Semua Bab Dating My Neighbor: Bab 41 - Bab 50
87 Bab
Chapter 40
Chapter 35"Hey, Babe. Wait up," Jiro said as I was about to walk away from him. "Don't walk away from me," he added. He hugged me around the waist and rested his chin on my shoulder."Babe." He chuckled, which made me even more embarrassed. "Jiro, seriously!" I pouted and playfully pinched his side, to which he responded by giving me a kiss on the cheek. I'm just sixteen, and he said he'll only kiss me on the lips when I turn eighteen."Stop teasing me," I told him, pretending to be annoyed, but the truth is, I'm really giddy. Hihi! This is one of the reasons why I love Jiro so much. He never runs out of ways to make me feel loved. Every day, he has something new up his sleeve.Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into months, and I didn't even notice. One day, Jiro's parents bought the house next to ours."Babe, we don't have to be together only during the day anymore... it's now twenty-four seven," he said, and I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. I also
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Chapter 41
Chapter 36"You should accept Jiro's engagement proposal." Just hearing his voice made my heart flutter, the butterflies in my stomach returned. I didn't look at him and kept gazing at the sky. Until I felt him standing beside me.Silence filled us as his words sank in. Accept Jiro's proposal?! What?! Why? I don't understand! I don't want to end up with Jiro, especially now that I love Kent!I faced Kent. He was looking at me too, but I couldn't read his thoughts. This is now or never. I don't want to regret in the end, whatever comes next. I'm going to say it, so I won't have any regrets later."I don't love Jiro anymore." I averted my gaze from him and looked back at the sky. I could see the familiar stars that I always see."If I end up with him, I'll age prematurely.." I was about to continue what I wanted to say when I heard Kent softly laugh, so I looked at him. Damn! That smile! I fell even more in love."What's so funny?" I asked him in confusion, and he just shook his head an
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Chapter 42
Chapter 37As Kent wanted, I will answer Jiro's marriage proposal with a 'yes' later, but before that, Mommy invited us to enjoy ourselves by the beach.My parents and Jiro's parents are on the seashore, sunbathing on loungers, while the four of us are swimming not far away. It's eight in the morning, and the water is refreshingly cool, with the sun shining brightly."Kent, let's go there!" My irritation surged as soon as I heard Aria's voice! I turned around to where they were, and once again, I saw her hanging on to Kent like a snake!It's infuriating! I'm restraining myself from catching some jellyfish here and when I catch a lot, I'll throw them at Aria! She's so shamelessly flirtatious, always!"Hey, Babe. You look so pissed. What's wrong?" Jiro asked me. He suddenly appeared in front of me. I glared at him and swam away, unable to stand seeing his face, which only made my blood boil even more.I kept swimming until only a little sand was left beneath my feet. I don't care anyway
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Chapter 43
Chapter 38I can't help but look at the sky, illuminated by the full moon and the twinkling stars that never cease. I sigh. This is really it. There's no turning back. This night will be a very, very long night. Jiro invited me to the gazebo because he has something to tell me, although I already have an idea of what it is. Still, I went along, pushed by everyone.Jiro guided me until we reached the center of the gazebo, where the fountain is located. There, I saw a lot of floating candles, each one a different color."It's beautiful," I couldn't help but praise Jiro's effort, and suddenly I forgot all my annoyance with him."I'm glad you like it, Babe," he replied to me. I smiled at him as he helped me sit by the edge of the fountain, while he sat in front of me.We stared into each other's eyes, and for some unknown reason, the familiar rapid heartbeat returned, the one I thought I would only feel with Kent.He held my hand, and if I hadn't quickly thought about it, I might have pul
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Chapter 44
Chapter 39Most likely, if Selena were with me now, she would shout at me for being a weirdo. After all, it's midnight, and what am I doing? I'm here at the seashore, floating beneath the light of the moon and the cloudy sky that doesn't let any star shine through.I don't feel cold at all. Although my skin is cold, it's almost freezing. Imagine, in the middle of the night, I'm wearing nothing, just floating in the sea. But I don't care at all. I don't feel any emotions, even though just a while ago, I was in so much pain.Maybe I've had enough of that pain last night, which is why now, I feel so hollow. Numb. Void. Empty. Nothing. No sorrow. No pain. No joy. No anger. I can't even remember what it feels like to 'feel.'I placed my hand on my chest, trying to recall the pain I felt last night, but there's nothing. My heart is still beating, beating in a normal way, but that's it. There's nothing more."Kylie." Even though I didn't look at him, I knew who it was. It's Jiro. Since last
