Semua Bab The Billionaire's Heir: Loving the Son of a Murderer: Bab 31 - Bab 40
50 Bab
Chapter 31: Breakfast with the Ex
Casey's POV"Mom, did you know your eldest son had a date this morning?" Molly gleefully gossips."What are you talking about Molly?" Christine asks, her curiosity piqued."Casey is having breakfast with Meredith. Dancing with her at the gala stirred up all kinds of feelings for my repressed older brother. Now he wants to have breakfast to reconnect and see if they can try again. Isn't that wonderful," Molly is practically bouncing as she shares the news. Casey is not thrilled that his family knows about his plans to have breakfast with Meredith. Both his mother and his sister have been pushing him to get back together with her for months. Now they are going to think that it is happening when it couldn't be further from the truth. "It's just breakfast. There is no need for anyone to get ahead of themselves. It's not a big deal," Casey firmly says to his mother and sister, hoping they will listen to him."Of course, dear. I'm just glad you are trying to reconnect with Meredith. She w
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Chapter 32: Dealing with Tommy
Heather's POV"Casey! What are you doing here?" Heather asks with surprise as she opens her door.She had not expected to see Casey today. Heather has been completely focused on tracking the years of embezzlement to determine how much money has been stolen. She also hoped to find something to indicate where the money has been going all these years to see if she can tie it to Liam and his criminal activities."I had breakfast with Meredith. It was terrible and I hated every second of it. When I was leaving the restaurant I realized I needed to see you," Casey says as he enters her apartment and pulls her to him.Heather sinks into his embrace, enjoying the feel of Casey wrapped around her. She doesn't know how to respond to Casey after his declaration, so she just holds on to him tighter. Hopefully, he will understand what she is unable to say. After a moment, Casey pulls away and cups her cheeks between his hands. The look in his eye ignites a fire in Heather's belly. She knows the m
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Chapter 33: Together
Casey's POV"You what?" Heather asks, completely shocked.Casey cannot help the small smile that appears on his face at her response. Her eyes are wide and her jaw has literally dropped. The joy coursing through his veins at finally confessing how he feels has him feeling like he is floating. "Heather, I love you. I have fallen completely and utterly in love with you," Casey happily confesses again.Heather continues to stare at him stunned. After a moment, the smile slips from Casey's face. He thought they were on the same page. That she felt the same way about him. Now he's not so sure. She had said she felt the connection between them before. On the night they first kissed she said she had never felt so connected to another person. Maybe she just isn't ready to say those words yet. "Heather, you don't have to say anything back. I just needed you to know how I feel," Casey says, determined to salvage the moment."Casey, I don't know what to say. Hearing you say that was the last t
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Chapter 34: The Best Friend Interrogation
Heather's POV"What is going on here!" Lucy loudly exclaims as she walks in the door.Heather rips her mouth away from Casey in surprise. She turns her head to see her best friend staring at her and Casey in shock."Lucy! I thought you were going out to dinner with that cute guy from work. I didn't expect you home so soon," Heather says in a rush as she climbs off of Casey's lap."I finished up at work early so I would have time to come home and change before my date. Would you like to introduce me to your gentleman friend?" Lucy asks with a smirk on her face.Heather can tell that Lucy is incredibly amused by this situation. While Heather has walked in on Lucy several times since they started living together, this is the first time that Lucy has interrupted Heather with a guest. Heather straightens out her clothes and buttons up her shirt as she says, "Lucy this is Casey Sullivan. Casey, this is my best friend and roommate Lucy Perez.""So you are the famous Casey Sullivan. It is a
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Chapter 35: Getting Advice and Sneaking Around
Casey's POV"Aidan, I need your help," Casey declares.He enters his brother's bedroom without knocking, relishing in surprising his younger brother for once. The room is pitch black and Aidan is still asleep even though it is one in the afternoon. Casey rips open the curtains letting the sunlight flood the room. He can now clearly see Aidan sprawled on his stomach with his head under his pillow."Get up!" Casey commands as he rips the covers off his brother.Aidan only groans in response as he buries his head further beneath the pillows."Come on, Aidan. Get up! I need your help," Casey shakes Aidan's shoulder as he speaks and pulls the pillow away when he is finished."With what?" Aidan asks, his voice still rough with sleep."Sneaking around," Casey answers vaguely.Aidan sits up and rubs his eyes as he tries to make sense of Casey's request. Suddenly, it is like a light bulb has gone off in his mind."Does this mean you and Heather are finally together? I know you are still her bo
