by his first name," clasping my hands together, I lowered my head.  I don't know his reasons for doing this but what I don't want is the wrath of a king on me. I haven't survived Kian, so tell me if it is this angry devilish kno
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CHAPTER 43 We Need a Plan
  Daemon's POV  "Fuck!!" My fist pounded on my desk, meeting the eyes of Sam who was sitting on the couch beside me.   "Fuck. Fuck!" I growled.  I kept pacing around my office in a circle while pulling on my hair in frustration. Leaning forward, Sam raised a brow, "You know since I entered here, you have been saying fuck... Fuck, what's wrong?"   "You know that you can still talk to me, bro,"  "Why is it hard to claim her?!" Sam's confusion deepened as he watched my face colored in rage.  "Claim who?" He asked, "Wait! Did you find your mate?" I can detect the joy in his voice.  "Yes," I mumbled, slowly turning to look at him.  "Wow!" He jumped up, giving me a brotherly hug. "I believe that calls for a celebration and not pulling on some stunt here," he taunts, stroking my shoulder but I remained on my spot anger eating me up within.  Noticing my expression, the smile slowly fades away. Clearing his throat, Sam furrowed his brow, "If I may ask... can I know who the girl in ques
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CHAPTER 44 Only One Mate
  Daemon's POV  "Fuck the goddamn people! I don't give a fuck about their saying,"   "Then what about her own opinion and feelings?" Does Sam always have to annoy me any further, he should be thinking of how to accompany me to that filthy pack to claim back what truly belongs to me and not here siding with them.  A low growl is starting to form at the back of my head, "Is not like she has any choice," I growled. "She is mine after all,"   "No. No. No, there you go wrong, Daemon," he threw his hands up in the air in disapproval. Do I now have to listen to him as well?   "I need you to know that this is complicated and violent is not the best way to resolve this," I glared at him.  "What?" He raised a brow after noticing the life-threatening glare that I was hurling his way. "You know that I am spilling facts here, bro," he adds.  "What nonsense fact because I need to get there and drag her ass down here!" My voice was deep and filled with sadness.  "Nothing new here," he said dr
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CHAPTER 45 Violence is not the Right Way
  Daemon's POV  Bang!  I slammed the door forcefully against the wall, causing everyone in the room to turn their heads toward me. They trembled upon catching sight of my intense and fearsome expression.  "King Dae… Daemon,"  Instantly, every person in the room stood up and bowed subserviently. It was a reaction I had grown accustomed to over time. My mere presence seemed to instill fear in people, and when I was angry, it was even more palpable. I didn't fault them for their reactions; it was just the effect I had on others.  "Leave," I commanded, and without hesitation, every soul in the server room scrambled out, except for Sam, who remained engrossed in his work, and focused on the computer in front of him.  Striding inside, my eye keeps flickering at the computers mounted at every corner of the room. "Any news, yet,"  "Nothing interesting yet," Sam retorted.  My temples tighten up and it makes me angry. I reached up and rubbed my temples as I continued to glaze around thou
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CHAPTER 46 Discussion
  Sheila's POV  I paced angrily and restlessly around my room, consumed by deep pain. Something felt off, and my instincts, which had never failed me before, were telling me that everything changed when Luna of the Blackwood Pack entered the picture.  Daemon had transformed, becoming a mere shadow of his former self. He no longer gazed at me with the same intensity, and I no longer held his desire. Luna had stolen my place in his heart. I had always consoled myself by believing they were in contact solely due to the alliance, but everything shifted on that goddamn night.  My perspective on the situation changed dramatically when Daemon led me into his office. I smiled bitterly, my gaze fixated on the world outside my room window.  For a fleeting moment, I thought we were returning to normal, but hell no! It was just a cruel illusion. It became clear that I meant nothing to him once again. With each forceful thrust, all he kept calling and screaming was RHEA complementing and emphas
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CHAPTER 47 The New Rules
  Rhea's POV  I woke up to the faint knock at my room door, Dawn was barely breaking outside through my window indicating that it was still early morning and I was still sprawled in my bed with my eyes looking puffy due to stress and lack of sleep.  I have been working effortlessly since my return from the Thorn Pack trying to shove what transpired there from my mind and most especially even though I didn't want to admit it... I am working tirelessly to shake Daemon's image and words out of my head that I barely eat again.  The sound across my room door pulled my attention back to reality, who could possibly be here by this time of the day?  "Luna, please open the door, the breakfast is ready," the ecstatic voice behind the locked doors causes me to jerk up from my bed. Like seriously, breakfast by this time of the day.  "Mercy," I scratched my head and grumbled in annoyance.  I yanked the duvet off me and scrambled out from the bed toward the door with a tiring sigh.  Opening t
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  Rhea's POV  There was a gasp and murmur among everyone present in the room at that moment. My gaze was fixed on Kian who as well looked taken back by my words. I know that I should have just stood up and walked back to my room but that will just make me a coward and give them enough room to trash me anyhow. I am not ready to stand that low again and watch them step on me like nobody.  "Rhea," his deep scary voice echoed through the room but still I remained rooted to my spot.  "I advise you to go there and sit down and besides I am sure that no one wants to eat cold food as breakfast," his gaze widened at my words.  Maintaining my expressionless face, I noticed his orbs brimmed with ridicule and his like twitched slightly, "Interesting..."  Giving me one last glance, he angrily walked out of the room. I watched as Fiona snarled before walking away.  Shrugging my shoulders reluctantly, "Anyone else that wants to leave," I glanced at their confused and surprised faces and just th
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CHAPTER 49 Nothing to Lose
  Rhea's POV  "You know..." I suddenly spoke up, "Rejecting me is of no use," he instantly stopped at my words.  "I have no wolf to accept your rejection even if you went ahead and rejected me. You think I have something to lose," I took a curious step forward, he is not going to get the whole satisfaction.  "What nonsense are you talking about? He swerved to look at me.  "You heard me, right, Alpha Kian," my eyes held no fear as those words left my lips like the Luna title meant absolutely nothing to me. Even though within me I am crossing my fingers praying that he doesn't take that bold step Rejection because that title is the only thing that I am only relying on during this period.  I can't fail in my marriage and also lose my title. Suddenly, Kian froze like he had poured a full bag of ice on his body. For that moment he couldn't say a word, almost like words were stuck in his throat. I could see the shock and confusion in his eyes.  "What is still stopping you? Come on, dea
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CHAPTER 50 Change a Beta
  Rhea's POV  "What do you mean? To change a Beta," confusion laced through his voice.  Retaining my frosty look, I uttered, "I no longer want Lila as my beta,"  "How?"  "You heard me right, change her,"  "Change her to what position exactly and then who will be your beta?" He asked, his gaze still focused on my every move.  "I don't care about the position that you give her but the main thing is to change her and about my beta... Mercy is fit for the position,"  "WHAT!!" My words came as a shock to him.  Staring at me expressionlessly, "That is bullshit," he growled. "That's the highest humiliation to Lila, demoting her and having a commoner ascend her position," he disapproves instantly.  And to be honest, his words hurt me. So right now he knew that it would be a humiliation but when he was disgracing me and tossing me around like I wasn't enough, he didn't know that it was a humiliation.  I gulped hard, pushing back the tears that were adamant about appearing. "Then have
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