Semua Bab The Tamed Wolf: Bab 1 - Bab 10
116 Bab
There I am again, crouched behind a tree showing all my fragility. I was astonished in the midst of my thoughts, I could only cry and sob. Flashes of the past swirled around in my head.- What the fuck! - He cursed - Shit, shit, shit!My feet gave out and I landed on my ass. I threw my head back, leaning it against the tree, trying to ease everything I was feeling and thus calm my mind.Obviously without resultI stayed like that, thrown into some tree staring at nothing while tears flowed through my eyes. I was tired. Tired of feeling, tired of thinking, tired of remembering, and so emptiness penetrated me.I didn't see the time pass, I saw myself so weak and impotent that I started to feel like garbage, worsening my psychological state, to the point of seeing that I couldn't even cry anymore.You can't even do that, you uselessThat's when I felt drops of water fall on my arms and face. I looked up at the large gray cloud that was forming.The weather was also rainy that fat
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I wake up with a start when a stewardess nudges me warning that I should fasten my seat belt so the plane, on its way to Los Angeles, California, can land.After a beautiful but tedious two hours of disembarking and searching for bags, I was finally able to get into a taxi, which was absurdly expensive, to go to my humble apartment that I bought online.I wouldn't pay 3 plane tickets just to see a house! Don't even wait to get here to find one. Hotels are expensive.When opening my first home, I came across dozens of boxes where my things and some furniture, which I sent and bought, are probably crucial for me to settle down; such as a bed, a refrigerator, a closet, etc.I took a heavy breath. The feeling of satisfaction at seeing my new house is soon gone when I see everything I need to tidy up. Next week, the job I managed to get in a large banking company that worked with holding management began. Only God knows how happy I felt when I received the email accepting and hiring a j
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After my head stopped spinning I realized it wasn't a wall I collided with but a man, very handsome by the way. I take his hand and he helps me to my feet.- Are you all right? Did she get hurt? - In addition to being beautiful, that blonde was polite, I got a crush.I came out of my momentary trance, composing myself and replied:- Oh yes. It was nothing. Sorry for the inconvenience, it wasn't my intention. - I lower my head showing my inferiority and my regret for him in that situation.- All good. Are you new here? I never saw her.- Yeah, yeah, I just got hired. -I replied, and again I was embarrassed to see her smile.- That explains your excitement just now - He gives a muffled laugh and I blush - Well, I have to go but see you around, newbie.I study him as he walks away. He was tall and muscular, had impeccable posture (my spine envies him) and was a blond that might actually be a light/medium brown, I can't tell. His eyes were blue, which blended in with his navy blue su
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Dayane arrived at 9 pm to pick me up, I even replied saying that we were only going to be there for a short time."Don't worry, the club closes at five in the morning," he said matter-of-factly.5 am? Is this time for a party to end?- What? No! I don't intend to stay there until late - I replied scared - I don't want to go past midnight.- Serious? Too bad, there are so many handsome men there - I smiled mischievously.- Nice try, but I'm not dependent on men.- No need to depend and yes have fun! - He argued with the same mischievous smile.She soon parks the car and I already see lights and a long queue to enter. Dayane told me that Veilleuse was a great city club that everyone loved.- I can even stay for one or two due to the queue, so I can enjoy more inside - I said practically in a discouraged murmur.- If you're willing to stay until that time, that's great because I have a free pass for us - She resounded victoriously and irreverently- Serious? As?- Influence my d
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Yesterday with help from Day I was able to organize my apartment. Because she was a wolf, she had a lot of energy and because she was happy and determined, we managed to organize my closet and the groceries humming songs that we put on to play.I love her so much now.I get up at 7am sharp to get ready for my first day at work. I don't know whether to be happy or nervous. I'll take both, that's it.I go to the bathroom and do my hygiene and care, I stay there for about 40 minutes. I wrap myself in a towel and go make myself something to drink coffee and prepare an outfit to wear.I should have put the coffee on while I was in the shower -I reflectI never sort out an outfit the day before I need to wear it. First, out of laziness, and second, out of omen. "You don't celebrate before victory", as the popular saying goes. I see that if I prepare an outfit before the event I'm going to, it could be bad luck, as if I had already guaranteed the victory or success of the day.Makes sen
