Semua Bab Blindside Beauty : Bab 41 - Bab 50
66 Bab
The Harder you Work, the Harder it is to Surrender
Jeremy finds himself enveloped in darkness, a soft pink blindfold pressed gently against his eyes, a thrilling experience to say the least. In his limited sexual experience, he has yet to encounter anything this kinky. Alexandra takes control, and he loves it, her delicate fingertips gliding along his skin as she binds his arms and legs to each ornate post of the bed. A shiver of anticipation runs down his spine as the subtle touch of a riding crop teases his body. She begins as the valley of his throat and glides the leather fob down slowly over his Pectoral muscles and circles his nipple before giving it a light swat. He jumps but feels the shivering of excitement race down his spine and flood him with arousal. Soon, Alexandra straddles him, her warmth surrounding him as she lowers herself onto him, taking in every inch. Their connection intensifies as she rides him with wild abandon, her movements reminiscent of a wild bronco. He can't help but moan as her nails scratch as his
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From Gridiron to Grazing: Touchdowns and Cattle Rounds
The sun had just dipped below the horizon when Jeremy and Alexandra arrived at Lloyd's Ranch. The sprawling landscape, bathed in the soft hues of twilight, welcomed them with an air of tranquil serenity. The homely ranch, nestled amidst rolling hills, was a stark contrast to the bustling city they were familiar with, promising an adventure of an entirely different flavor.Lloyd and Alicia were already in the driveway, their silhouettes stark against the dwindling light. Greetings were exchanged, warm hugs were shared, and laughter echoed through the crisp evening air. The bond of friendship between them was palpable, a comforting presence amidst the unfamiliarity of the ranch.Alexandra and Alicia, old friends with much to share, headed inside together. Alexandra, brimming with stories about her recent experiences, was eager to share her tales of driving across open mountainous grasslands, maneuvering herds, and the raw thrill of branding cattle. The unfamiliarity of the experience st
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The Gunner
At the first crack of dawn, Jeremy, Lloyd, Alexandra, and Alicia, bleary-eyed but buzzing with anticipation, shook off their sleep to join Lloyd's seasoned ranch hands on the last stretch of their drive. The ranch, sprawling out in the morning light, was alive with the sounds of cattle lowing and horses snorting impatiently. It was a symphony of the Wild West, the backdrop to their exhilarating day ahead.Alexandra, in particular, was radiating energy. She was a natural in the saddle, with a spirit as wild and free as the horses she rode. As she deftly swung up onto her horse with a confident grin, there was a spark in her eyes that spoke of the pure joy she found in the day's challenge. Her excitement was so infectious, even the usually stoic Jeremy couldn't help but share a smile with her.On the other hand, Alicia was struggling with her own horse. The beast, sensing her unease, was stubbornly refusing to cooperate. As Alicia tugged and coaxed, she seemed more likely to end up spra
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The Lombardi Sweep
The moon hung high in the night sky, casting its pale glow over the sprawling landscape surrounding Jeremy's chateau. It was 2 AM, and exhaustion clung to Jeremy and Alexandra like a heavy shroud after their long drive from Lloyd's ranch just outside of Dillon, Montana. Dust and sweat mingled on their skin, evidence of the day spent helping Lloyd brand his cattle. As their truck rumbled to a stop in front of the grand entrance, Jeremy turned to Alexandra, weariness etched into the lines of his rugged face. "I'll take care of unloading the horses," he said, his voice laced with fatigue. "You should head inside and get some rest. We can tackle the rest in the morning."Alexandra, her features reflecting the strain of the long journey, nodded wearily. She reached for her suitcase and gathered her scattered belongings, her movements slow and deliberate. The weight of exhaustion pressed down upon her, but she couldn't ignore her responsibilities. "I appreciate it, Jeremy, but I have to be
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Game of Hearts
Jeremy and Alexandra sat at the grand oak table in the heart of Jeremy's chateau, their breakfast plates nearly empty. Sunlight streamed through the tall windows, casting a warm glow on the elegant kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the fragrant scent of croissants.Jeremy couldn't help but admire Alexandra's radiant beauty. With her sparkling green eyes and a smile that could melt hearts, she was the epitome of elegance. Today, she wore a sleek black dress, the perfect complement to her graceful figure.He leaned across the table, reaching for her hand, and said with a playful grin, "You know, my love, you make breakfast taste even sweeter."Alexandra blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. "Oh, Jeremy, you always know how to make me feel special."Jeremy chuckled, the sound resonating throughout the room. "Well, I did have a little trouble sleeping last night. I was too busy making sure everything was perfect for my extraordinary woma
