Semua Bab DON IVAN PETROV: Claimed By The Alpha Don: Bab 11 - Bab 20
38 Bab
~~IVAN~~"Yo, did you get the background files I asked for?"Instead of a response, all I heard was a shriek from a tiny voice, then fits of giggles and I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips."Johnny! Come take your sister so I can have some moments of peace please!"The giggles stopped, then turned into a loud wait that made me wince as it echoed over my phone's speaker."Oh baby, I'm sorry. Go on...granny has to speak to uncle Ivan okay?"Of course Brent should have known better than to mention my name, because the next second Lacey was screaming."Uncle Van! Uncle Van.""Let me talk to her," I said chuckling, "You know she won't back down now.""Of course I know. Spoilt brat." Brent grumbled halfheartedly and I laughed.Nothing amazed me more than seeing Brent with his grandkids. It was amazing a man, as cruel, cold and brutal as him could be so soft when his babies were concerned."Uncle Van!" lacy screamed between giggles, "Uncle Van!"Her giggles warmed my heart"Hey
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~CECILIA~I was asleep, or at least half way there when the HEAT, _What I chose to call it_ hit me, destroying every promise of a goodnight sleep.And as usual it didn't come with mercy.By now I already knew that trying to fight it or block it out was very useless but I still tried anyway, by shutting my eyes and focusing on my breaths which were now coming in pants.A gasp tore past my lip as another fresh jolt of lust hit me, convulsing my stomach and tying it up in knots.Sweet painful knots.I bit my lip and clenched my legs, to somehow relieve the ache between them. The ache that was driving me crazy.Fuck.If only I could just get a release somehow. If only there was something to take this burning ache away.Images of Don Petrov flashed through my mind.Fuck if I'll try to fight it.His dark eyes which are partially covered by his curly hair, though you could still make out the dark shade.I pictured him, leaning against my door frame as he looked at me with his face laced with
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The sight of Cecilia's hurried departure sent chills through me. Chills of guilt which was ridiculous.I don't feel guilt.But as I watched her retracing figure, the guilt grew and her words kept ringing in my head over and over again.The hurt in her voice, the pain even though the scent of her desire filled the air.I scratched my jaw as I sat down on a chair staring at the lake absentmindedly.What did she mean when she said that I killed her parents?We have heard the news about Rossi's death and I have been trying to wrap my head around that but always assumed that maybe it was one of Rossi's dirty contacts.So what on earth made her think that I was the one who killed her parents?Which explains the hatred and anger directed at me./She's going through a lot, Ivan. You don't have to make it worse./ Alistair's voice rang through my head.But, that doesn't change the fact that she's a Rossi. She might be involved in her father's business. Or maybe she knows something... anything.
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"What on earth is going on Ivan?" Darya asked as I swerved the SUV around quickly and headed to the direction of our mansion instead of Santez's place.Panic and fear gripped my chest so painfully I could hear my breaths coming out in pants and my heart thudding frantically in my chest.This cannot be.Not Johnny. How was this possible?A kid being kidnapped only means one thing to me.The damn scientists."Ivan, you are scaring me." Darya shouted as I sped past cars and houses.I couldn't respond to her. I was filled with rage, anger.Primal rage that I haven't felt in a very long time now.If anything happens to that boy, so help me God...I hit the brake when I got to my mansion and opened the doors."Get out." I barked and thankfully she didn't question me. Perhaps because of my tone.Once she was out of the car, I locked the door, and sped off again, my knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly./In all you do, make sure he doesn't go into rage before he's tamed.
