Semua Bab Abandoned Wife : Bab 41 - Bab 50
111 Bab
Our Son Is Alive
Simon's action made one thing very clear to Robert.His son might be alive!There were many signs he felt that day, from the hospital's refusal to disclose any information to the absence of his son's grave. Even Simon, who carefully concealed his surprise upon reading those documents, the way he disposed of them and refused to get involved in the matter.Every single one of these things alerted Robert Graham. How could it not? What was the mystery?But he knew one thing, it was time to talk to his ex-wife. Although he felt he might be jumping to conclusions in assuming Ethan was alive, he also believed it could be something else, perhaps just nerves, but definitely something less serious than...their son being stolen! And he...wasn't there.He decided to talk to Alice. In just one day, he had hit many walls, and Simon was the only one who might know something, yet he said nothing!Seated in his living room, he waited for Alice. His mother tried to make conversation while they waited, b
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"Everything arranged."
He was outside his house, in the car, waiting for the call with the last details.Simon had quickly analyzed the negative impact all this could have on the Leclercs. What part of the importance of those dates did the Taylors not understand?If he looked at it emotionally, his heart shrank thinking that those parents didn't know where their baby was or didn't have the certainty that he was alive.His worry was that Robert Graham already knew, he had no proof, but he knew.The first thing Simon did since Robert left his office that afternoon was to call Henry, but he didn’t answer. He tried a bit more, but the matter was very urgent because Robert Graham was a ticking time bomb.Why had Henry Taylor brought him into the company?! Why had he brought that huge problem to him?!Without getting any answers and seeing the danger Robert posed, Simon Leclerc began to act on his own, he couldn’t wait for it to be too late when Henry Taylor decided to fix things.It was his duty to prevent disas
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Graham is a danger
The reaction he had was out of his control, he looked at that thing just placed there and his body began to destroy everything in its path, every damn thing that wasn't there before, all that to cover up traces, that hastily orchestrated, he wanted to remove that from there, because inside was not his son.'Ethan wasn't there before and he's not there now!'The noise reached the entrance, alerting Alice that something was happening inside, she ran to the place, stopping at the door when she knew what it was about.She didn't believe she was capable of entering, but inside was that crazy man who was destroying everything, clinging to that to get it out of there and prove to her that it was a lie, that everything was a lie.Alarms began to sound and Alice felt such oppression in her chest at seeing what Robert was trying to do with the place where her little one rested, that she collapsed, her body fell in that place without knowing more about her, while Robert also entered a kind of cr
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the truth
They were alone, he and his wife, Alice had gone to Jared's house, she didn't want to talk or see anyone. Her mother was very worried because she had been deeply shocked at that place, Robert's lies, and all the pain it revived.“I don’t want to see Alice sad again, Simon. Do you remember when... I had a miscarriage threat with our first pregnancy? Thinking about losing it filled me with uncontrollable sadness and that was just the possibility, Alice’s pain has been so great that now Robert wants to make her believe he might be alive. How can he be so heartless? He’s a child he didn’t even know. Doing this to Alice just shows how deranged he is. She held him in her arms and I can swear I’ve never seen that look in her eyes before, and I think I'll never see it again. Working with him was very rash on dad’s part. A colossal mistake.”“And that’s just after two days, I can’t imagine what might happen later.”“I want you to be the one to talk to dad. He always listens to what you say. Te
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Return like her mother
"Simon..." she recognized that expression of disappointment on her husband's face, but she believed he shouldn't behave that way, especially since he was the one who had made a grave and altered the reports. He was already in the midst of it all, why get indignant when he was also a participant?Her husband had thought she would be one of the most affected by the baby theft, but the truth was that Sofia saw this as a salvation for Alice, to not be tied to that marriage. But Henry's plans were never for that marriage to last because he planned to take over Graham Group at any cost.What was his extreme interest in Graham Group? It was a key piece for the international business Henry had in mind, as every piece on his chessboard had an important mission, just like Graham Group.Crouched in front of his wife, he held her face with anger."What?!" he bit his lip to keep from saying something he might later regret. "What are you going to tell me? What are you going to try to convince me of
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My son
