Semua Bab Her Unexpected Alpha : Bab 31 - Bab 40
112 Bab
Chapter 31
Chapter 31****Amira****Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it, wondering who it could be. I opened the door, and was surprised to see a Derrick , he looked handsome in his black suit but still wore a sad look standing there. He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes, and he was smiling at her. "Good morning," he said. And I felt my heart skip a beat. I had no idea why he came, but I was scared "Good morning," I replied, and Derrick stepped inside. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I was hoping to talk to you,""I heard about what happened to Alex, and I wanted to offer my condolences. I know this is a difficult time for you, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you need anything." I was touched by his words, and I felt a sense of gratitude well up inside me. "Thank you," I said, "that's very kind of you." Derrick smiled at me.His presence reminded me of Alpha Andre, Kimora and the Pack, As I looked at Derrick across the table, I couldn’t help but feel
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Chapter 32
Chapter 32*********Amira******Deep in my mind, I knew had made a mistake by getting involved with Derrick . I had known he was married, but I had let my heart overrule my head. Now, I was paying the price for my selfishness by getting insulted by his mother . I felt angry at myself , and I was angry at Derrick’s mother for being so judgmental. I could feel the conflict within me. On one hand, my mind was telling me that it was best to let Derrick go and move on with my life. He was married, after all, and it was the right thing to do. But on the other hand, my heart was telling me something different. I felt a strong connection to Derrick, and I didn't want to give that up. I felt torn, and I didn't know what to do.I knew I had to make a decision, but I didn't know how to move forward. I closed her eyes and tried to clear my mind. In that moment of stillness, I heard a voice inside me. It was a quiet voice, but it was clear and strong. "Follow your heart," it said. I opened my ey
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Chapter 33
Chapter 33*****Amira*****Since the last time Derrick’s mother insulted me,I haven’t spoken to Derrick, my phone beeped and I checked to a text from Derrick. I wasn't sure how to feel about the text. On the one hand, I was shocked that Derrick had asked to see me. But on the other hand, I was confused by his timing. I wondered if he was just being friendly, or if he was hoping to rekindle our relationship. I didn't want to lead him on or give him false hope, but I also didn't want to hurt my own feelings . I decided to reply with a neutral answer, saying that I was busy but would love to catch up soon.I felt a mixture of emotions as I tried to think about the situation. I was surprised , but also a bit wary. I thought about the time we had spent together and how close we had been. I felt a tug of nostalgia, but also a bit of caution. I wasn't sure if I could trust Derrick again, or if I even wanted to. I thought about mg future and what I wanted, and I realized that I had to be hone
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Chapter 34
Chapter 33*****Amira*****Since the last time Derrick’s mother insulted me,I haven’t spoken to Derrick, my phone beeped and I checked to a text from Derrick. I wasn't sure how to feel about the text. On the one hand, I was shocked that Derrick had asked to see me. But on the other hand, I was confused by his timing. I wondered if he was just being friendly, or if he was hoping to rekindle our relationship. I didn't want to lead him on or give him false hope, but I also didn't want to hurt my own feelings . I decided to reply with a neutral answer, saying that I was busy but would love to catch up soon.I felt a mixture of emotions as I tried to think about the situation. I was surprised , but also a bit wary. I thought about the time we had spent together and how close we had been. I felt a tug of nostalgia, but also a bit of caution. I wasn't sure if I could trust Derrick again, or if I even wanted to. I thought about mg future and what I wanted, and I realized that I had to be hone
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Chapter 35
Chapter 35******Amira****The sun was streaming through the window as I opened my eyes. The light was warm and inviting, and I felt a sense of renewal. I got out of bed and made myself a cup of coffee. I sat at the kitchen table, taking in the morning sun and savoring the warmth of the beverage. I felt a sense of possibility as I looked out the window, seeing the world in a new light. It was a new day, and I was ready to embrace it.I got dressed and decided to go for a walk. The air was crisp and cool, and I felt invigorated as I breathed in the fresh air. The trees were vibrant shades of green and gold, and the sky was a brilliant blue. I felt like anything was possible, and I felt a sense of freedom and joy. I felt a renewed appreciation for the world around me, and I felt grateful for the simple things in life. I felt like she had been given a second chance, and I was determined to make the most of it.As I walked, I thought about what it would mean to be with Derrick again. I kn
