Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
Chapter 31
I woke up to the sound of the door opening. I opened my eyes and saw him walking in with a bag of groceries. He smiled when he saw me awake.“Hey, you’re up. How are you feeling?” He asked, putting the bag on the table.“I’m feeling better, thanks to you,” I lied, sitting up on the bed.He came over to me and kissed my forehead. “I’m glad to hear that. I got everything we need for your soup. Do you want to help me make it?” He asked, holding my hand.“Sure, why not?” I said, getting out of the bed. I put on my slippers and followed him to the kitchen.He took out some vegetables, chicken, noodles, and spices from the bag. He washed them and chopped them. He put a pot of water on the stove and turned on the heat.“Here, you can add the salt and pepper,” he said, handing me a shaker.I took it and sprinkled some salt and pepper into the water. He smiled and thanked me.“You’re such a good helper,” he said, kissing my cheek.I forced a smile and pretended to enjoy his affection. I wondere
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Episode 32
“Well, why didn’t you?” I asked with a concerned look on my face. I was actually surprised because it had been a long while since I had sexual intercourse with my husband so this development was very new. “It’s a problem we have been battling for a while now. I don’t know what the issue is. I have tried. It is why we have not had children yet,” he lied and I scorned at him. I knew the exact reason why we didn’t have any kids.Was this what he was going through in the hands of his mistresses? Poor thing.“Well, have we done anything about it? Have we gone to the doctor or something?” I asked and he shook his head. “Yes. They said there was nothing they could do but they did give me some tips to help,” he said and I looked at him inquisitively. “Which is?” I asked and he hesitated a while before telling me.“Well, the doctors says I have to be properly aroused before doing the act but I don’t know what is happening now,” he said and I would have felt really bad for except for the fact
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Episode 33
As we arrived at the club, my husband and I walked in like the star prize. We immediately made heads turn because we looked exquisite.I especially felt really sexy in the dress I wore. “Baby, they’re staring,” I said, a little bit nervous but he only held on to me tighter.“They cannot stand your beauty,” he whispered into my ear while I smiled.I scanned the crowd for Henry. I spotted him at the bar, looking handsome and confident. He smiled when he saw me and waved me over. I felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. “That one. He looks like a big fish,” I said to my husband pointing toward Henry. “Ah yes, he is indeed. He’s the owner of this place,” he said and I nodded. “Wow, Impressive,” I smiled and he nodded. “We could go meet him if you want,” he said and I nodded. “Of course, what other better thing than getting acquainted with the richer and more famous?” I said, giggling while he laughed with me. We soon got close to where Henry stood and my heart rate increased. He
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Episode 34
“What do you mean, my baby Jane?” Henry said to me, his eyes wide with disbelief. He looked at me like I was some kind of crazy woman, and I felt a pang of embarrassment. But I meant what I said. Unless my gym instructor had lied to me, but I was sure that he was telling the truth.“They need children, Henry. They need children.” I repeated, lowering my voice. I knew about the childlessness of his wife, Bianca, and him. And I was offering myself as a surrogate to help them solve this problem. But I needed something in return. “Look, Henry, I know about your situation, and I’m willing to help you out. But I need a favor from you too.” I said, and he frowned at me, his expression hardening.“How did you know that, Jane? Have you been spying on us? That’s not very nice.” Henry asked, his voice rising with every question. He was shocked and furious, but he tried to hide it by taking a sip of his beer. He was stuffing his fat belly with the drink, as if it could drown his troubles.“Oh, don
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Episode 35
“Does this mean we can’t see as usual?” He asked lowering his voice. “What do you mean Landry?” I asked, pretending not to know exactly what he meant. He looked at me with a mix of frustration and longing. He knew I was pretending, but he didn't want to push me too hard. He wanted to respect my boundaries, even if they hurt him. "I mean, you know what I mean, Jane. We've been seeing each other for months now, and I thought we had something special. But ever since your whole memory loss thing, you've been avoiding me. You barely answer my calls, you cancel our plans, you act like we're strangers in public. How long can we keep this up?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I love you, Jane. I don't care what your husband thinks. He can't control your life. You're a Stone, a descendant and successor of the Stone’s family empire. Why can't you just tell him the truth?"I shook my head and clenched my fists. “No, I can’t just tell him the truth. Landry, don’t you get it?” “Th
