Semua Bab Alpha's Fated Mates: Bab 41 - Bab 50
86 Bab
Chapter 41
Lilith's POV His eyes widened in surprise as he abruptly rose from the chair upon which he had been seated. He scrutinized my face carefully and inquired, "Are you certain about that?" I smiled and replied, "I've never been more certain about anything in my entire life." "Come here," he said in a seductive tone, extending his hand. I placed my hand in his, and he gently drew me closer to him. A broad grin stretched from one end of his face to the other as he locked eyes with mine. "You don't know how happy you've just made me," he said, cradling my face in his hand and planting a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled back and gazed into my eyes, which were filled with desire, just like his own. He kissed me again, this time with intense passion. My legs were on the verge of giving out. He supported me with his strong hand. All I could think about was having him inside of me; I was already wet. I craved him, and even my wolf yearned for him, but I understood he wouldn't be ready for that
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Chapter 42
Alpha Joe's POVI waited to hear the second voice to see if I recognized it as well."Yes, my Queen, I am quite certain she is," the second person replied. I wasn't surprised that the queen was here, entertaining gossip from a handmaiden. Curious to hear more before confronting them, I remained hidden behind the tree, eavesdropping on their conversation."How do you know? What makes you so sure?" she inquired."I've been observing her - the way she behaves. She gets tired easily, and I've witnessed her vomiting more than eight times a day," the second person explained."Mmhhh… Interesting, so she's pregnant, and they're attempting to conceal it from us?" she mused rhetorically."The other day, she requested a drink. I offered her her favorite wine, which contains alcohol, but she declined and asked for juice instead.""She's definitely pregnant then. I've noticed a few signs myself, and now that you mention it, it all fits together," the queen remarked."Continue to observe, and repor
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Chapter 43
Lilith's POVI wondered what the favor could be. It was rare for him to ask me for favors; most of the time, he just told me what he needed help with, and I did it without hesitation."Let's hear it," I said, setting down the spoon I held onto the plate."My father wants to treat us to dinner tomorrow evening. He promised to bring you along," he said, his brows slightly furrowed. He made a cute face at me, a subtle attempt to persuade me not to refuse.I giggled and shook my head. He was trying to bribe me, and it worked."What's funny? You won't come?" he asked."Of course, I'd come. How could I refuse when you make a face as cute as that?" I winked at him and smiled. He returned my smile and continued eating."When you come over, just pretend that his food is the best you've ever had. Trust me, it will be," he said proudly. I didn't doubt him one bit. I mean, we're talking about Joseph here, a man who's good at anything and everything."Trust me, I will," I responded. This must be v
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Chapter 44
Lilith's POVI was feeling utterly perplexed; uncertainty clouded my thoughts. I didn't know what course of action to take. Deep down, I sensed an imperative need to confront the suspicion that had arisen within me. Abruptly, a wave of nausea surged through me, compelling me to rush to the bathroom.Once there, I swiftly rinsed my mouth and descended the stairs, determined to carry out my daily chores. If my suspicions held any truth, it was paramount that nobody should discover.Oh, I fervently pray that this is not reality. My fate would be sealed if it were true. How could I possibly manage if it turned out that I was pregnant? To whom could I turn for support?My mother would be devastated. It's crucial to note that I've never been intimate with Adrian, so if the unthinkable were to be true, it could not be his child. There's only one person with whom I've had any form of sexual involvement—the Crown Prince.He's the one individual who wants nothing to do with me, the one who has
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Chapter 45
Lilith's POVWere my efforts all in vain? I wondered. Did this mean that despite enduring the unpleasant taste of those pills I despised, I still had to undergo a doctor's examination? "Wow, Lilith, you might be in some serious trouble," my inner thoughts chimed in. "All you can do now is pray that you're not pregnant!"Adrian held my hand and reached the clinic's door. He knocked, but there was no response. He knocked again and again, still no one answered. It became evident that the doctor was not present. "Thank goodness," I murmured under my breath. It was almost as if the universe was conspiring in my favor."He's not here; we should head back to the bar," I suggested, feigning disappointment."Don't worry, love. Let's wait a few more minutes to see if he returns," Adrian reassured me. This was starting to frustrate me. Why was Adrian so insistent on getting me checked out? Why was he being so difficult? I couldn't react based on my irritation; it might make me seem suspicious, a
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Chapter 46
