Semua Bab The Alpha's Second Chance: Bab 41 - Bab 50
103 Bab
CHAPTER 40: To Protect is to Become Ruthless Too
BRAXTON’S POV: Clad not in my customary power suits but in the cozy embrace of my pajamas, I sit cross-legged on the plush carpet of my living room. My normally stern countenance is softened by a genuine smile as I engage in a spirited battle of wits with my precocious four-year-old son. The room is suffused with the warm glow of lamps, casting a soft illumination that dances upon the furnishings. All my business acumen seems to dissolve into insignificance as I chase Maddox in a playful game of hide-and-seek. "Come now, buddy, where could you have gone to?" My voice holds a note of feigned perplexity as I scan the room, my eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. A peal of laughter tinkles from behind a silk curtain, and I lunge toward it, my heart alight with a kind of joy I have scarcely known before. I sweep aside the fabric, and there he is, Maddox’s bright gold eyes twinkling with mirth, his dark hair framing his cherubic face. "Found you!" I exclaim, scooping him up i
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CHAPTER 41: The Exposé
I gaze out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, my eyes tracing the popping thread of lights of the city. The bustling metropolis is a world of its own, a realm where danger lurks as easily as opportunity. My mind, however, isn’t on the breathtaking panorama. My thoughts are consumed by a primal need, a fierce desire to safeguard what I hold most dear - my family. I can’t afford to leave their safety to chance. Especially now, that my own dad, backed by several of my packmates, commits to harm them.Summoning my Omegas with a press of a button, I issue the command that would give me a bit of an ease whenever I’m away from Eloise and Maddox. A team of experts is dispatched, entrusted with the task of turning our haven into a fortress. State-of-the-art closed-circuit television cameras soon stand as silent sentinels, their unwavering gaze covering every inch of the abode. As the technicians work meticulously, I retreat to my office room. I watch the live feed on my phone’s screen, observin
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CHAPTER 42: The Ripple Effect
The spacious corner office is bathed in the soft glow of the just-risen moon’s light, casting shadows across the now empty conference table. I sit in a plush leather chair, trying my best to exude an air of authority, though my demeanor is far from calm. My steely gaze is fixed upon the massive flat-screen television mounted on the wall, where the news anchor's voice reverberates through the room. The image on the screen shows myself, my stern face displayed alongside a photograph of dad. The headline beneath us read, ‘CEO Alpha Braxton Guttierrez Exposes Father's Corruptions’. A bitter taste of irony lingers in my mouth as I recall myself speaking in front of my company’s shareholders. My voice, strong and unwavering, echoes through my mind. "I cannot and will not condone the actions of my dad, who engaged and is still engaging in unethical practices within our company. Mystic Shadow Enterprise will not be a harbor for corruption any longer." My jaw clenches, and I run a hand thro
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CHAPTER 43: Father and Son: The Battle
Amidst the confines of my office, the moonlight filters through the curtains, spreading eerie shadows upon the polished mahogany and gilded decor. The scent of wealth and power that hanged in the air like a thick fog, is now overtaken by a far more primal aroma, the lycanthropy. In the center of this opulent battleground, Squall and Shadow, both furiously desperate not to lose, face off with eyes gleaming like twin shards of molten gold. Their fearsome claws twitch with a predatory hunger. "Alpha Trayton, I know you can hear me," Squall snarls, his lips curling into a menacing grin that reveals his elongated fangs. "It's time you acknowledge that your son isn’t your puppet just like how you treat our packmates." Shadow, his grizzled mane of dark-gray fur cascading down his shoulders, meets Squall’s challenge with a growl of his own. "You've grown reckless, boy," he hisses, his voice laced with authority born of centuries. "You think your human counterpart will make an effective l
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CHAPTER 44: Home with Me
ELOISE’S POV: I stir from my sleep, and my heart quickens as I blink away the remnants of sleep, the echoes of a dream fading like distant whispers. A faint, rhythmic sound reaches my ears—a gentle, lullaby-like melody, the soft hum of the city's nocturnal music. I turn my head to the side, my eyes adjusting to the darkness, and there, beside me, nestling beneath the silken sheets, lay my precious Maddox. My gaze softens as I watch the rise and fall of my Maddox’s chest, his small fingers clutched at a plush teddy bear, a steadfast guardian against the night's shadows. With a tender smile, I reach out and brush a strand of hair from his cheek. But as my senses fully awaken, a sense of unease creeps over me. I can’t smell Braxton’s scent nor feel his strong presence. Panic flutters in my chest, like a bird trapped within a cage of uncertainty. “He isn’t back yet?” I murmur. I slip out of bed, careful not to disturb my Maddox’s peaceful sleep. I pad across the room, my bare feet si
