Все главы My Stepbrother,My Crush,My Mate: Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter 11 Tight hug
~Amara~I took a step back. My heart twisted inside my chest painfully as though someone was squeezing it into a tiny ball and it was becoming hard for me to breathe.I think I was desperate because I thought the hug was made for me. I was so happy, nervous and excited to wrap my hands around him tightly for the very first time.I wanted to know how it felt to be in his arms. I was excited to live my dreams. My wildest imagination that I have been dreaming for way too long.In my dreams, I had kissed, hugged and even made love with Nicholas a thousand and one times. All I wanted at the moment was to find out how it would feel to live the actual dreams."You don't need to worry about it, my love. I know you have tried your best. I hate St Louis campus so much!"Sandra said when she pulled off the hug.My eyes never left Nicholas's green eyes even one second and he looked back at me.Heaving a deep sigh, I turned on my heels and walked away. I didn't dare to look back at them because I wa
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Chapter 12 Just the two of us...
~Amara~A week passed,Nicholas and I were getting along well most of the time. We didn't fight that much like we used to. However, he never stopped teasing me whenever he got a chance.Luke never stopped warning me to stay away from Nico because he thinks that he is a bad boy. He thinks that Nico will infect me with his behaviour.I tried to tell look Luke a hundred and one times that he doesn't need to worry about me and that Nico and were cool.However,it seemed as though he couldn't believe as far Nico was involved.The feeling of hugging Nicholas under the rain was still there and I smiled at myself whenever I recalled the moment.However, I kept the feelings and everything to myself because I was so scared of how people would react if they find out that I had a crush on my step-brother.I suppressed the feeling that I had for him whenever our skin brushed. And whenever he looked at me while explaining something with those damn green eyes,I couldn't help but hold my breath for a mome
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Chapter 13 A sleeping wolf
~Amara~Nico looked so serious while preparing the cookies. His dark shoulder-length hair was tied into a tight ponytail and he was wearing a blue apron.I couldn't believe that Nicholas was the one who was preparing breakfast for us. I blinked just to make sure that I was not dreaming or something.Nico turned his head slowly to look at the kitchen door and our eyes locked.He smiled at me and I smiled back at him."Are you just going to stand there and watch me or you'll help out?"He teased me and I scoffed at his words.Nico looked at me from toe to head. It made me feel conscious about myself because I was only wearing shorts and my thighs were exposed.I coughed intention and jolted Nico's brain back to the real world. I was just getting back at him because that is what he always does when he realised that I was admiring his body.That it mean that he was lusting over my body too?Does it mean that he was dying to lay his hands on my body like I always feel whenever look at his chi
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Chapter 14 playing around with the wolf
~Amara~The wolf had dark furs and it was big compared to other wolves. There was no doubt that the wolf was an Alpha."But..who could it be?"I was so sure that it wasn't my Dad's wolf because he was not in the pack now. Moreover, his wolf has brown fur.Fear crept in my heart when I gave it a thought.Is our pack under attack or something? I couldn't help but silently ask myself countless questions.I recalled closing the door before I left the ground floor and Went to my room to get some rest.I turned on my heels and ascended the staircase hurriedly, holding on the railings for stability.I bursted into Nicholas's room to let him know that there was someone who had entered our house.A deep frown settled on my features, the bed was empty and there was no one inside his room. I walked to the balcony to check if he was there but…he was nowhere to be seen.Did he just sneak out while I was asleep? I couldn't help but get worried when the thought popped into my mind."Nicholas? Where are
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Chapter 15 feeling lightheaded
`Amara~I blinked my eyes countless times to get rid of the blurry vision. I tried to toss but I couldn't.I felt like something was wrapped around me so tightly that restricted my movement.Did I just get entangled with the blankets? I couldn't help but wonder in my sleepy state. A deep frown settled on my face when I woke up on the ground floor.I almost screamed when I realised that I woke up in the arms of a wolf, and that's when I remembered that I was talking to Leon, Nico's wolf at night before I fell asleep.My lips curved into a smile when I looked at the sleeping Leon. I tried to slip away from Leon's arms but the grip was too tight but comfortable.It was warm in his arms and I couldn't help but lay on the sofa to feel more of his warmth. If I can't have Nicholas in his human form,if Nicholas can't hug me this tight when I am asleep,I can have his wolf do it for me because it seemed that we could get along pretty well.The smile on my lips widened even more when I gave it a t
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Chapter 16 Drugged
~Amara~"Stop!"I heard a familiar masculine voice say coldly from behind. Even though I was feeling a little dizzy. I figured out who the voice belonged to.I had mastered the voice so well that I could tell who it belonged to even if I'm in a deep slumber."I said stop pervet!"He shouted again in a high voice and the so-called Nomani stopped in his tracks and his body turned stiff."What have you done to her? Where were you taking her, bastard?"Nicholas took me in his arms and placed me on the chair.I heard the venom in his voice.Nicholas was really pissed off,he looked as though he was going to slit someone's throat in the next second.The brown haired tried to run away but Nico caught him even before he could take more than three steps to save his ass. He grabbed the boy by the collar and punched him so hard across the face and I heard a crack."How dare you drug her!"He said using an Alpha command and everything went silent. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing to look at us.
