Semua Bab Rejected And Banished With His Triplets: Bab 11 - Bab 20
193 Bab
Kai's POVI stood there completely torn between anger and pain, my heart breaking all over again at the realization.Alana was really gone. I'm such a fool not to have believed her. Heck, i saw the way she looked at me. How scared she was back at the hall but i still let her down. I let out a frustrated growl, my clenched fist meeting the opposite wall hard. The pain i felt from the impact is nothing compared to the one coursing through my chest. I hurried out the door and towards the open field but stopped in my tracks when i noticed someone following me from behind."What's up, Alpha. Where are you going?” I turned around to find my Beta/Best friend, Adam standing there, his eyes narrowing at my restless demeanor suspiciously."I'm going after my mate and Gabriel"His eyes widen, "What? I mean, why? I thought she was banished and sent out of the pack by you""I was wrong! everyone was fucking wrong! She is innocent and i didn't believe her" I said, the last part coming out in a qu
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Alana’s POVI jolted awake, my heart pounding in my chest as i gasped for breath. Beads of sweat tricked down my body drenched in fear. My head feels heavy and my mind a blank space.Was i dead? somehow, I had expected my death to be painful and quick but instead, I find that i was rather comfortable and breathing. Is this what afterlife feels like?As the haze of sleep finally lifted from my eyes, I realized with a shocking jolt that i was lying on a soft surface and even covered with a warm fur. As i lay there trying to steady my racing heart beat and wondering where the hell I was, the room suddenly felt suffocatingly small. The walls seemed to be closing in on me.I needed air, space to breathe and make sense of the chaos that had consumed my life. Just as i attempted to swing my legs over the edge of the bed, two strangers, a male and a female entered the room, their presence both comforting and unsettling.The female held something that looked like a medicine kit, her express
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Kai's POV All movement outside the hallway came to a halt as I walked by an towards the pack house. The death of my mate was still fresh on my mind and that means if could flip out at anytime. It’s a good thing the servant can see my mood and stay out of my path. I continued to strode purposefully towards the building occupied by most of our pack warriors. I knocked on the several closed doors with my fist as I passed by them to get their sleeping ass to come out. I'd be pissed more than I already am if am made to repeat myself to anyone if they miss my announcement tonight. Within a few minutes of waiting, everyone start to file out and into the corridor. Some in pairs unless for the unmated ones who came out alone and cranky. I stood up straighter, asserting my dominance over everyone else. “What’s going on, Alpha” one of the warrior had asked from the crowd, a very annoyed frown cresting his face as he and his mate who looked rather flustered had stood wrapped in each other em
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Alana’s POVI heard someone calling out my name loud and clear. opening my eyes, I found that i was back on the bed with Beta Alex sitting beside me, his emerald green eyes alight with something unfamiliar. "Welcome back""What happened?""You lost consciousness" He told me. I swallowed a saliva. The last thing i remembered was eavesdropping on his conversation with Abigail. "Is it true that I'm really with child?"Alex nodded, "Abigail isn't just a physician, she has a way of knowing when a she wolf is with a pup so if she says you are then you really are"Hurricanes of emotions swirled within me as i tried to grasp the news of my current state. A part of me was happy that another being was growing within me but the other was not so happy. Everything was happening at the time where i could barely make sense of my situation. the emotions overwhelmed me like a whirlwind and i couldn't do anything except cry. "Do you know who the father is?"Kai is the father. He is the only man i
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Alana’s POVThe intense yearning i was suddenly overcame with was growing even more rapidly like wildfire, I was overwhelmed with the sudden need to touch him, to be held by him and continued to have him close to me just like he currently was. The last time i had felt something this intense, it was with Kai and to realize that Alex could ignite the same excitement and hormonal rush in my wolf is something i could not understand unless of course, he was our second chance mate but how?As though he could read the question in my eyes, Alex leaned in closer "you feel that connection too don't you?"My eyes widen another inch, swallowing a saliva."I know you do sweet heart. I have been trying to resist the mate pull for a while now but not anymore" He explained calmly as though he was trying to sooth my raging heart but i couldn't help but look even more terrified. This can't be right, none of the things i was feeling was right. I can't be feeling this way, not right now as i desperatel