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Chapter 45
Chapter 40"Kylie... you could have told us. We won't judge you. We're all friends, right? Of course, we're on your side no matter what." Samantha said."We love you dearly, Kylie, and we'll support you no matter what you do." Ariana added.Selena hugged me while Samantha and Ariana wiped away their tears. Since I am numb, I don't care even if they cry blood. I know they feel sorry for me now, and I don't even need it."I don't need your pity." I replied to them and gently pushed Selena away from me. "Don't touch me either." I knew they were surprised by my actions and words, but..."We understand you, Kylie. You're not yourself right now, and we're here for you." They smiled at me, and Selena suggested a group hug. They all hugged me, and no matter how much I tried to break free, they wouldn't let go."The night is still young. What should we do?" Selena asked after glancing at the clock. It was only 10 PM."We can just chat." Samantha suggested, looking at me. She gave me a mischiev
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Chapter 46
Chapter 41-Two years later-"Kylie, don't you have any respect for us and your mother?!" Daddy asked me. Kenzo and I were going upstairs to my room when we both froze upon hearing Daddy's shout.I slowly turned around to face their angry gazes. Mommy was there too, looking very sad."What's your problem, Old Hag?!" I replied to him. I saw Mommy trying to stop him from coming at me. I went down the stairs to approach them with Mommy.It seemed like Kenzo didn't care and went straight to my room. Well, it wasn't the first time he witnessed this scene."Why do you keep bringing home different men every night?!" Daddy asked me with intense anger. I could feel his restrained fury. I glared at him and answered."We can't understand you anymore, Mommy and I! You join illegal street races, you've been in jail. You party every night, and it's my money you're spending. You don't have a job, you don't even want to finish school. And now, you're bringing home random men! What's next?""Child, wh
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Chapter 47
Chapter 42"Why is my baby frowning?" Kenzo asked me as soon as he entered Starbucks. He hugged me, and since we were sitting on the couch, I leaned my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat."My heart is beating so fast.""Of course, because you're with the woman I love." And I felt him kiss the top of my head. I pinched his side."Baby, you're such a sadist!" I laughed at what he said. We called the waiter, and he ordered his drink while I already had a frappe. I sighed. He noticed, so he straightened his posture and held my hands."I can sense that something's bothering you, Baby. What's wrong?" Kenzo really knows me well. Well, after two years of being together, it's expected that he knows me."Well, Mommy set me up on another blind date, and it's happening at lunchtime." I looked at my watch; it was only eleven-thirty. I still had thirty minutes to spend with Kenzo. He laughed at what I said, so I pouted."Do you want me to pinch you again?! I'm so tired of blind dates! Sh
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Chapter 48
Chapter 43"I want to die," I whispered to myself as I took another hit of the marijuana I turned into a cigarette. I was inside my room and had no intention of going out. It would be difficult if the household staff smelled it and got high too; I'd be in trouble with Daddy.After being locked up for a week, Daddy told me I was grounded to avoid further arguments. To prevent another fight, I didn't respond and just agreed to his terms. I'm so incredibly bored here—internet surfing, movie marathons, I even tried blasting music all day long, but it all ended the same way, with boredom.Until I started rummaging through my bag and found the small packet of marijuana tucked among my credit cards. So that's what I've been missing. Ah, I wanna get drunk. I overheard earlier while we were eating that Mommy and Daddy were going to the clubhouse in John Hay to check the place for Aria's welcome party. Perfect! I can get wasted.It didn't take long before I heard the car honking, signaling Momm
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Chapter 49
Chapter 44"What do you want me to do?" I asked him in return, furrowing my brow. But he remained silent for a few moments, so I broke the silence."They're having a party to welcome them back, isn't that enough? Should I also throw an after-party for their return?" He sighed heavily."Stop being so sarcastic, Kylie. We both know that's not what I meant." Now, it was my turn to sigh."Tell me, Kenzo, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?" I averted my gaze from him. I felt like at any moment, tears would start falling.The familiar pain I had buried for the past two years was slowly resurfacing. How could it not? Every time the topic came up about what happened two years ago, I couldn't help but become emotional.I clenched my fists and redirected my focus to the food, even though I had lost my appetite. But Kenzo wouldn't leave me alone!"I want the real Kylie now," Kenzo said after a while, and that was my cue. Tears started flowing uncontrollably, and the pain from two years ago
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