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Chapter 17 Falling apart again
~Amara~"Da…Daddy?"My hand hangs in the air. I wanted to run to him and wrap my hand around him like I always did but I couldn't bring myself to do so.I didn't miss the disappointment on his face either. My hand fell back on my sides. Nicholas was quiet too and he lowered his head in shame."We need to have a proper talk."My father said in a bold voice and I couldn't help but shiver slightly.He only used that voice if someone had pissed him off. I raised my head to look at him and nodded at his words.I gazed at Nico and he looked back at me.Nicholas and I sat on one couch while my Dad and Patricia sat on the couch opposite from us."The Beta and Gamma called and informed me what happened when we were away."My Dad said and I swallowed nervously, fixing my eyes on the floor."Why did you lie to the warriors, Amara? Why did the two of you decide to go against what we agreed on?"My Dad asked and I didn't know what to tell him because I didn't have a valid answer that would explain the r
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Chapter 18 Emotions
~Nico~"You need to stay away from me Amara," I said and saw some unexplainable emotions flash on her face which I couldn't wrap my hand around.Does it mean that she couldn't find it in her heart to stay away from me too?I couldn't help but asked myself questions which I had no answers to.Taking a slow sigh,I buried the questions at the back of my mind.Perhaps I was just being paranoid."What? But we are siblings."She reasoned out but I shook my head at her words, "Don't you remember what our parents said? They told us that we need to stick together and support each other in whatever she/he is doing and going through."Amara reminded me our parent's advice.I closed my eyes and raked my hair backwards in frustration."It's best if you distance yourself, Amara. I don't want you to always get into trouble because of me."My heart twisted inside my chest as though someone was squeezing it into a small ball and it was becoming hard for me to breathe.Those words were so sore on my throat a
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Chapter 19 Teasing
~Amara~"Amara, I hope you have learned some lessons from what happened, "Luke told me and I nodded to his words.I know Luke wasn't pleased when I sneaked with Nico and went to the party.He was still pissed,he even hated Nicholas more because he thinks that it was his fault.He couldn't stop blaming him for it.I apologised to Beta and Gamma for lying to them.They were easy to understand me and didn't give me a hard time.I spent the whole day with Luke, training and revising some schoolwork. He taught me some things that I couldn't understand and I explained to him where he could understand too.I kept on looking at the Mansion's balcony and sometimes I locked eyes with Nico.However,we didn't say anything to one another.I recalled the way he walked out on me in his room and went to the bathroom to take a shower. My heart twisted inside my chest as though someone was squeezing it into a tiny ball and it was becoming hard for me to breathe.Nico was just stubborn like he has always bee
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Chapter 20 Green eyes
~Amara~The day passed by pretty fast and our Beta came to fetch us from the campus and we headed back to the pack.Nicholas was still quiet throughout the drive, he was engrossed on his phone and only the heavens knew what he was looking at.Patricia hugged us when we arrived home. Since they came to live with us,I have been looking forward to going back home in the afternoon after campus classes because I knew someone was waiting for me to arrive.The mansion didn't feel that lonely anymore with Patricia around and Nicholas although he's a disaster. Before I used to be all alone in the big mansion. Luke used to keep me company but if he was busy back at their home, I would spend long hours alone until my Dad comes back from his Alpha office.Patricia inquired how our day was back at the campus and we told her there was nothing to worry about.Well, there was a lot to worry about especially his son who keeps on missing lessons and getting into trouble but I chose to keep quiet.I walk
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