Semua Bab Life Works in Mysterious Ways: Bab 11 - Bab 17
17 Bab
Alway's the ones closest to you
“Sophia.” I heard someone next to me, not sure who the voice belonged to.I was weak and felt numb because of the amount of blood I’ve lost. I was tired and all I wanted to do was close my eyes and let the tiredness take over but everytime I close them someone shakes me and yells at me to not close them. They were slightly open seeing how a bright light passed by quickly and people crying, pleading for me to stay awake. Not knowing where I was, I looked to my side and saw Lucas on my left crying and Alexander on my left. Seeing Alexander I knew that I was in the hospital. Trying to stay awake but all my eyes wanted to do was close. Giving up, I let the tiredness take over and close my eyes.“No….Sophia. Stay awake.” Was the last thing I heard before I let the darkness take over.=========“Where am I?” I said to myself looking around. There was nothing, it was just all white. “Lucas….Alex!” I called out not knowing where I was.I started running trying to find out. Giving up I fell t
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The Russo Estate
For the past two day's I was in the hospital because the doctors wanted too keep an eye on me to monitor me to see if I will have any complications after the surgery but right now I was on my way to the Russo Estate. Dr.Morreti said that it will take about a week or two for me to recover depends on how I take care of my myself by not moving too much , eating right and taking the medication prescribed to help decrease swelling, pain and fever. They wanted to keep me longer but I refused to stay any longer. So Angela offered to look after me because that was the least she could do for someone who risked their live to save her and her grandson. I told her that it wasn't necessary for her to do that, I would be able to look after myself but then she argued back saying if I look after myself I will have too move and that will cause my wound to open, then I will have to come back to the hospital, or it wil get infected, or I would be in pain and no one would be there to help me, she just sa
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Play Date
It's been 3 day's since I came to live with the Russo's and to be honest it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It has also been a week since I saw little Marcus, that's why today I have a play date with little Marcus and little one.I wasn't going to do it because of all the documents and files I need to go through, clients I have to call,documents that needed my attention that I need to approve of and check on the shipments going to Russia but how could I say no to my little nephew. Walking down stairs, I went to the kitchen where Angela was busy making breakfast. "Good morning Angela." I said sitting down on one of the chairs behind the island."Good morning dear, how did you sleep?" Angela asked turning around, wiping her hands on her apron."Good.....better then the last two day's." I said giving her a small smile.The past two day's I have either, woke up in the middle of the night and then I couldn't go back to sleep, or the pain would keep me up or I couldn't fall asleep
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Right now we were having dinner. It was was 7 o'clock and almost little one's bedtime. Octavious had this routine for him ,when to wake up, when to go to sleep, when it was screen time, so that he can learn from a young age to respect what his father tell him but today Octavious made an exception for him to watch television whenever he wants because of the play date we had.Little one was in the living room watching cartoons while I was setting the table. "Nonna, ho fame." (Grandma I'm hungry)"Abbiamo quasi finito, Elijah, mancano solo pochi minuti." (It's almost done Elijah, just a few minutes.) Angela said laughing from the kitchen."Elijah, potresti andare a chiamare Leo e Lucas e dire loro di scendere, la cena è pronta." (Elijah would you go call Leo and Lucas and tell them to come down, dinner is ready.) Angela said walking into the living room."Sophia would you help me with plating dinner." Angela said walking back to the kitchen.Helping Angela with plating dinner for everyon
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Doctor's Appointment
"Miss Sophia." Someone whispered next to me. Knowing who the little voice belongs to I opened my eye's giving him a small smile."Morning little one." I said in a quiet voice, sitting up against the headboard."Morning, miss Sophia." Little one said scooting closer to me."Why are you awake so early little one? It is only 8 o'clock." I said looking at the clock on the desk, across the room."I'm going with pappa today, miss Sophia. He is taking me with him to the company, and then we are going to go buy me new toys and then we're going to the park." Little one said sounding exited. "Sounds fun, but what are you doing here ,isn't your pappa waiting for you? I said ruffling his hair."Miss Sophia is going with us." Little one cheered, standing up jumping on the bed."W-what?" I inquired sounding confused. Where is this suddenly coming from. Why don't I know about this. I have my doctor's appointment today and Angela was supposed to go with me. Why am I going with Octavious and little on
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Sexual Relationship
The moment Damien and I stepped inside the mansion the atmosphere changed. The laughter died down, everyone becoming serious. All of my men bowing their heads as I walked past them, towards my office. A few quickly scuring away towards their rooms to change into their work attire before I walked past them.Getting to my office I slammed the door shut out of anger, forgetting Damien was behind me."Damn Sophia." Damien groaned, walking in holding his nose."There ain't blood coming out." I scoffed, pacing up and down."God dammit Sophia, sit down you're pacing is making me dizzy." Damien groaned, sitting down on the couch in the corner of the room, laying his head back closing his eyes.Turning around I glared at him, crossing my arms."Sorry." He said lifting his arms up in defence.Sitting down behind my desk, I opened one of the draws taking out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Putting one between my lips, I took a long drag, puffing out the smoke. Closing my eyes I layed my head
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Omasu And Akira
It's been two day's since I've returned to Russia and I've been working non stop. Turns out that the people who've done my surgery resigned that same day and disappeared off the face of the earth.Looking at these file's of the three people who were responsible for my surgery. Tracking every single one of them down, bringing them back to Russia. For the past two day's I've send my men out to where two of them were hiding. We are still trying to find the third person's location. Yesterday it was Savastian Baladin, and today we discovered where Valik Petrov was hiding. A few of my men went to get him, leaving 4 o'clock this morning and will be back tonight.Savastian wasn't talking, saying he was sworn to secrecy but he did give us the last person's name who we already had but what he said was that she was the one who did the surgery, removed it, Ulya Mozorov. It was difficult to find her because she changed everything about her, her identity and even how she looks, unfortunately we cou
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