Semua Bab Love Me Not, Mr. Snow: Bab 31 - Bab 40
105 Bab
31. When Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Jacob’s POV"Rima, wait!" I said, my voice echoing throughout the room. The gentleness I had been maintaining earlier was replaced by a fierce urgency.She froze in her steps, turning slowly towards me. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, her eyes wide and vulnerable "What?" she snapped, her voice trembling slightly.I took a determined step forward, feeling the steady throb of my heartbeat against my ribcage "Why are you running away?" I demanded, the intensity in my voice surprising even me.Her expression twisted into a bitter grimace "Because that's what I do best. I could pen an entire novel on the art of running away. When I stumble on a decent publisher, I'll be sure to send you an autographed copy" she retorted with an acidic edge, spinning on her heel to leave.In a split-second decision, I darted towards the door, locking it before she could exit.Her brows raised in challenge "I'm pretty certain you can't remove th
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32. Can't Undo What's Been Done
Rima's POVAs I stirred from sleep, a profound sense of restfulness overwhelmed me. It was as if I'd been sleep-deprived for days, and I'd just woken up from an uninterrupted, twenty-four-hour-long slumber.My eyes fluttered open, bleary and unfocused. Yet, my other senses seemed to awaken faster. The warmth of another body radiated against my skin, an arm thrown around me in a protective embrace. I realized my own hand was clutching at the fabric of this person's shirt, pulling them closer to me. My heart, uncharacteristically calm, acknowledged the sense of safety this embrace provided. My mind, surprisingly quiet, confirmed that it hadn't been subjected to the haunting glimpses of my past while it was at rest.It took me a moment to piece together who the person beside me was. But when the realization hit, I bolted upright, a wave of dread washing over me.My gaze fell on the man I'd evidently spent the entire night cuddled up against. It was morning,
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33. Someone You Loved
Rima’s POVA dazzling winter wonderland was laid out before our eyes as we stepped out of the resort. The thick blanket of snow sparkled under the morning sun, and the chill in the air was invigorating. We were about to embark on a day filled with thrilling team-building activities. The cold was sharp, but our spirits were undeterred, and anticipation hung heavy in the air. Our first challenge was a snow sculpture contest. The teams, divided randomly, were armed with nothing but our mittened hands and the boundless creativity that the snow inspired in us. The field became a flurry of activity, everyone intent on creating the most dazzling sculpture. Across the snow-covered expanse, I caught Jacob's gaze. A playful smile tugged at his lips, sparking a friendly rivalry that added to the excitement of the competition. My team, after much laughter and teamwork, sculpted a magnificent snow castle, complete with turrets and a drawbridge. Our cheers of tri
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34. Falling Harder
Jacob’s POVEver since her performance granted them the winning position in today's activities, Rima had retreated to a corner with a small group of girls from the team. She wasn't very active in the conversation, but the soft smile playing on her lips and the relaxed way she leaned back in her chair told me she was comfortable in their company. Her gradient smile, shifting from subtle to radiant within moments, was a sight that always managed to catch my attention.In those moments, I found myself stealing glances at her, my gaze inexplicably drawn to her. It wasn't just the magnetic pull of her energy, but also a need within me to ensure she was okay. An unspoken promise I had made to myself to always be there for her, to protect her from any harm. Her request for space earlier in the day had taken me by surprise, instilling in me a newfound fear of losing her. That she might just disappear, leaving me to search for her without being able to find her again.
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35. Do You Know This Man?
