Semua Bab Top Note: The Billionaire's Perfumer: Bab 21 - Bab 30
32 Bab
Chapter 20
ErianthaI was taken by complete surprise when Sebastian drove me to Darcel's sub-urban establishment this morning, it was a huge estate under Karwitz corporation, which had been converted into the production unit of the Karwitz perfumes, a few years back. However, it looked less of an industrial unit and gave in the vibe of a country side farm.Based on my knowledge about the Karwitz perfumes, which was quite impressive, because i knew most of the things about them that was meant for the public, the creative team of the company worked at the headquarters of the Karwitz Perfumes, in the city, which was well set up with modern laboratories designed in advanced technology. I had expected to work there, however a tiny part of me was disappointed because that would mean I would rarely meet Darcel because, he doesn't like being cooped up at the head office.After meeting Maximilian Karwitz yesterday, I had a feeling that I could tell the reason, someone like his grandfather would rare
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Chapter 21
DarcelI regretted the moment I had to leave Eriantha on our very first night. I could tellhow surprised and dejected she must have felt, it was her first time she had said, and yet I had to leave her without any proper explanation. I was being nothing but an asshole to her, while she was doing her everything to get things figured out between us, to make this arrangement function."Fuck" I curse inwardly, it has been already really hard for her to deal with, but i was left with no choice, and now this situation was getting even worse. I closed my fingers against my lips, it was my imagination but I could feel her lingering sweet taste coating my tongue, her unique scent captivating every inch of my senses; this was driving me insane insane. yet again, I had to waste another night not lavishing myself with that temptation, my wife.The previous night, i could tell that she had planned to avoid me all together, she definitely didn't need a presentation for a meeting with the supplier.
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Chapter 22
Eriantha"Wait, Eriantha" Evan called from behind, I was preparing to leave as soon as our meeting was over.There was no way I was going to linger this any further.Why does it always happen to me! It was only today that Evan's father decided to send his son for dealing with the, business, and his son was none other than the guy with whom I had that stupid encounter. The excuse of a kiss, I wish I could erase it, in fact I almost had been successful, but Evan was making it difficult with his presumptive flirting during the meeting. I have been ignoring them, but this guy was too stubborn and not taking the hint.I am totally regretting this meeting, as it is there wasn't much to discuss, the Winters have been working with Karwitz perfumes for years now, it was understandable that he already had an idea about the quantity of the items required to produce the new lot, but the only changes that were required to be made was that we now needed more organic, raw products. I had already pre
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Chapter 23
DarcelThis question was wrong in so many ways, but my anger got better off me when I found that prick towering over my wife. I could tell that Eriantha was scared and was looking for an out, but the moment I came back here, after what grandfather had to say about the whole situation, the way he insinuated the matter shifting the blame at me,yet again, I wouldn't have bothered had he not insulted my wife, but he did, he had called her a whore and that made me furious.Eriantha was unblemished,pure and she was mine. I wanted her in my arms, to take her in every possible way, to mark her as mine and only mine. Instead, I found that brat trying to lure her. Something blew off in me, when I heard him say something about kissing her, and that she should let him have her for one night.How dare he? That Fucker was trying to get his rotten hands on my wife, but the way he spoke to her in a certain familiar tone, made my unruly mind create images of them together. Did they have a past?
