Semua Bab The Alpha's Luna Boss: Bab 31 - Bab 40
120 Bab
She Hated His Guts
HAERADezra and I both had a lot in common. Unlike other people and their Wolves who had different personalities and reactions to certain this, Dezra and I were both stubborn and hardheaded. I might be the most level headed of us both, trying to keep her in check from going all out on my bullies but we were still pretty much the same thing. Loud and smart mouths that has gotten us,me, into a lot of trouble over the years. But I was always the emotional one. I was the one who broke easily when things weren't going my way. I was the one who teared up when I get frustrated. And so it was easy for Dezra to slip away back to the back of my mind and relinquish all of the control to me. The control to confirm if what Dezra had just thrown in the face of the princess was true. It was hard to decipher the look on her face, to confirm if she was hiding something or not but as calmy as I could I faced her again. She wasn't in anyway calm. She was literally fuming and her nostrils flared in both
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Silence IIvira
HAERA A week has passed since Balfour died. And I'm not going to bullshit myself or anyone and say pretty much nothing has changed since his death because a whole lot has changed. Even in the world outside my head. The Palace and the activities seemed to go into default mode. Everything was slow. Everyone was slow and it was obvious that his death affected the palace more than anyone was ready to admit. I knew that most of these changes wasn't because of his service as a Chef in the pack for longer years than I could ever imagine. It was mostly because of how it left everybody shaken. The fact that a wolf had died in the Palace of the Alpha was enough to drive everyone crazy about it. More than once in the week that has passed, while still in my confinement that was called the Alpha Chambers, I have heard maids who came by, gossip about the death of the fat chef. The news had already spread wide and wild the next day after his death and it had blown out of proportion. Rumours too beg
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Say Something Will You
HAERAI'd heard wrong. I was pretty sure I had heard him wrong and I went into a whole world of my own in my head before someone broke the silence that had been both in the room and in my head. "Father!" It was the princess and I cared less about her whiny state. I was more worried about what my one situation and if my ears were probably functioning or if I had really just heard the Alpha tell me that he has chosen me to be the new Chef at the palace. I've never had this feeling before. This crazy feeling deep in your guts when two things strike you at once. The kind of feeling that makes you confused and unable to decide on a fate for yourself. This feeling of having both your dream come through and your nightmares stare you in the eyes all at once and maybe with something shocking on the side. The Alpha didn't need to say it again. I could see it in the faces of everyone around. They had talked about this. Contemplated and pondered and decided I was the best option and chosen me. Wh
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Cinnamon Rolls
HAERA. As the Alpha commanded, the preparation for the ritual continued the next day and it was officially the first day of the one week long ritual and as he commanded as well, I became the new chef of the Palace. It was nothing ceremonial or special as my things were just brought into my new room for the next few years of my life and I resumed work the next day. And just like that, I became one the prestigious and important personnel of the palace. In a single day, a maid became a chef and the youngest one of all time in the palace Rumors followed my appointment and the people who used to hate and bully me didn't hesitate to spread it round that I became the Chef of the palace without any prior experience except for a few spoken words about me. The feeling of being talked about by others wasn't new to me but the feeling of being talked about because I had suddenly elevated in position high above others was new. As I left my room this morning to resume to the kitchen, the maids all a
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You Bitch
HAERA "Haera, If you found this and you're reading it, it means I am already dead by then. How I died doesn't matter. What matters is that you're alive and I was right. I was right Haera, whatever is going on has to do with Witches and spells. You can't ask how I'm right because I am not alive to tell you how. You have to find out yourself. But before that Haera, you have to stop that ritual at all costs. The ritual must not take place. If it does, you'll end up like me, Wolfless and weak and an easy prey to your enemies. Stop that ritual." I suddenly felt nauseous as bile rose in my throat up to my mouth, making me double over and causing the maids around to swarm me to see if I was okay. I ignored them and rushed out of the kitchen and straight for the bathroom where I emptied out all of the contents of whatever I ate before. My head swarm and I was certain I saw stars for a split second as the content of that written letter sank into my brain. It seeped into my brain, taking over
