Semua Bab A Writer's Love: You and I : Bab 11 - Bab 20
99 Bab
Raquel’s POV"Hi, Claire." I greeted her but she just ignored me. "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. Something just upset me.""You acted so unprofessional and do you have any idea how that backfires on me. I am your agent. If you were not up to those meetings, then you could have just told me." She replied pissed at me."I'm sorry. I hope that we can still go over to Clarkson & Vera Publications and I can personally apologize to them for my attitude. I can explain what happened to them." "It's fine. I already talked to them. I made up an excuse that you were researching a new character for a new book and you needed to act like that to be able to relate to the emotion of your characters." "You lied to them for me. You didn’t have to do that.""Oh, honey I did it to save myself. What the fuck was that anyway?" "I just missed my mom." I lied. "I get it but that
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Raquel’s POV "What the hell was that all about? Were you really serious about letting Ms. Morgan seeing the first part of your book. You don't like anybody reading your books until they are finished." Claire pointed out as we were heading to her office. "She's an editor and I can use her opinion." I replied. "Is it her your trying to work with or Mr. Clarkson? I can see the way you've been looking at him. Are you attracted to him?" She asked seriously. "Wow, Claire just because you are getting married you can't just interpret my actions towards everybody as an attraction. Last time it was me attracted with Ms. Morgan and now Mr. Clarkson..."I pointed out.  "You don't normally act this way. When was the last time you tried bribing someone? You don't just give away gifts to someone you just met." "Claire, I have a good feeling with working with Clarkson & Vera Publications." "Fine. I have other
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Raquel’s POV “I am so excited to be working with you.” Stephanie squealed and hugged me tightly when I opened the door for them. "This is going to be interesting." I replied. "Please, come in and make yourselves at home." "Thank you. I just dropped off Stephanie. I should get going. I'll just pick her up later." Samuel stated.  "Babe, do you really have to go?" Stephanie asked Samuel. "Baby, you know that I'd rather be with you every single minute of the day but you and Ms. Peterson have work to do." He stated sweetly. "Please stay. I just want to get to know her more and give her some of the drafts that I have been working with. We aren't going to be doing any work here. And please, call me Raquel." I butted in. "I'll grab some snacks." "So how long have you been writing?" Stephanie asked. "Professionally, I had my first book published when I was twenty but I have been journaling since I was twelv
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Raquel’s POVAfter they left I went over to Claire and James' house. The bachelorette party is in a few days and I need to run down some things with her about the wedding reception. I didn’t expect to hear them arguing."No. I don't fucking care." Claire screamed. "The wedding is off.""Sweetheart, you can't do this to me." James embraced Claire to stop her from leaving."Guys, what is going on here?" I announced my presence."The wedding is off. I am not going to get married." Claire replied, crying. "I just can't do it.""Calm down. We need to think this through." James pleaded. "Don't leave me please. I love you.""Let's talk about this. Why don't we all go back in the house so we can figure this out." I stated. "Tell me what's wrong." We all got inside the house. "Let's talk about this.""No. There is nothing to talk about. I am not walking down the aisle for a publicity stunt for your fami
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Raquel’s POV"Hey, good morning." Samuel greeted us when we walked out the bedroom."Morning." Stephanie replied."Baby, are you okay?" Samuel asked while looking at Stephanie with her puffy eyes. "We need to talk. I can hear you crying last night and I thought you wanted to keep our personal problems private. I wanted to give you the space that you need but I don't think I can.""I should give you two some privacy.""No, don't go. He was the one who asked you to come with us and now he is upset that I was talking with you about how he thinks that my career is a waste of my talent." Stephanie blurted out."That is definitely not what I meant. I just want you to create your own mark. You are so talented and yet you choose to just work on other people's work." Samuel explained."I chose to do this because I love what I do. It's my life. It's my career. I have been nothing but supportive to you in your career and y
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Raquel’s POV"Hey, so how was your vacation? I can't believe that all you needed was for me to call of my wedding and go on a vacation for you to actually head on a vacation of your own." Claire smiled when I opened my door for her."When did you get back?" I asked as we were in the living room."The other day and I was really surprised to find out that you were gone with Stephanie and Samuel. I think she is a much better influencer than I am." "Oh from now on she is just my editor. She is crazy." I explained to Claire what happened and she just laughed. “She was yelling at me like a crazy person.”"Well it looks like she got a point. Samuel dragged you on a trip that is just supposed to be her and their friends." Claire pointed out."I am not really not sure. Do you think that Samuel was using me to make her feel jealous?" I asked."Who knows you are the one who has been hanging
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Raquel’s POV Everything was doing well. We had a few questions from reporters and Stephanie was acting as if nothing happened. She was all professional. And very good with the media.  "Raquel, I am really sorry about what Stephanie did last time." Samuel approached me. "It's Cassandra." I reminded him. "Don't worry about it. We are all adults so let's move on." "She can really be so much at times but I hope that we can still be friends. You and me. You are really easy to get along with and I hope that we get to know each other more." He smiled. "Why not." I smiled back. "I just hope that Stephanie won’t be upset with it. She might accuse me of stealing you from her."  "Hey, there you are." James suddenly interrupted our conversation. “Congratulations to my all-time favorite author." He embraced me. "Thanks." I replied.  "By the way this is Abby." He introduced her rebound girl to us. 
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Raquel’s POV I knew that Claire is going to mess up James life. She always does everything she wants. No one is ever able to really control her. James brings out the best in her. They have been together all these years and was bound to get married. Now he just brought out the worst in her. I wish I can talk her out of her plan but I couldn't. She wants me to take her side but honestly I can't do that. James is also my friend. And I wish I can do something to make their lives better. There is absolutely nothing interesting in my life as of the moment. Seriously, I am not pathetic to go after Samuel. I don't think that I need a fucking love life. My life has been great without him. I just have to focus my energy in something more productive with my life. I decided to work on a new book and I think it's going to be great. And I think I am out for fucking blood. I want to write a story about a stalker who kills people he thinks is going to ruin his perfe
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Raquel’s POV "Good morning." I greeted James when I found him in the kitchen.  "Morning. You look surprised to see me." "I thought you stayed with Abby." "After what happened last night do you actually think she would still want to see me." James replied as he was making some waffles. "Claire can be a handful." "She is. Abby said that she doesn't want to come between me and Claire. She thinks that I should work things out with her. She said that it was obvious that we both still have feelings for each other." "You two really need to work things out. You both obviously still love each other." "Did she tell you that she still loves me?" He asked. "Yes. If she isn't in love with you. She would have not been mad with you bringing Abby here." "Love can make us do crazy things but it is sometimes not enough to make you stay in a relationship." "James, I really hope that you give h
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Raquel’s POV I didn't understand why Claire and James were fine with having dinner together. They have been avoiding each other in the past days and now they were acting like they were on good terms. They even helped  me prepare dinner. Did something happen that I missed? I hope we all get out of this alive.  "So Raquel, what have you been up to?" Ava asked casually. "Writing." I replied.  "You are working on a new book?" Stephanie asked. "That's nice." "I write for a living so I can't just stop writing." I smiled. "Excuse me. I think Claire's guest is here." "Good evening, everyone, this is Javier Santos." Claire introduced him to everyone. "I know you were expecting just me and Raquel but James' sister Ava just arrived and she invited her friend over as well."   "Gorgeous you don't have to explain anything to me. It's cool. The more the merrier. You just have to say yes to my invitati
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