I felt that for seconds my heart was beating so slowly that I was going to faint, and then its beats fiercely pounded my chest, and in that room, alone, the two of us, the space around Alice became so small that she felt her sister breathing in front of her.Was it a joke? She didn't want it to be a joke, but she was afraid it might be.Did it make sense?What were all those words? Sofia had laid everything out very clearly over and over, but now she didn't know if she had to take that as truth.So... was Robert telling the truth? Had he always spoken the truth when he said there was no grave or that the report was fake?She blinked several times and finally closed her eyes, unable to bear the burning in them."It was for the good of both of you, Alice. Dad wanted to fix what he did, you know that marriage was a total mistake," she approached her little sister and took her cold hands, pressing them to her face. "Alice... listen to me. It has hurt you a lot, but it's time for you to be
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Alice's decision
Alice's hands trembled as they headed towards the house in the car that had picked them up from the airport. Mary was a woman of few words, especially with Alice; they rarely chatted because Alice usually confided everything to Sofia. She never had a special relationship with the others, but they tried to support each other when needed and were available. And at that moment, only Mary was available."Have you made any decision?" Mary asked, just to make conversation, because she didn't want to know anything about the whole situation. She limited herself to not expressing her opinion, despite being as uncomfortable with everything as her mother, who was staying at Mary's house.Mary was a very cheerful, fun-loving, party-going person, with a peculiar and positive way of viewing life, until her father forced her to marry Jeremy Porter. Like her other sisters, she had an arranged marriage, the third one to marry, with no option but to marry the man her father chose, thereby contributing
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I will never let you go
The lady who had been taking care of Ethan welcomed them, pointing the desperate Alice to where her son was. She ran to the room where they said her son was sleeping, and in the middle of that space was a huge crib, and inside… Inside was her son. She had promised herself not to cry, she cried for months, she cried on the way there, but seeing Ethan... she smiled. She broke into a huge, wide smile that lit up the entire place because it was filled with happiness and relief. She walked silently towards the crib and leaned her arms on it, bending down next to her son. Her hand trembled as she reached out to touch him, and he stirred when he felt that trembling hand, letting out a whimper from being woken up. Alice marveled at hearing that sound from her son. The lady who was taking care of him was about to approach, but Mary didn't allow it and took her out of the room, leaving Alice alone with her son. She saw him as a newborn, and the baby in front of her was already about
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It was not an illusion
The woman headed straight for Simon, who was leaving Robert's room, engrossed in his mobile phone, not paying attention to where he was going as he walked down the solitary hallway. She bumped into his shoulder and threw herself to the ground, staging a dramatic scene.She didn't like him, even though it was the first time she had seen him in person. He had the look of a politician, and Bethany hated politicians, as her father was one of them, all so deceitful and sadistic.Simon's mobile phone fell, and he rushed to help the woman lying on the floor."Sorry!" he apologized in surprise, not realizing there was someone walking towards him, even with the muted sound of the petite woman's heels, which brought her to a reasonable height. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you. Are you hurt?" She clung to his shoulders, feigning pain in a knee, and Simon led her to sit down and examined her leg, noticing that the knee was indeed a bit red. "Thankfully we're in a hospital. Do you need me to call a nu
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Impossible to resist
Mr. Taylor was well-versed in Charisse Sinclair's history, having studied it thoroughly, understanding her condition, the duration of her state, and, crucially for his purposes, the offer he would make to Jared Sinclair. It was an irresistible proposition, fair and involving an exchange.Simon Leclerc had shared his concerns about Robert Graham's apparent new ally, Bethany Walton, indicating that Robert was not going to give up easily. With strong winds brewing on the horizon, it was a relief to Mr. Taylor that Alice had already adopted Harvey Taylor and was staying in the United States.Now, in front of him, still the "boyfriend" of his daughter and the current president of Graham Group, was Jared. Behind the closed doors of his office, it was just the two of them, alone."Mr. Taylor…""Wait, don't jump ahead without hearing what I have to say, Jared," he warned, noting Jared's very serious expression, which was understandable."I can't go with Alice to the United States," Jared sai
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