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Alan Knew
HAERAI think I already expected it when Erylis spewed out Gennora's name out of fear. I might have also expected her to say something about the princess since she happened to be the closest of all the maids to the princess. She used to be the princess's personal maid before I replaced her and since I had another duty, she was back there again. And she had spewed everything she knew about that day. The day I resumed to the Alpha chambers and the day Balfour died. "That day...the day you came for me to tell me the princess requested my presence; you were there before you even entered, weren't you? You listened in on our conversation and went to tell someone. Who did you report to?" I had asked, going straight to the point. This was my reason for seeking her out and shifting to my wolf in front of her to scare her. I remember hearing footsteps retreating that day before she came in. I remember I and Balfour sighing in relief because we had thought someone was eavesdropping but I guess w
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HAERA. I was lost for words, staring into the eyes of Alan as we both stood there in silence. He was the one waiting for me with a cool expression, waiting for me to absorb his words from earlier and to interpret it however I choose to. I had a lot of questions to ask him but my mouth just hung open and my head thoughtless. How did he know? How could he have figured it out when even Alpha Zachary had no idea and got deceived. "How did you know?" I finally was able to say looking into his eyes for an answer that explains it all. "Is that important right now? Aren't you supposed to think of how to get to him now? " "It is important. I need to know how his Beta knows and he doesn't." I insisted. He looked at me for a while before he sighed in resignation. "The signs were all over the place. You were the one who delivered his food and I saw you clearly. When you came the next day--" "Wait... the next day?" I tried to think of any chances that I visited the Alpha the next day but it was v
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I Want To Feel It
HAERAHow possible was it to freeze all over again when your body was already frozen and rigid at a spot? Well talking from my current experience, I could tell how very possible it was for someone to freeze for a second time. My body was already frozen right before he even growled at me. The fact that he toppled me over and laid on top of me like that very night already had me frozen to the bones. And when I looked into his eyes, it only made me want to remain that way for life. And then he growled. He literally growled, baring his teeth at me. It was then that I was able to decipher both of the looks in his eyes as something other than anger and confusion. Yes they were there but it was more of him fighting his wolf as the black and grey fought against each other. "You." He said again glaring straight at me. It felt like he wanted to say something but his wolf was making him lose control. I wondered how he was able to keep his wolf in control and if he was as crazy as Dezra was. I tr
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Not Trying Trick You
HAERAI was going to die. If he held on to me too tightly as he did now, with his eyes whirling with unspoken rage. I could really die. It was how quick my head switched from whirling with uncontained shock at what we were doing to the whirling sound of a danger I should run far away from but it was too late. He was gripping me by the throat. I felt my lungs tighten and almost dry up at how held me. He was big and powerful enough to hold me up against the wall with just a single hand of his and I fought with my own hands against that single hand but be wasn't having it. I felt tears well up in my eyes and clouded my vision. "What did you do you me?" He growled again. I couldn't talk and it wasn't only because he had his hand held to my throat so tightly alone. It was because I didn't know want to say in response. My brain went numb. What did I come in here to do before I got in bed with him? What were the words I planned to say to him.? How exactly did I plan to convince him that he w
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The Mate Bond Ritual
ALPHA ZACHARY The bells from the high tower rang and for a moment, I thought I was back at my pack and back in the nightmare that keeps me up all night. I jerked off my bed, eyes wondering around to get a hold of my surroundings and with the light from outside the window flooding into the room, familiarity set in and I knew just where I was. I didn't have a nightmare today. I stopped having them after I met her, my mate, back at my pack and it suddenly felt like she was the missing piece of the puzzle in my life. But I started having them all over again. After winning the duel, after becoming the Alpha and after coming to this pack, the Moonstone Pack to perform the ritual and take my mate with me. I started having those nightmares again. I started jerking up from my bed with sweat sticking to every part of my body like slimy leaches. The nightmares kept me up all night while Serge whimpered on and on about something that seemed to hurt him. He was just as confused as I was and there
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