Semua Bab Cruel Heart: Bab 11 - Bab 20
89 Bab
KAANADAN SALVATOREAt the moment...The last call confirmed. The Russian mafia arrived in Washington sooner than we expected.I got up from the table, massaging my forehead as I thought of what to do. Santiago made it clear that attacking early on would be like adding fuel to the fire. Then I would have to leave. They would attack as soon as they saw me, and I cannot stand by while the organization is threatened.At dawn I made the decision: We will go to Greece.The organization itself already has a large territory in places abroad, but Greece is the most reliable to go to in cases of protection. I have more part there than any other mafia has in the same country.I got home, seeing the men on guard all attentive. I went up the stairs and walked towards the bedroom, seeing Celeste sleeping. She was serene, looking at her it's almost impossible to imagine that she looks like a wild animal in a cage. Looking at her is almost the same thing as seeing her in my dreams, with that same
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I got out of the shower wrapped in a towel. I walked over to the wardrobe already packed with my things and sighed.Honestly, it's all going wrong.I was supposed to be away at this point. I wasn't supposed to be next to Kaanadan, much less in a golden cage, where everything seems perfect even though I know it's nothing more than a well-built prison. The plan backfired, my big mouth gave it all away and… well, I know now Kaanadan really won't let me go. Be there for whatever reason.I know it's not just about marriage.All Capo dei Capi have to be married when having their power in hand. The title is not only a sign of great governance, but also a continuation of a tradition. They need to have a woman by their side and soon after, an heir, where they clearly have to generate until a man appears — lucky women are the ones who already get it the first time. But behind that, Kaanadan gives me a different look, a look that I still haven't identified and that makes me uncomfortable eve
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KAANADAN SALVATOREShit! The last thing that had to happen was for Celeste to see that death, if it repulsed me before…now then. But I couldn't help it, honestly it's my job to act like that, and I don't regret having acted that way. It was them or me, and in this case, them.The car stopped in front of the port, where the cruise that serves as the organization's floating casino is located. I opened the door and got out, fixing my suit as I headed towards the cruise. I entered quickly, going straight to the second floor, where my office is. Everyone around was looking at me, but I ignored it. My day was already being too stressful.That's because it barely started.I entered the room and saw Fiore get up.- Boss. - The same says and I sit, directing myself and then sitting in my chair.“We can't stand still, Fiore. - I say nervously. At that moment, the oldest already understands the reason. - How does Santiago think it's better for me to stay with my arms crossed when my territo
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I woke up to nothing. I blinked a few times and focused on the clock on the small table next to me, which said half past two in the morning. Soft, slow music played on the radio and I turned around, seeing the empty bed. The bedroom door was half open, which made me get up.At first I was just going to close it, but seeing that I spent most of the day locked in the room, I decided to leave. I walked to a corner of the room and grabbed my robe, wrapped it around my body and walked away from the room, heading towards the staircase.The house was dark except for the silver moonlight streaming in through the open windows. The room was silent, and in a moment I heard papers rustling. I turned my face, seeing into a hallway, light coming from a side door. I followed her out of pure curiosity, passing lightly through the corridors.I gripped the doorknob and opened the door a little further to find Kaanadan standing in front of piles of papers. Honestly, I don't know what I came here to h
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We barely arrived in Washington and Kaanadan got a call that my father would be waiting for us. Kaanadan explained to me that everything would be at his house, and that my father is already waiting for us inside. Which didn't help keep me calm.On every trip, I found myself praying that the consequences of my attempt to escape would not turn to Celina, who had barely begun the process of getting into college and because of me, she might not even be able to continue. Yes, I was wrong to hide the real reason Dad let her take the selective exam, the real reason he released her to do a graduation and not get married early because of something related to the mafia. Her real motive is following a different path than the rest of us without even having to hide it from the majority. But depending on the situation... she might find out.I get that out of my head the moment the car pulls up in front of the building. I get out of the car quickly, hesitating to move forward when I see my father'
