Все главы Turning Tables on the Princess: Глава 31 - Глава 39
Desperate Desires
I had come out to the garden in the back of the castle, hoping it would be the one place Alaric wouldn’t think to find me. I never come out here. There was such peace and beauty here, I found myself truly relaxing for the first time in a sevennight. I could see the woods off in the distance. And knew that going out there would be like coming home. I’d come to this castle seeking freedom. But real freedom would be letting my wolf out. Letting her run until she couldn’t anymore. Hunting by snatching prey in my jaws. But that was how the Asara found me. When I turned into a wolf, it meant that males could smell me. And if it was near a Mating Moon, it meant that all of them could, for miles. So, I was like a trapped bird with wings clipped. Sitting in a gorgeous cage. I had everything I wanted. Yet, I was miserably unhappy. I saw maids moving beyond the open door of the Dance Hall leadi
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A Ravenous Wolf
I found myself inching up onto the windowsill. Yearning to come out. I balanced on my paws, teetering precariously. I looked down and assessed the drop from my chambers. Growling faintly in growing aggravation as I dropped back inside. Pacing further. I paced until I was so exhausted that I laid down and fell asleep on the cool floor. My head rested on my paws. When I awoke this time, I was a naked woman on the floor of my chamber, my head on the back of my hands. As I lifted it, I found what had awakened me. A maid had cracked my door and now stared at me in astonishment. “Get out!” I shouted at her. Enraged that she would intrude. I saw two knights peering through the crack in the door behind her. Glimpsing my bare backside and legs. “I said, get out!” She fumbled to set down a platter of food on a table near the door before sliding back out and pulling the door closed. I stood. Pulling on a loose, flowing gown. I couldn’t re
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Touch Me
I shoved his pants down. He kicked off his botts and stepped from them. The sunlight playing over his bronzed body. And emphasizing every muscle. A glaze of sweat lingered on his skin. Making him glisten like sunlight on water. I turned my hand and dragged my nails up his abdomen and along his chest. He was still staring down at me in confusion. His arms stiffly at his sides. Because I’d made it clear I didn’t want his touch. Now I was yearning for it. But I’d have rather died than admit it. I caught him intimately in my hands. Feeling how his soft, velvety skin immediately began to harden beneath my touch. Rising to obey my commands. I pushed him backward. He took a long step. I shoved him again. He stumbled back another step. I caught the top of his shoulders and yanked him down. He obediently looked up at me as he lowered to rest on his elbows. Stretching his
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My Dead King
They’d barely declared my sweet old king dead. And all my fears were running rampant. I worried that perhaps this was what the NightHunter wolf had been waiting for. What if he’s going to return now? But it was the same fear I’d had every night since the beast had left. My long skirts swished around my legs as I paced my chambers. I was locked inside it, and still found myself watching the door fearfully. But the footstep I heard at the bottom of the stairs was one I knew. Not him either. Don’t come up here. Don’t come up here. I had one hand cradling my tossing stomach. I was chewing on the thumbnail of the other hand. All my willing was inundated by the hammering of an armored fist on the large wooden door. Alaric. He’s come for me. Thinking he can claim me, unchallenged, now that my King is dead. “Go away!” “Unlikely.” He scoffed. Bangin
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Plans of Great Importance
LARAI was frozen when the door slammed open so hard that one hinge dangled. But I’d never been so grateful to see Alaric in my chamber.When the knights poured in, I had to swallow back the growl climbing my throat. And close my eyes and try to calm to change my eyes back to lucid blue instead of glowing. I reminded myself to breathe evenly. Feeling my lungs expanding fully again and my back straightening as I rose from my crouched pose.Thank you. I wanted to tell him. But my pride wouldn’t let me speak the words.The knights dragged the wolf out.I watched over Alaric’s shoulder and faintly noted that it was different than the one that had originally attacked me.But he still possesses the stink of a NightHunter. I could never forget that odor. The musk of rolling in dead animals and filth.As they all left the chamber, Alaric rounded on me. Wrath written over his face
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Chaos Ruling
“Stop!” I yanked the door open. “Before you summon the household!” He walked in. Forcing me to back up. He kicked the door closed behind him. Making my stomach sink. What’s he going to do? What if all those tiny kindnesses were just to get close enough to drag me back? Always my mind went back to my fear of the Asara Pack. But a subconscious part of me knew that peeling Alaric from that pack was a nearly impossible feat. Despite all my recent hopes. I was now far more reserved. Less confident. And my King is no longer here to protect me. That made my heart ache. Not only for myself but for missing him. The world is less of a place without him in it. Alaric took a menacing step toward me. Forcing me back to the present with striking clarity. Shit. Looking at him I could see purpose written all over him. Determination turning his blue eyes flinted silver. “Tell me wh
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Strong as a Bull
It was true that us females could become lusty too but not to the extent that the males did. Though our pheromones became intoxicating to males and if we changed into wolf form, we’d summon every male wolf for miles. How close to the Mating Moon? How much time do I have until its arrival. I didn’t even know. I’d forgotten to track it when I no longer belonged to the wolves. What night was it? It has to be the next few nights. I could tell from the intensity on his face. Ragged need written over him. “I told you when the king was dead…” He said in a dark tone. “I didn’t agree to that.” He had never cared what I agreed to. He always speaks as if he communicates only with my wolf because the human part of me is all deception. In some ways, I’d always found that wounding. In other ways, I knew it was partly true. “I never asked you to.” He growled. “I gave you fair warning. You’ve had time to ready yours
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His Mate
Alaric eventually shook all of my guards off him like nuisance raindrops. Tossing them in a scatter over the floor. Making them slowly retreat as they eyed him as if he were someone foreign. Realizing that he was inhumanly strong. Even more powerful under the Mating Moon. Stronger, fiercer. “What are you?” One murmured. “He can’t be human.” The one that had tried to hold him said. In the chaos, I fled past him. Determined to find an escape. I looked furtively down the hall. Trying to find a safe direction to retreat. And hide throughout the Mating Moon. But I’d need somewhere that would disguise my scent. If that’s even possible. Alaric was an impressive wolf. And as the next potential Alpha, he’d been born with increased strength and senses. He can smell better than me. Better than most wolves. Which made him even more difficult to hide from.
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Protecting Those We Care for
“I don’t know what she thought.” Alaric murmured. “She’s very naïve.” Draven said. Though his tone was flat. Indicating what he believed to be fact and not insult. “She’s broken.” “Why? We were nothing but decent to her.” “She feared wolves before she came to us.” “That’s ridiculous!” Draven’s black-haired head fell back as he looked at the sky. Giving an agitated gesture. “Why in Ferus…” “I don’t know. But I will find out.” Draven’s head fell forward, and he gave his brother a pensive look. “I know you, Alaric. If you’re telling me you’re going to take care of this mess, I’ll trust you to do it. But I am warning you, Brother. She comes hunting for us, she’ll have less than one breath left when her men begin marching.” Alaric gave him an angry glower. “Keep in mind that if she does that, she’s endangering my mate.”
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