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31 Trap
Jeremy stood in the expansive dining room of his chateau, a soft smile playing on his lips. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow across the room, accentuating the elegant table adorned with fine china and polished silverware. He had meticulously arranged a feast fit for royalty, infused with flavors that would tantalize the taste buds and nourish the body.Tonight was a special night—a night he had carefully planned to surprise Alexandra, his beloved. As he glanced around the room, his eyes swept over the array of dishes, each prepared with love and consideration. From the marinated grilled chicken breast, perfectly seasoned with a delicate blend of herbs and spices, to the colorful medley of roasted vegetables, every element had been chosen with Alexandra's health and fitness goals in mind.In the center of the table, a bottle of velvety red wine stood tall, its crimson hue reflecting the passion that fueled Jeremy's intentions. He knew that Alexandra's commitment to her rigor
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Unleashed Fury
The roar of the crowd reverberated through the stadium as the Denver Outlaws burst onto the field, their spirits electrified by the anticipation of the impending clash with the formidable Las Vegas Gamblers. Each step they took sent tremors rippling beneath their cleats, fueling the fire within their hearts. The atmosphere crackled with excitement, a primal energy that coursed through the veins of both players and fans alike.Among the sea of thunderous applause, Jeremy caught a glimpse of Lloyd, his 57-year-old friend and owner of the Billings Wolves, making his way towards him. Lloyd's presence was unexpected, but Jeremy welcomed the surprise with a grin as he slowed his pace to greet him."Lloyd! What are you doing here?" Jeremy exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine surprise.Lloyd's eyes gleamed mischievously as he replied, "Well, I thought I'd surprise Alicia and see her in action. And imagine my shock when I found you coaching the Outlaws! A long way from your playing days, h
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Read Option
The Denver Coliseum buzzed with a mix of elation and disappointment as the final seconds ticked away on the scoreboard. The Cannibals, once a fierce force on the field, had been decimated by the Dodge City Law. Jeremy, Alexandra, Lloyd, and Alicia found themselves in the owner's box, their usual sanctuary, witnessing the crushing defeat firsthand. As the crowd dispersed, Jeremy's mind became a whirlwind of thoughts. Should he take charge and become the interim head coach, leading the team through the remaining five games of Terrell Hillis' suspension? Or perhaps he should seek out a retired, experienced coach to guide the team temporarily. Terrell's decision to appoint his offensive coordinator as the interim coach had left a sour taste in Jeremy's mouth. He pondered these possibilities, knowing that the future of the team rested on his shoulders.Lost in contemplation, Jeremy was abruptly pulled back to reality by the approach of a group of passionate fans. They recognized Jeremy, A
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4th and Forever
Jeremy Davis felt the weight of the world pressing on his shoulders as he strode down the polished hallway leading to his office. The fluorescent lights cast a harsh glow on his stern face, highlighting the furrowed brows and creases of concern that had etched themselves into his features.His recent meeting with the team captains was playing on repeat in his mind. They wanted him to step up as the interim head coach, but they didn't want Hillis back, even after his suspension ended. As much as Jeremy wanted to help, his commitment to the Denver Outlaws as their Quarterback Coach was unwavering. The team was on a roll, winning big, and he couldn’t risk disrupting their momentum.As he stepped into his office, Alexandra, Lloyd, and Alicia looked up from their conversation, their expressions mirroring his own. His decision was clear in his eyes, and silence filled the room as they took it in.“Let’s head to my place,” Jeremy suggested, trying to break the heavy atmosphere. “We could all
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The Decision
Jeremy took a deep, steadying breath, the kind that braced a man about to dive into unknowable depths. The room was cast in the soft glow of twilight that filtered through the half-closed blinds. He pushed himself off the plush, leather couch, the material protesting with a familiar creak that spoke of many nights like this, brooding over the chessboard of his career.Lloyd, in his shadow, mirrored the motion, rising from an adjacent armchair. A silent sentinel, his presence was both a comfort and a reminder of the conversation at hand—a conversation that hung in the air like the faint smolder of the fireplace's last embers.The worn leather of the living room couch groaned as he pushed himself up, his fingers still cold from the glass that he now needed to refill. The whiskey had been a temporary reprieve, but the burn in his throat was a stark reminder that he couldn't drown his problems in the amber liquid. Jeremy's footsteps were deliberate as he crossed the room to the wet bar,
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