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Chapter 36
Chapter 36*****Amira****For the first time in a long while , I thought about the importance of self-care and self-love. I knew that I needed to focus on myself, and to take care of my own needs. I realized that I had been putting others first for too long, and that it was time to focus on myself . I decided to take a hot bath, light some candles, and read my favorite book. I wanted to relax and recharge, so that I could face the world with a renewed sense of strength and resilience. Despite all these, I also had a sense of unease about the future. I knew that I had to face Andre, and I wasn’t sure how I would do that. I walked throug the door to the living room , I was greeted by the familiar silence of her home, I sent my kids out to the Pack to get some Ice cream. I tried to relax, but I couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety that had been building up inside me.As I settled into the living room, I heard a knock at the door. I felt a jolt of fear course through my body, but I gat
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Chapter 37
Chapter 37******Amira^^**After what felt like an eternity, the Alpha Andre finally pulled away from me. He looked down at me, a smirk on his face. "I've always known you still wanted me," he said, his voice full of smug satisfaction. "You can't deny it. I know you felt something when I kissed you." I felt my stomach twist into knots. I was disgusted by his words, and by his actions. I wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face again, but I knew that wouldn't solve anything. I had to stay calm and focused.I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself . I had to think about my next move carefully. I couldn't afford to make any rash decisions. "You're delusional," I said, my voice cold and even. "I've never wanted you, and I never will. You're nothing but a cruel and selfish man, and you'll never have anything to do with me." Alpha Andre’s face darkened, and his eyes narrowed. He took a step toward me, his fists clenched. "You shouldn't have said that," he said, his voice lo
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38****Amira****Alpha Andre’s attitude suddenly changed. He stood up straight, and his face hardened. "I will not beg for forgiveness," he said, his voice cold and harsh. "I am who I am, and I will not apologize for it. I do not need your approval, or your understanding. I am content with who I am." I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me. "I was only trying to help you," I said, her voice quiet. "I wanted to give you a that one chance to change from your evil way."Alpha Andre snorted. "Change is for the weak," he said, his voice full of scorn. "I do not need to change. I am strong, and I do not need anyone's pity and I can’t change for anyone, not even you." I felt a surge of anger, but I took a deep breath and forced myself to remain calm. "I was not offering you pity," I said, my voice even and controlled. "I was offering you compassion and a chance . I thought you might be open to change, but I see that I was wrong."Alpha Andre sneered. "I am what I am," he said,
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39*******Amira******The tension in the room was intense , and suddenly,my son stepped into the doorway, his expression full of concern. "Leave my mom alone," he said, his voice shaking but determined. "You can't hurt her. I won't let you." Alpha Andre turned to face the boy, a dangerous gleam in his eye. "You don't know what you're talking about, kid," he said, his voice dangerous and smooth. "You shouldn't get involved in matters that are beyond your understanding."My son squared his shoulders and stood his ground. "I know enough to know that you have no right to hurt my mom," he said, his voice growing stronger with every word. "If you don't leave her alone, I'm calling the police." Alpha Andre laughed, a cruel and mocking sound. "You think the police can stop me?" he said. "You have no idea what I'm capable of." My son didn't back down, his gaze steady. "I'm not afraid of you," he said. "And I won't let you hurt my family."I had to step in front of them immediately t
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Chapter 40
Chapter 40*****Amira****We were set to organize the party, organize, we decided to quickly send invites to he people staying around since it was such a quick one.And towards the evening of the day, our cozy garden transformed into a hive of activity. I had scoured through old recipe books, whipping up delectable treats that would make anyone's mouth water. My son had, armed with a notepad and pen, took on the role of the party's official messenger, delivering handcrafted invitations to every doorstep in the small neighborhood.The invitations even though was quick and made fast was still adorned with delicate illustrations of blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies, carried an air of enchantment. Word spread quickly, and anticipation swelled throughout the small neighborhood . Neighbors chatted excitedly over fences, sharing stories and laughter as they awaited the party.My children and I worked tirelessly to decorate the garden, hanging colorful lanterns from the trees and dra
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