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~~CECILIA~~Fucking bastard!I slammed the door angrily and marched to my bed.Who on earth asked me to go play Irish housewife?Damnit!Should have known that he would always be a royal dick.I sat down on the bed, my heart still beating angrily.I have no idea why I did that. Where that silly concern came from.But when I didn't see him around midnight I got very worried.Plus I had seen Darya march into the house earlier, looking scared and angry and I heard her tell Alista that the boss had stormed off to an unknown direction.I had been worried. I have no idea what prompted it, where it came from but I had felt a wave of fear grip me.And I'd spent hours just pacing around the sitting room.And when he came back, my heart fucking plummeted seeing how hurt it was.Now I just regret every ounce of emotion I wasted on the mother fucker.Bastard!I should have just gone to sleep. But I know that even if I tried I wouldn't have.These days it feels like my heart and emotions don't bel
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tHours went by, a day passed and my number one goal was Avoiding Don Petrov and everything that concerns him.Which I succeeded in, until it was time for dinner.I had made my way to the kitchen, my steps cautious as I moved through the quiet hallways of the mansion.As I neared the kitchen, I overheard a hushed voice, and I realised immediately that it was the Boss.His voice was low, and he was speaking fast as if he was upset or something.With my heart almost jumping into my mouth I turned to go back, so that I wouldn't be caught eavesdropping on his private conversation, instead my legs carried me towards the entrance."This isn't something that should be kept on maybe, Brent. How on earth did it happen? Obviously they are back. Did they get other kids? I need answers and I need them fast. I didn't spend years working so damn hard to keep those bastards buried, just to have them rise back and start...."His shoulder tensed up as he cut off and turned abruptly.His gaze met mine
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~~ IVAN ~~I found it cute how her eyes widened when she saw me and somehow I felt bad when her expression and scent shifted from happy to scared and angry.I have never seen her that happy and watching her laugh like that tugged at a part of my heart and I was glad that I made this choice.Not wanting to ruin her moment and mood further, I turned around and left them alone.I walked into my office and opened my laptop, unlocked it to see a message from Brent.I opened the message and smiled when I saw it was the file I asked him to arrange and sent to me.But my smile vanished, and I felt anger pulsating within me with each line I read.The Scientists were bringing their organisations back to life and they were damn serious about it.After I was rescued, we had worked very hard to try to shut them down. And even though we didn't succeed, they had laid low for years now.That didn't mean we kept our guards down though. We were on watch out because we knew that they would definitely m
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~~IVAN~~"Excuse you?"I placed a hand on Darya's lap as she made to get up, her face scowled in anger. I got this one.Santez just shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, it's a fair deal if you ask me so. Not only will you get the land and the banks, but you get my support, and of course my partnership for life. After all, no alliance is stronger than a marriage alliance."Darya's body relaxed and I could tell that she was considering it.Of course it was a very good offer and I would need that. But if there was one thing I hated, it's blackmail or anything related to it.I'm the one who calls the shots. Not anyone else.I leaned back in my chair, and gave him a thoughtful expression."You know, you can go back home and really think about it Ivan." He said with that smile, "Really think about it. This isn't a decision you can make in a haste.". "I cannot accept this proposal," I declared, my voice carrying a sense of finality. "Marriage is not the solution to our problems."My refusal was me
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~~CECILIA~~/Take full advantage of your freedom/ Alista had told me.Well fuck if I won't listen to that advice.Since I came into this gorgeous prison I've not had a single chance to really explore the mansion. And now knowing my privileges, why the hell not?I had nothing better to do anyways.I took a shower, and before throwing on some clothes, stood before the mirror, naked to look at myself.My stomach was starting to show, although still not obvious, as long as I am not wearing something tight.Three months have passed.Just six months till I welcome my bundle of joy and I still pray daily that I won't have my child in this hell hole.But what can I do in these six months?Hopefully, something.I wandered through the spacious rooms of the mansion, my footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors.As always, the grandeur of the place was something to behold, a stark contrast to the life I had known before. It was a world of opulence and extravagance, a far cry from the
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~~IVAN~~“What on earth do you think you are doing, boy?”I raised my brow at my uncle, amazed at his tone, which seemed like he was talking to a kid.Does he think that I'm a child?“What do you mean?”“How could you speak to me in such a manner? In the presence of a slave nonetheless?”Oh, fuck. His face was scowled, squeezed in anger. I was almost afraid that his veins would burst.Now wouldn't that be a good riddance for us all?“Uncle Ivan,” I called, shaking my head, “I only pointed out what was true to you. I really won't have you coming into my quarter to disrespect my people. You don't see me doing that to you.”“I'm your uncle, boy o!!”“And there has to be boundaries!” My retort was angrier than I intended it to be, and it made his eyes widen. I cleared my throat and continued in a calmer tone, “forgive me for being rude. But that's how it is. Keep your rules in your quarter, and I'll handle mine how I want to. I'm not a kid" He seemed surprised, and honestly this should b
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