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Chapter 36: Confrontation with the Ex
Heather's POV"What are you doing in the office so early, Ms. Winters?" Meredith asks with suspicion and derision.Heather rolls her eyes while she is turned away from Meredith. She came in early to work on tracking the accounts that she had discovered were used in the embezzlement. She felt inspired now that she and Casey are together. The sooner they complete their investigation, the sooner they can be a couple without having to hide. "I just wanted to work more on the efficiency review. I have been making substantial progress and I like working in the silence of an empty office. It's peaceful," Heather responds as honestly as she can.Heather makes sure to sound as polite and respectful as possible when talking to Meredith. She can't stand the woman and will be thrilled when she is arrested, but for now, she is the boss. "Your position is not going to last much longer. I have decided the efficiency review is not the best use of resources at this time and it's causing too much dis
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Chapter 37: Weekend Getaway
Casey's POV"Why are you packing, Casey? Making a break for it to escape our crazy family?" Aidan jokingly asks as he enters Casey's room."I'm going away for the weekend. When mom asks tell her I needed to get out of the city for a bit," Casey responds distractedly as he grabs clothes from his closet."Where are you actually going?" Aidan asks, eternally curious.Casey instantly goes to close his bedroom door before considering telling Aidan where he is going this weekend. It is the first time he and Heather will have the chance to be alone together without any interruptions or complications. He doesn't want to risk anything ruining this weekend."You can't tell anyone where I'm going or what I'm doing, Aidan," Casey urgently says in a low voice as he sits next to his brother."Okay?" Aidan says, confused. "Why all the secrecy? Is this about dad? Are you doing something dangerous? Do you need me to come with you?" Aidan's questions come in quick succession as his mind plays through t
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Chapter 38: Their First Time
Heather's POVHeather jumps slightly as Casey closes the door behind them. "Are you Ok, Heather?" Casey asks, filled with concern."I'm fine, Casey. Really. Just a bit nervous," Heather admits."Nothing has to happen tonight. We can just go to bed. I would love nothing more than to hold you in my arms all night," Casey reassures Heather as he runs his hands down her arms until their hands are entwined.Heather doesn't want to wait. She is just worried that Casey will be disappointed in her. While she is not a virgin, Heather knows she does not have much experience. Other than Tommy, there has only been one other guy who she dated in college.Casey may not be the playboy his brother is, but he has been with his fair share of women. Heather doesn't know if she can live up to his expectation."Casey, I do want to be with you. More than anything," Heather says to Casey as she walks closer to him.Heather reaches Casey, cups his head between her hands, and kisses him. Instantly, Heather f
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Chapter 39: The Morning After
Casey's POVCasey wakes up to a sight that makes him feel like he is still dreaming. The sun is coming through the windows and casting a light on the angel in his bed. Heather is still asleep, her hair fanned out on the pillow beneath her head and her arm thrown across his body. The sheet dipped low enough to expose her beautiful breasts to his gaze. He feels his arousal grow as he gazes at her while his mind wanders to the night before.It was the most incredible night of his life. Being with Heather was unlike any sexual experience he'd ever had. The noises she made, the softness of her skin, feeling her tight heat wrapped around him. He has never felt this way before. When he was younger he had thought he was in love, but he was wrong. Nothing comes close to how he loves Heather. Three times he had the privilege of making love to her. Each time was infinitely more magical than the time before. The first time he entered her and their bodies joined together he could feel tears welli
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Chapter 40: Return to Reality
Heather's POV"I wish we didn't have to come back," Heather says.She and Casey are sitting in his car parked outside of her apartment. It is late Sunday night, and their romantic weekend away is over. This weekend is the happiest Heather has been in her entire life. Being with Casey was everything she imagined and more."I feel the same way," Casey agrees with Heather as he squeezes her hand. "Unfortunately, we cannot hide away from the rest of the world forever. I don't even want to think about what my father has been up to while we were gone," Casey grimaces as he speaks."I am worried about Meredith as well. I'm sure she is coming up with all kinds of horrible plans to deal with me," Heather says with concern."I can handle Meredith. She is not going to be a problem," Casey responds casually.Heather is bothered by Casey's attitude toward Meredith. She has been much more aggressive than Liam in trying to shut down their investigation."She is not going to accept your rejection. Sh
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