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CHAPTER 45: A Night of Horror
Braxton and I lay entwined in each other's arms, lost in the embrace of dreams, our sleep a refuge from the cares of the world. The night is still, save for the distant hum of the city far below. A sense of serenity envelops us, cocooning us in a blissful tranquility. I, with my hair cascading over the satin pillow, nestle closer to Braxton, my lips just inches from his ear. His steady breathing is a lullaby, soothing my restless heart. However, all of a sudden, a sinister change creeps into the night. A series of nonstop low, mournful howls echo through the penthouse, a haunting lament that sends shivers racing down my spine. My eyes flutter open, my sleep-fogged mind struggling to comprehend the eerie sound that seems to emanate from within my very dreams. Braxton twitches beside me, his senses awakening to the disconcerting noise. His arms tighten around me, instinctively shielding me from whatever unknown danger lurking in the shadows. We exchange a bewildered glance, I can fee
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CHAPTER 46: Parents' Love and Wrath
Amidst the luminous glow of the city's towering skyscrapers, the penthouse's grandeur is like a distant memory. The opulence of the place, once a symbol of prestige, has been shattered by last night's unfathomable horror. I stand at the balcony, bathed in the pale light of dawn, my tear-stained face a disparity to the luxurious surroundings. Scarlet curtains billows gently in the breeze, their rich fabric untouches by the tragedy that has unfolded the night before. My eyes, once pools of happiness, are now pools of torment. My hands tremble as they clutch a crumpled piece of parchment. The message, a cruel missive from the very creatures that have stolen my Maddox, lay heavy in my hand. ‘Don’t tell the authorities about this. And you will follow everything I demand from you. Or you'll never see your child again.’ My breath catches in my throat as I relive the harrowing events of the previous night. The moon, full and silver, had cast its eerie glow over the penthouse terrace, its l
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CHAPTER 47: The Heartbreaking Confrontation
The day has draped itself in a dark-blue shroud, and the rain weeps from the heavens, imitating the tears on my cheeks as I stand on the rain-slicked sidewalk near the building's backdoor. My heart, heavy as the sodden clouds above, aches with a pain that sears my very soul. I clutch a small teddy bear, the one my Maddox has held onto so tightly every night before drifting off to sleep. It’s a piece of him I can’t bear to leave behind. On my other hand I clutch a small bag with a few of his clothes, his milk bottles, his medicines and all other things he needs every single day. My trembling fingers brush away a strand of hair from my tear-streaked face as I peer through the deluge at the sleek, black car that idles nearby. Its polished surface glistens in the glow of the streetlamp, very different to my disheveled appearance. I take a shaky breath, my heart pounding in my chest, threatening to suffocate me. The car door opens, and Braxton steps out into the rain, a black umbrella he
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CHAPTER 48: Truth or Lie
ETHAN’S POV: As I silently traverse the well-lit hallway, I never anticipate the scene that will greet me at the end of my journey. The heavy oak door to Alpha Trayton’s study room is ajar, a dim light, a commotion of voices and familiar scents are spilling out into the corridor. A strange sensation, a flicker of curiosity, tugs at the edges of my stoic facade. With my footsteps muffled by the plush carpet, I approach the open doorway and peer inside. The sight that meets my gaze is a scene of incongruity. Alpha Braxton is garbed in a disheveled state, his normally immaculate appearance marred by the disarray of his expression. In his arms lay Eloise, her once-regal countenance now frail. Her dress wrinkled, and her usually soft-looking hair cascaded in a disheveled mess. “Eloise,” I murmur. The concern in my chest travels to my face as my gaze lingers on her. My heart, always dormant, stirs with a semblance of emotion—a flicker of pain. Then I move my gaze to Alpha Braxton, whose
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CHAPTER 49: Who Did It?
The grand mansion's foyer’s marble floors gleam under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. It’s a place where wealth and refinement converges, where old-world elegance meets the present. I stand tall and composed near the imposing double doors that leads to the grand ballroom. My demeanor is as cold and precise as the chiseled features of my face. My eyes teeter between a gaze and a glare. Across the room, Helena barges through the foyer's entrance, disrupting the tranquility of the mansion’s interior. Her arrival is anything but discreet. She’s adorned in a flamboyant red dress that clashes with the dullness of her coat. Her hair flows like a turbulent river down her shoulders, mirroring the tempestuous nature that lays within. The moment our eyes meet, the atmosphere shifts. My face remains a mask of indifference. She, on the other hand, surveys me with unabashed curiosity. Her lips curl into a mischievous smile as she takes a step toward me, her heels clicking against the mar
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