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My lips were swollen and my jaw pitted from my dad's fingers. It still hurts, but after a painkiller everything got better. Kaanadan scored while I cried for miles. I refuse to believe I played this scene in front of him.I leave the bathroom after a shower and find it in front of the glass wall of the room, the view is incredible, overlooking the city all lit up at night. Kaanadan has his back to me, and I notice his arms are crossed.Deep breath. Today he was even... passable, plus he helped me with the stitches. Sure, it could help me not get that slap, but... but he helped me not get two.I cough purposefully and watch him turn to me. I shrink into the robe."Well...thanks for the help with the stitches the end with my dad."Kaanadan looks at me seriously. "The problem is, you don't know how to shut up."— And I don't regret it, I would do it again even though I knew it would stay like this. I point to my red-purple face.The same sits. - You are welcome.I walk t
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Marga surprised me as a person. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who doesn't play by the rules — making me an exception, of course. The redhead is the personification of a false Lady, being elegant, polite and an example when she is in a certain place and totally different when she is at ease. Well, she's still polite, but funnier.I finish washing the dishes and turn to her sitting on the high bench at the island, she puts some more wine in the glass and pushes it to me, then making her own. Marga laughs at something she said about the past, but then looks at me."But tell me about you." Have you always been rebellious?I drink some of my wine and shake it off. — No, actually at first I didn't even care about that, but things happened and I started to be.It is based on understanding."Silvério told me that you've already tried to run away twice... Why do you insist so much?" Don't you think it might work out following the known path?I look at it and Marga seems sincere as
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KAANADAN SALVATOREThe conversation I had with Silvério did not calm me down. Looking at the reporting papers, I got the sense that everything is too close for what would just be a turf war. It's like there's so much more to it than just that. Which, of course, leaves me with a great deal of concern.I didn't sleep well due to that fact. But used to tiredness, I didn't have him as an enemy.I get out of the car, parked in front of the underground casino downtown, which on the outside is just an Italian restaurant. The organization's headquarters are here, and because it is a busy place, any change in the mafia's movement goes unnoticed.I pack my jacket and go straight, dodging tables and following the dark corridor with few lights, which soon disappear according to the proximity of the stairs. I walk down it quickly, my eyes adjusting to the yellowish light from the incandescent bulbs. The casino is within sight, and even in the morning, there are people occupying it."I'm glad
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I've been to other parties like this one, and I know the real reason they exist: For alliances and help. I participated in several in Central America, where one of the traditional families, the Berruti, performed to exchange favors. And I never liked any of that. The good part this time is that I wouldn't be the only one to dislike these parties, not least because Marga made it clear that she hates acting like an exemplary lady - which we will clearly have to prove to be.We set up in different houses. They would meet us already at the party. And Celina, as much as I don't like it, will have to go along with our father.I finish putting on the diamond jewelry set, the only ones I thought would go with the navy blue dress I'm wearing. I finish putting on the earrings and stand up in front of the dressing table, looking at myself in the mirror.My face is perfect, the professional make-up hasn't even left a mark from yesterday's slap. My hair was left loose, and I swept it back, cove
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The look of the man in front of me shows nothing but hatred. On the one hand I understand it, but on the other there are no reasons. We stare at each other in silence and I swallow hard.“It sounds like you've adjusted pretty well to the world you never wanted. - She broke the silence with bitterness in her voice.“Some things happen. - I say and feel a pain in my throat.Lucca Berruti, the man who hates me to infinity, glares at me. His face tightens and he takes a step forward, but I don't move a finger back. He's shorter than me by a few inches, but now in heels, I look a lot taller. Just lower my gaze, staring at him.“I refuse to believe that Gabriel was fooled by a fake like you. - Spit out the words. — She cried at having to marry Kaanadan but seems incredibly happy next to him.— First: I'm not fake. Second: I never lied to your son. "I look into your eyes. “Gabriel wanted out of this world as much as I did…it's not my fault he didn't want to follow in his father's career
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