Все главы Sacrificed Warrior: Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter 10
The hours pass torturously slow as I settle into a new routine. I spend my days with a tutor, being homeschooled to catch up for the lost time. I stare at the pages, and all I can see is a blur of paint, a bunch of words that I do not recognize, the syllables struggle to get free of the cage that is my throat.Mrs. Hill tries to appease my nerves but in vain. There are no reassuring words that can eliminate the shame that rises deep within; how idiotic it is to be sixteen and not know how to write or read. The pens and pencils lean clumsily on my fingers, and the curves and shapes of the letters I try to copy are messy and childish.Natalie and Adam used to make me spell out loud every word, though Mrs. Hill says it helped my development, I see no improvement. I make an effort to practice in my free time, trying to speed up the process.The nights are reserved for research: every evening without exception, my parents and I gather around the kitchen table to go through the alpha's files
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Chapter 11
My eyes open slowly as the last remains of sleep wash through me. I look at the alarm that my parents placed on my bedside table, and I'm appalled by the hours: it's only 2:37 a.m. My ears soon find the reason for my brutal awakening as the voices downstairs get louder and louder. I lurch right out of bed and rush to the origin of the chaos, feeling my heart kickstart inside my ribcage as millions of scenarios pass behind my eyelids. "So, we wait until they kill all the packs?" I catch the conversation midway through and immediately freeze. My body fills with horror as I take in the sight before me: my mother sits holding her head between her bony hands as my father stands right next to her with a hand firmly staked on the dinner table.Henry tenses as he stares down at a paper I cannot read from afar. Devin paces the room restlessly with disheveled hair from picking at the dark strands one too many times."What happened?" I question with dread.Four sets of eyes turn abruptly in my
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Chapter 12
I fidget with the hem of my simple, black sweatshirt as my body fills with nervous energy. I recite the little lie inside my mind countless times, hoping the repetition might, somehow will it to be true. I check the arsenal of weaponry that I dutifully covered myself with as if they were nothing more than some beauty accessories, to make sure that everything is in order. I stare at my reflection in the rectangular mirror stuck in the inside of my closet that my parents recently purchased, as I tie my short hair in a ponytail. The mark on the right side of my neck is red and swollen, still healing from the attack I commanded a few hours ago. Despite that, I look menacing all clad in black with a belt firmly placed in my waist, sustaining the knives. A dark thin strap connects the leather to a tiny pocket in my right leg where I placed my phone. I lower the fabric until it covers the blades to avoid unwanted attention from outsiders and sigh in frustration when a lock of brown hair
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Chapter 13
Ryan starts walking ahead of me, getting further away from my house. I follow dutifully, trying to keep up with his long strides. "Late for what?" I interrogate, annoyed with the absence of a concrete mission to follow. Ryan smiles devilishly at me. "To meet our dear friend, of course." He exaggerates the pronunciation of the word, and I instantly know that whoever we're going to encounter is an enemy. I grasp the handle of a knife and hold it tight in my clenched fist. If there was any serious threat, we wouldn't be going alone, so I know this is more a test than an actual mission. "Does this friend know we're coming?" I ask. He chuckles darkly. "It's a surprise." My suspicions are confirmed, and I immediately relax. He wants to see how I react in a controlled environment, where he can step in at any time before he gives me any real information about the elite. Clever, I'll give him that. We walk at a brisk pace for fifteen minutes until Ryan suddenly slows down. I stare a
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Chapter 14
An envelope finds its way to my kitchen in the middle of the afternoon, a couple of days after my strange meeting with Ryan. I stared at the elegant, cursive calligraphy at the front, where my name was carefully written. Inside it was a letter written on the computer with a list of instructions that I had to follow dutifully. I had to travel to a safe house three hours away from my own pack to meet the Elite's leader in a week from then. In the directions I received, it was clearly stated that an excuse would be made for me. I crumbled the sheet as soon as Mrs. Hill- sworn to secrecy- helped me make sense of the words written on the page. Still, the fact that I was able to recognize and understand a few terms excited me in ways I couldn't describe. I'm finally doing something constructive for me, and the slow but steady progress only motivated me to try harder, to learn more. My parents thrill with my newfound passion, aiding me to the best of their abilities. I was receptive at f