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Chapter 24
ErianthaI must have gotten out from the wrong side of the bed, for my first a at work was anything but rotten. As if crossing path with that scum Evan wasn't enough, then Darcel came in like a bulldozer, a little part is me was glad that he did, but then he is no less of a megalomaniac himself. I accept that the way he had found us inside that room must have shocked him, but that man is impossible, he refused to hear any explanation. Not just that he uses his seduction skills as a tool, knowing fully well the kind of effect he has on me. That man is a wolf, a buly, and what makes me mad is that, everytime I succumb to him.Not today, I have decided I won't talk to him, unless he mends his ways, and speaks with me like how two civic humans interact. I can't let him take advantage of my inexperience every single time. What he did at work today could have ruined everything, fortunately when I left the room nobody was around, including Sebastian. So, during the team meeting, I only rece
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Chapter 25
Darcel"Don't tell me you have shot someone at the hospital. Or worse you have screwed a nurse there and got yourself in trouble" I had picked up the call on the second ring because it was from Leonel. I wasn't in the mood to speak with anyone at this moment, I had been without sleep for hours, and then had a shitty day because of the unpleasant encounter with Eriantha.I had been a jerk to her this morning, all because that scoundrel Evan Winter couldn't keep it in his pants, though he couldn't get it up.Darn it!I couldn't focus on a single meeting and now I was held up with so much of pending work that I couldn't clock out early even though it was Friday. Even Sebastian had left for his 'dinner appointment', dumping me, as if I didn't know he would bury his dick inside Julia the first opportunity he would get. Those two have been what they call, "Friends with benefits" for the past two years, and probably there weren't any surfaces left in the company where they he hasn't railed
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Chapter 26
ErianthaI woke up in my shittiest hangover state possible, my head was hammering unbearably and my entire body was in excruciating pain. I have never been this groggy in my life. The moment I tried to sit up, my head spun and I winced because my entire body right from my hips to my toes felt sore, as if I had been lashed innumerable times.Am I dead? Is this hell? Well, the amount of alcohol I had taken in this body yesterday, they would never sign me up for heaven, would they?I looked around, it was dark, because the curtains were pulled down but the trace of faint light that entered from the gaps, illuminated the room incandescently, the light had a pink hue, it must be early hours of dawn. Or was it not? How long did I sleep?"Ah" I winced again, this time audibly, this soreness was worse than my condition during my periods. Resting my head backwards I felt the headboard, fortunately I am still in bed in I touched the soft matress, and the sheet which was covering me.Wait! Di
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Chapter 27
DarcelGigantic predators hunt smaller animals not for the need of filling up themselves , but they hunt because, those creatures are fascinating; how those tiny creatures cower, hide, run away,when the mighty hunters give the chase for the fun, and when they finally nab those tiny things, they enjoy how their prey's heart flutters, the fear quotient always make the hunt thrilling. Yet some of them give a good fight until the very end, and even that bravado seems appetizing.My wife was an anomaly I couldn't quite understand, she was the most exquisite woman, a small herbivore, from outside, she was like a rabbit, or say a squirrel, who fell into the hunting grounds of predatory beasts. She should run right now? She must cower away, but pray tell, she is telling the beast that she trusts him. I wanted to laugh, if she only knew the things I wanted to do to her. Eriantha was too pure, and hence tempting for me.I had been holding back for too long to stop now, consequences be damned
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Chapter 28
Eriantha"You will take this cock like a good girl, won't you baby?"My heart did that flip again, not just because Darcel was huge, I really didn't mind that, having read my fair share of smut novels, I knew that even if it would hurt in the beginning, but the pleasure would overcome the pain.Of course, there were many disasters when it comes to reality, but Darcel was experienced, he knew his game and I trusted him in this, just like he trusted me about perfumes. But, my heart had been doing flips, because he was calling me names of adoration like, Baby, Nectar, Wife.I was too aroused to rationalize that it was just in the moment of heat, too lonely to acknowledge that we are just in a marriage of convenience having consensual sex because we were physically attracted towards each other. I was afraid of lines getting blurred, I was having a struggle to keep reminding myself this is all temporary. Two years, we had two years. It could be stretchy long two years, but I have a feelin
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Chapter 29
DarcelI kept the water running at the wash basin as I tried to shave my untamed stubble, the entire attempt was focused towards avoiding to roll the razor under the chin where my wife had marked me so passionately. I hated shaving on weekends, but then again grandfather's call ruined my plans of just having a day to myself with Eriantha wrapped around my arms for the whole time. however, that old man had no sense of shame when it came to treating me like a pushover. Maximilian Karwitz had once again very conveniently dumped another one of his image cleaning jobs to me, and even when I abhorred it my current situation demanded compliance.It was Ulrich Murrow's birthday, and grandfather expected me to attend the party simply because Leonel won't be able to make it, or rather he wants Leonel to stay put. Leo had made it to the club the previous night though. I didn't need to be told that there was something else behind this, to begin with, after the Davytan fiasco, Maximilian Karwit
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