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Episode 36
“Good morning, baby,” I greeted him warmly as I walked into his room carrying a tray of delicious breakfast. He looked up at me, yawning and stretching on his bed. He rubbed his eyes a little bit before focusing on me and the food. “Oh wow, good morning, darling,” he replied, his voice still groggy from sleep.He started feeling his sheets nervously, as if he was afraid of what he might find underneath. He glanced at me with a puzzled expression and asked, “Baby, did you bring me here?” He sounded unsure and confused. I looked at him with a reassuring smile and said, “Yes, of course. You were so intoxicated last night that I had to take you home.”“Oh, wow,” he muttered, looking around the room as if he didn’t recognize it. He ran his fingers through his hair while I set the tray on his bedside table. I leaned in and kissed his forehead gently. “Don’t worry, you are fine, OK? Remember that I’m your wife and I took very good care of you. You were just too drunk to drive or to remember a
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Episode 37
I knocked on the door of Sheba’s apartment, holding a bouquet of roses in my hand. I hoped that my sister would be happy to see me, especially after what we had gone through. I had been trying to reach Sheba for days, but she never answered her phone or replied to my messages. I was worried sick about her.Sheba opened the door and I gasped. She looked terrible. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying, her hair was messy and unkempt, and her clothes were wrinkled and stained. She looked like she hadn’t slept or eaten in days.“Jane?” Sheba said in a weak voice.“Hi, sis,” I said, forcing a smile. “I brought you some flowers.”I handed the roses to Sheba, who took them without enthusiasm.“Thank you,” she said, but she didn’t smile.“Can I come in?” I asked.“Sure,” she said, stepping aside.I entered the apartment and looked around. It was a mess. There were dishes piled up in the sink, clothes scattered on the floor, and papers strewn on the table. The air was stale and stuffy.“W
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Episode 38
I parked the car in the driveway and turned to Sheba, who was sitting in the passenger seat. She looked tired and sad, her eyes red from crying. She had a suitcase and a backpack with her, all the belongings she had managed to take from her former home.“Are you ready?” I asked her softly.She nodded and gave me a weak smile. “Thank you, sis. You’re the best.”I hugged her and said, “Don’t mention it. You’re my sister and I love you. Come on, let’s go inside.”We got out of the car and carried her stuff to the door. I unlocked it and opened it, letting Sheba go in first. She looked around the spacious living room, admiring the furniture and the decorations.“Wow, this is beautiful. It looks very different from the last time I was here,” she said.“Thank you. It’s all thanks to my husband. He has a great taste.” I led her to the guest room, where I had prepared a bed and some fresh towels for her. I helped her unpack her things and made sure she was comfortable.“I’ll leave you to res
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Episode 39
She sighed and said, “What happened? I heard you and your husband arguing. It sounded like hell up there.”“Oh, Sheba, don’t be a killjoy now!” I said, raising my hands in the air as I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. “It’s nothing, really.”She rolled her eyes and said, “Jane! Don’t lie to me. You know you can tell me anything.”“Okay, okay, fine!” I said, giving in to her curiosity. “Rick has agreed to let you stay here.” I continued.“Okay, great! But you guys had to argue about it?” She asked.“Never mind that, Sheba.” I said, waving my hand dismissively. “It’s not important.”“Have you settled in? I have plans for us tonight.” I said, changing the subject.She nodded and said, “Yeah! I should be good to go. And I think I need a new phone because Vincent won’t stop blowing up my phone with calls.” She said, showing me her screen with dozens of missed calls from her husband.“Don’t worry, my sister. Soon, we’ll kick these men out of our lives and live our best lives, ok
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Episode 40
So finally we’re done with the massage and we went to the part of the spa where they did manicure and pedicure. As we sat down, they offered us a glass of wine to sip and I looked at my sister and she looked back at me and we both laughed. We didn’t know why we were laughing though, but we were very happy and very relaxed at where we were. The spa was cozy and elegant, with soothing music playing in the background and a pleasant aroma of lavender in the air.They started on our pedicure and it was really, really refreshing and relaxing, especially when I dipped my leg into that warm water and she was really careful with my feet. She gently scrubbed away the dead skin, massaged my calves, and applied a shiny polish on my nails.“Sister, this is so relaxing and refreshing. I’m so glad we came on this outing,” I said to her and she smiled.“Of course, Jane, I’m the best at planning stuff. Have you forgotten that?” she said, and I laughed.“Oh no, I haven’t forgotten,” I said.So while we
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