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I arrived yesterday from work at 5:40 pm, even though my shift ended at 4:30 pm. Thiago told me that it is common for the administrative department to stay late in some movement seasons, as we set goals for what needs to be done on the day and we stay there until the mission is finished, besides there is a lot of paperwork accumulated.Obviously I asked him what caused this shortage of staff, he confessed that he was also new and had only been in the company for 3 months. He said that during that time newcomers arrived but soon left."They didn't resist for a long time during the adaptation period, some even had determination and lived a little longer. Those who didn't give up were kicked out for incompetence or unprofessionalism" - He told me during our lunchI was really scared, I'm in an adaptation period, 15 days of vigilance and performance monitoring.It also alerted me to the twins, Sthefany and Esther, who like to tease newbies and make their
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I return to the company minutes before 2 pm and see 3 other people, 2 of them men, leaving with boxes in their hands.Mr. Montenegro is quite excited about laying people off.I'm going to my office to do my chores, I spent about 2 hours waiting for my conversation with the CEO and I'm not going to stay behind and delay these papers even more. If I want to show efficiency, I need to put these delayed reports in order as soon as possible.On average there are 25 weekly reports for each agent here at the coordination, the types of reports or even records are different for each agent. I was assigned to those related to Production Control and Logistics, if I notice something strange and suspicious I need to direct it to the audit otherwise, depending on the content, I direct it to one of the other departments (accounting, statistics, etc.) or even more than one .There are practically 4 or 5 reports for me to review and separate the information constitute
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After the interrogation I stayed at the company, it was still 5:27 pm. Before going back to work, I went to the outsourced cafeteria and bought a snack to spend the night and some sweets to consult while I work.Sugar is the brain's only source of energy, the more sugar the more energy, determination and performance improvement and knowledge we will have.I know that everything in exaggeration is bad, but I have a wolf organism, it would be really frustrating if there was no benefit.I was already late for the morning incident and the conversation with "the boss", the daily goal is at least five and I was still analyzing the fourth report. As a newbie, I took the smallest categories, there is no logistics or large production at bank branches, especially compared to the red zone which is quite large in these areas.If the normal target is 5, to show myself efficient and reduce future work, I must always try to double the target.Other than that I could stand
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- Run!Figures, that's what the trees are at this moment. I hear loud footsteps behind me, I don't even dare look back.I need to run, run as fast as possible. I need to escape and survive.The same trees keep passing me by, I've been running for hours and soon I see the sunrise. He is glamorous and splendid with his strong sunbeams, he seems happy with the day.The same trees passed me faster and soon there was dusk. Beautiful full moon, showing all its beauty and grace giving brightness to that situation.I hear roars and see angry yellow-orange eyes.I need to run more!- I thinkA heavy rain starts to fall. The nights and days pass faster and faster in front of me, as if it were a looping at Fast speed. He always jumped over the same fallen tree.I couldn't stop running.Night Day. Night Day. Night Day.Always repeating itself.The rain kept falling and it felt like the drops were tearing me apart. During the day the sun made the w
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Special:dominic povI'm in a forest at night, I see figures around the place and I hear screams and footsteps.What is happening?- I thinkA crying child, appears to be 9 years old, is soaked and desperate in the middle of the woods.I want to calm her down and ask her to run but I can't, I'm still, just a spectator of a horrible spectacle.I can't see if the child is a girl or a boy but I want to help, I want to protect.But out of nowhere a wolf appears and rips off the child's head..Ni ni ni ni ni ni ni niI wake up sweaty and scared to the alarm clock.Why did the dreams come back?I get up and I go to the mirror. Dark circles are very present on my face, with a tired and lifeless look and a body that hasn't gained weight for days. I'm a disgrace to the "god of beauty" fame that the former overlords left patheticDominic.I heard that my sister is coming to see me, she went to the Caribbean for a long time a
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