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Chapter 15
Inside Devin's car reigns silence. The cold rage just seeping out of his pores is enough to turn anyone to stone. His fists clench and unclench on the steering wheel, and he seems to be actively ignoring me. As we drive away, I can't handle his indifference any longer and break the stillness that came down on the small grey car. "Where are we going?" I ask impatiently. "To meet your next driver," Devin replies in a deadpanned tone. I narrow my eyes at him, attempting to decipher his thoughts and failing miserably. Irritated by the absence of the usual ease between us, I make a bold move. "Do you have anything to tell me?" I question. Devin whirls his gaze on me briefly, before concentrating on driving. "The Council didn't ask for a new assessment, I would have known, and you don't even look surprised to be leaving," he explains. I least I know now what I'm dealing with. "I figured this would happen sooner rather than later," I answer evasively. He grits his teeth and shak
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Chapter 16
I assault Ryan with questions, but he deflects them with ease. He doesn't unveil the mystery, preferring to leave all the explanations to the Elite's leader, whose name Ryan refuses to divulge. After a few minutes, I give up on my restless quest, and instead, appreciate the view as it hurriedly passes by my window. A tinge of doubt finds its way to my bloodstream, becoming impossible to ignore as time wears on. It's been only three weeks since I escaped the hybrid's clutches, and I'm already running towards them, to the nest of my enemies. Everything is rushed, and every task is counted to the second to ensure maximum productivity. It seems I can barely breathe before I'm hastened to another problem, another concern, while I'm still trying to solve my own. My investigation to find the traitor has come to a stop as we can't eliminate any other suspect and don't have enough information to go further. I hope the Elite can at least give me that advantage. If I could just review their
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Chapter 17
I stare at Ryan's neck, noticing the bare skin where a mark should be placed. My mouth dries as I conjure the right words."Do you feel it too?" I question, gesturing between us. "The pull," I clarify, though from the look he gives me, I didn't have to. Ryan freezes, analyzing me for a second. This close, I can smell his cologne and see the blond stubble that covers his chiseled jaw. He grits his teeth as his stare threatens to make me combust. Ryan doesn't speak for a long time, and I wonder if he too is scared of this moment, this minute that can change our perspective in a blink of an eye, so effortlessly. "Took you long enough to notice. I was starting to think I was imagining it," Ryan says light-heartedly, but I can't appreciate the humor. My lungs stop the intake of air abruptly. A piece of me held on the small tinge of hope that maybe, I was overreacting, that this was just a figment of my imagination. And yet, as my eyes hold the intensity in his grey ones, I realize the s
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Chapter 18
My eyes follow Nathan, even as Ryan tries to avert my attention elsewhere. Something is awfully wrong with the Elite's leader; though the air is heavy with our mixed breaths, the cold that wafts from Nathan chills me right down to the core. Ryan had me sit on the floor with him, expertly blocking my eyesight of the leader. I curse beneath my breath as I attempt to distract myself by examining the people who crowd the room. I realize with a twist of anger that only a woman joined the ranks of the Elite. It seems that no matter how advanced this group must be, it isn't strong enough to overcome the misogyny that plagues our world. My focus drifts to her. She leans against the wall, a foot propped against the metal behind. She's slender, but her form fills the combat clothes she poured over herself. Her hair is pitch black, billowing around her in a mess of curls, creating an aura around her dark-colored features. She eyes the room warily, almost daring her fellow members to approach h
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Chapter 19
We don't talk as we navigate between the streets, keeping close to the walls and the poorly lit sidewalks. We walk in profound quiet as the tension of battle rises deep within. We encounter no obstacles or problems on our way to the compound, but we stay alert. I don't notice the compound until Nathan points it out. His finger indicates a two-story abandoned building: the windows on the second floor are broken, and the whole structure appears to be decaying underneath the pressure of the years.I stare at the deserted construction, trying to locate a sign of life but come back empty-handed. The paint that covered its walls disappeared, exposing the concrete below. I look at Ryan inquisitively. This is nothing like the compound I stayed in, hidden in plain sight.We cross the street as discreetly as we can, trying to blend in with the shadows as we join the rest of the group behind a white van and a few bushes. We're clustered together, squeezed in to ensure that we all stay hidden as
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