Lilith's POVThere, standing behind me, was Seline, wearing a sinister smile on her face."Well, well, well, we finally meet again," she said as she advanced toward me. As soon as she got close, she bent down and whispered in my ear, "alone."I was mortified. She had seen me vomit just now. What if she had caught on to what was happening? What if she had the same suspicions I had about the possibility of me being pregnant?I was scared but didn't let it show. She peered into the sink in disgust. Most of my vomit had washed down the drain."I see you're still unwell, and I sense an energy about you, one I can't wrap my head around. Are you sure you're not possessed by a foul spirit?" she mocked."You don't sense anything, Seline. It's still too early to start bickering nonsense." Immediately, the words left my mouth, I regretted them. Where had the confidence to say all those things come from?She was shocked herself, her eyes so wide they looked like they might pop out of their socket
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Chapter 47
Lilith's POVHe smiled and said, "My father said you're okay, and there's nothing wrong with you, so I guess there'll be no need for that," he finished.Thank goodness! I heaved a sigh of relief. "He made sure I went to him every two hours to check my body temperature, can you believe that?" I asked, acting as dramatically as I could.He laughed heartily, "He did what he had to do. We care so much about you; we can't afford to let anything happen to you."I smiled as he planted a kiss on my forehead and then my face and neck, causing me to giggle. Sonia and Seline were glaring at me from a corner. I kept unintentionally looking in their direction. Work had ended; shouldn't they be on their way home instead of lurking around like predators waiting to devour their prey?"Let me take you home," Adrian said.I nodded, grabbed my bag, and we left."Why didn't you come to work in the morning?" I asked.The look on his face changed to a solemn one. I wondered what the problem might be. He na
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Chapter 48
Lilith's POV "I'm pregnant?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Wait, am I really pregnant?" I looked up at the doctor, hoping for a different answer. It seemed impossible; this couldn't be happening. "Please, Doctor, kindly check again. This can't be possible. How can I be pregnant after just one instance of sexual intercourse?" The doctor gazed at me and let out a sigh. "If you want me to check again, I will, but you are indeed pregnant, my dear." He pointed to the small screen. "Look! You're not just going to have one baby, or two, or three but four." I was left utterly speechless. As I peered at the ultrasound machine, I could discern very tiny embryos. A wave of heat rushed down my forehead, and the reality struck me like a ton of bricks. I was undeniably pregnant. In a few months, I would be welcoming a baby into my life. The thought filled me with an overwhelming sense of terror. The doctor ushered me back into his office, sensing my discontent. "I can see that you're not quite ha
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Chapter 49
Lilith's POV I breathed a sigh of relief when Alpha Andrew opened the door and informed me that my mother had not yet returned, even though she had left an hour ago to fetch something. "Thank goodness!" I exclaimed. Without wasting any time, I quickly entered the house and started preparing dinner. It wasn't long before my mother returned; by then, I had already served Alpha Andrew his meal. She warmly embraced and kissed him and then requested that I serve her as well. After they had finished eating, I proceeded to clear the plates. My mother cast a quizzical glance my way, her eyes narrowing as they swept over my figure. "Is everything alright with you, Lilith?" she inquired, her tone devoid of any concern or worry. "I am fine, mother," I replied. "You don't appear to be," she retorted, "you've put on a bit of weight, and you look bloated. It seems you've been indulging in excessive eating. You can't afford to continue doing that, my dear. Money is hard to come by," she added w
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Chapter 50
Lilith's POVIt has already been three months. The early morning sickness has begun to subside, and it's not as difficult as it was during the first and second months of my pregnancy. I've made up my mind that I would escape, but I needed to break up with Adrian first.It has been a while since I saw him, about two weeks now. It was challenging, very challenging for me, not seeing my man for that long."What are you saying, Lilith? Your man? Isn't he the same person you're planning to discard soon? The same person you're going to tell, 'This relationship cannot work, it's over. I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me'? Yes, the same man you're going to use those clichéd lines on," my inner thoughts sneered.I sighed deeply. It isn't his fault. I can't make him take responsibility for something that wasn't his doing. That would be extremely unfair of me. Adrian is a kind-hearted man.Even though I told him before our relationship started that I had already slept with another man, he would be
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