Rima's POVTwo Weeks LaterThe past two weeks have been the most enriching since I moved to Canada. I found myself thriving at work, the haunting specter of nightmares had retreated since my trip with Jacob, and troubling news from home had ceased.The dynamics with Jacob had surprisingly settled into a comfortable rhythm. Despite our agreement to maintain a certain distance in our interactions, things weren't as awkward as I had anticipated. Our exchanges remained strictly professional within the firm, and even when we continued our work at his home office, the atmosphere was amicable. He never broached the subject of our relationship again, never pressured me to define what we could become.His space was a peaceful sanctuary, a soothing respite that I had come to appreciate over the past two weeks. I didn't feel compelled to make a decision about where we stood. We were simply allowing time to unravel our story in its own pace.As the workday dre
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36. The Day Tony Stepped into My Life
Rima’s POVTwo Months AgoIt had been six days since Dominic's demise, and my brutal punishment for daring to escape the clutches of my husband, Goerge.My body ached with the agony of my wounds, the deep scars he had left on me. I was sleeping on my stomach, the pain on my back still raw and throbbing. Sleep had become a luxury ever since George’s sudden arrest in the midst of a drug trade. Despite his goons keeping a watchful eye on me, ensuring I couldn't seize his imprisonment as an opportunity to flee, his absence brought a sense of relief. I found myself praying fervently, hoping he would never taste freedom again. Even if it meant being caged in this gilded prison myself, it was a price I was willing to pay, as long as I was spared from his terrifying presence.My slumber was ruptured by a series of loud gunshots reverberating through the mansion. Initially, I was petrified, frozen in fear. But the sound of shattering windows and stray
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37. A Friendly Gesture
Rima's POVWe enjoyed a leisurely lunch, the atmosphere relaxed despite the gravity of our conversation. I opened up to him about my experiences since starting my job with Mr. Snow, sharing each detail, each encounter. I didn't hold back, for Tony's perspective was something I deeply valued.The one detail I consciously omitted was the revelation of his family’s connections to the mafia. I didn’t want Tony to involve his friends in investigating him. In a peculiar way, I felt a protective instinct towards him, not wanting to alert anyone to his past, nor desiring to learn about his history from anyone but him.Tony was a patient listener, offering me the space to express myself without interruption. His face remained inscrutable, not betraying a hint of his thoughts, allowing me to share my narrative uninterrupted.I finished speaking, my voice trailing off into the soft hum of the restaurant. I looked at Tony, anticipation curdling in my stom
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38. A Very Interesting Dinner
Jacob’s POVThe restaurant was a study in subdued elegance, its dim lighting casting an intimate glow over the tastefully arranged tables. The air was filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the soothing strains of a jazz melody playing in the background. This was the stage upon which tonight’s performance would be played.Rima arrived on Tony’s arm, radiant in a dress of midnight blue that clung to her in all the right places. It was the perfect blend of elegance and allure, just like her. Tony’s hand at the small of her back was a possessive touch that ignited a spark of jealousy within me. He pulled out a chair for her, a gentlemanly gesture that seemed designed to provoke me.Rising from my chair, I extended my hand, my voice steady despite the tension "Jacob Snow"He responded with a smile that seemed almost chiseled onto his face, his grip firm in our handshake "Tony Azar. Thank you for this lovely invitation"
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39. A Masterclass in Professionalism
Rima’s POV:I hurried back to my flat, my vision blurred by the deluge of tears streaming down my face. It felt as if my heart were ablaze, consumed by a tumultuous mix of emotions. Inserting the key into the lock proved to be a challenge, my trembling hands and tear-streaked eyes obstructing my view.Inside me, conflicting halves battled for dominance. One part of me was shattered, my heartbroken spirit echoing with pain. The other part simmered with anger, directed towards him for betraying his promise. He had vowed to be there for me, to understand without judgment. Yet, in his indirect accusation of hypocrisy, he had failed to comprehend that my connection with Tony went beyond his affiliation with the mafia. It was the way Tony had rescued me, granted me a second chance at life, and continued to protect me at great personal risk. I couldn’t articulate all of this in explicit detail, but I had hoped he would extend me the benefit of the doubt, to believ
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40. Did You Just Roll Your Eyes at Me?
Rima’s POVThankfully, there were no more disputes between us and I was determined to keep things that way.At the end of the work day he called my office phone, most likely to tell me to be ready to head back home, but I had another reply for him this time and wouldn't let him hang up on me right away."Yes Mr. Snow" I said brusquely.He replied abruptly "We're leaving in two minutes"I quickly responded so that he didn't have time to move the phone away from his ear yet "I'm not going with you today. I have an errand to run"There was a brief silence and I thought he'd hung up on me, but then he said in an annoyed tone "Delay them; we have work to continue in my home office"I raced to reply before he could end the call and felt like I was engaged in a ping pong match where I was fighting hard not to let the ball escape from me -or in this case- allow him to close the call before I finished talking "I can't - unless you want m
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