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Alana’s POVInstead of helping me back on my feet, Alex placed his hands beneath my body, lifting me up in his arm, bridal style.His action startled me. I wasn't excepting him to carry me in his arms, maybe offer a hand but certainly not like this. But rather than feel uncomfortable in such close proximity, I found myself leaning into his chest some more, drowning in his intoxicating smell but the torture was that, I was trying not to enjoy it more than I should have.But the more I resisted, the more I felt drawn to all of it, feeling rather warm in his embrace and luring me in dangerously.Going out of the clinic, he led us steadily towards a totally different route. I had no idea where we were heading to but i immediately assumed it to be the Alpha's house, right where we had been summoned.Taking a break from my distracting thought, I looked beyond Alex broad chest shielding me and towards the surrounding. The view before me was almost surreal.Outside the pack was beautiful with
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Alana's POVInstead of the pack clinic, Alex took us back to his house. It was a small cottage, not very far from the Alpha house. There wasn’t much to see but everything was neatly arranged in its place.I sat by the living space while Alex went to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. The meeting with Alpha Klaus had taken a toil on me somehow and Alex thought a glass of water might help.“Here you go” I grab the cup from his hand, thanking him. He settled beside me as I went ahead to finish my water.“Thank you for the water” I said and he nodded at me before helping me to place it away. I continue to stare at the cream painted walls, my mind replaying every thing that was said back at the Alpha’s house."All I want is to be here and support you, to stay by your side throughout this period of your pregnancy till you finally put to birth and also pending when you will recover your lost memory." He said looking at me and I nodded at the possibility of it all turning out for my good
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Kai's POVDays have gone by since Nadia's pregnancy, I was so shocked and confused as to what to do when she told me about it. I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't even ready to be a father at this time. Just a moment of weakness is about to mess my life up forever. I never thought I would end up stuck with her. I had no feelings for her, if she wasn't pregnant she would have been dead by now. Because of her I had lost my mate, because of her lies I had rejected Alana and banished her. The sight of her irritated me to no end. How could I love such a woman? Or even talk of being the father to her unborn child. I wish there was a way to turn back the hands of time and fix all of this. I truly wish there was but here I am stuck in this moment knowing a part of me was growing within her.The news of her pregnancy has spread round the village, with rumors such as this flying around, it won’t be long before the council demand I make her my Luna. It was customary for an Alpha to have his Luna
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Alana's POVEarly the next morning, I got out of bed and decided to prepare breakfast before Alex could wake up. After i was done cooking and setting the table I walked back into the room to find him still sleeping soundly. I tapped him slightly over the shoulder to wake him up. He groan under his breath before looking up to face me. "Hey, Good morning," he said with a smile. "Good morning, Alex. Sorry for waking you up but breakfast is served" I said, returning his cheerful demeanor.His eyes moved pass the window and then back at me, a little frown appearing on his forehead, “You didn’t sleep well last night? I mean, you are suppose to be in bed not making breakfast”I smiled. “I slept well, just woke up hungry”“You should have woken me up instead, Kota”I shook my head at him, “I can Cook as well. So come on, let eat”"Alright, thank you so much," He said, allowing himself to be pulled out of bed and into the washroom.I waited at the dinning for his coming, so we could have our
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Alana POVTwo weeks have gone by since Alex left me all by myself. I have been worried sick, no knowing what was going on with him. Even though he was strong and capable, I was still worried about him.I don't know if he's in a good state or not. I was beginning to get really restless. I had no way to contact him or get news about him.What if something bad had happened to him? I knew no one in this pack, except for Abigail who comes around to check up on me most times.She had come around once or twice since Alex left. Early next morning, I was woken up by a knock on the door. I rushed to open it hoping to see Alex. Despite me not accepting the mate bond, I still can’t help but miss him so much. If I knew his absence would cause me this much pain, I wouldn’t have let him go.Opening up the door, I was disappointed to see a total stranger. “How can I help you?" I asked.His eyes narrowed at me, “You must be Dakota”I nodded, “Yes, who are you?”"Beta Alex had given me this to pass a
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