Lahat ng Kabanata ng Catfishing the billionaire: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
81 Kabanata
chapter #41
" All you had was her first name. Imagine, in a city as vast as New York, how many souls might bear the name Stassie?” Declan’s words echoed in the confined space of the car as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator.“Stop the car!” My voice cut through the tension like a knife. In response, Declan’s foot hit the brakes with such force that the car screeched to a halt, right there in the middle of the bustling street. I hastily unbuckled my seatbelt and leapt out of the car, my sudden exit triggering a symphony of honks from the irate drivers behind us.Declan, taken aback, also stepped out of the car and looked at me with a puzzled expression, “What happened?”I didn’t utter a word. Instead, I pointed towards a billboard that had caught my eye. There they were - my designs for the new summer collection, displayed for all to see.Declan’s gaze followed the direction of my finger, finally resting on the billboard. His complexion paled as he absorbed the sight of the purloined desi
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chapter #42
I decided to take an alternative route. I stealthily navigated through the back entrance, the creaky fence door offering a secret passage. As I tiptoed into the shadows of the house, the living room came into view. It was a whirlwind of activity - laughter echoed off the walls, conversations filled the air, and the music was a deafening roar that threatened to shake the very foundations of the house. My annoyance ignited into a blazing fury - this was not the peaceful home I had envisioned when I agreed to share a house with Benny.A plan began to take shape in my mind, a plot of sweet revenge. If Benny wanted a party, then a party he would get - but it would be one he’d remember for all the wrong reasons. With careful steps, I descended into the basement, my heart pounding like a war drum in my chest. The fuse box loomed in the dim light, an unassuming harbinger of chaos.With a swift, decisive motion, I pulled out the main light fuse. The house was instantly swallowed by darkness, t
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Chapter #42
Stassie POVI sat on the cold, hard floor of my bedroom, the only sound being the rustling of newspapers that surrounded me like a fortress. The dim light from the solitary bulb hanging from the ceiling cast long shadows on the room, making the headlines on the newspapers seem even more daunting.Every inch of the floor was covered with newspapers, their black and white pages spread out like a monochrome mosaic. The classifieds section was my focus, each job advertisement scrutinized with desperate hope. My fingers traced over the words, feeling the rough texture of the paper as I read each line.My heart pounded in my chest as I flipped through page after page, my eyes scanning for any opportunity. The silence of the room was punctuated by the occasional sigh escaping my lips. Each rejection letter I had received seemed to weigh heavily on me, their words echoing in my mind.I could feel the desperation creeping in, wrapping its cold fingers around my heart. But I pushed it away, for
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Chapter #44
The hours seemed to stretch on endlessly as I moved through the crowd, serving drinks and making small talk. The loud music was a constant presence, a pulsating rhythm that echoed in my ears and vibrated through the soles of my feet. I could feel a headache starting to form, a dull throb at the base of my skull that grew with each passing minute.“Hey, you okay?” one of the customers asked, his voice barely audible over the din.I forced a smile, “Yeah, just a bit tired.”He nodded sympathetically, “First time working in a club?”I nodded, grateful for the brief respite from the noise. “Yeah, it’s a bit overwhelming.”He laughed, “You’ll get used to it. Just take it one step at a time.”His words were kind, but they did little to ease the pounding in my head. Deciding to take a break, I made my way back to the bar area.The bartender was a whirlwind of activity, his hands moving with practiced ease as he mixed drinks and served customers. I watched him for a moment, marveling at his e
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chapter #45
I reached my house, a sanctuary from the chaos of the world. The familiar scent of home filled my senses as I closed the door behind me. I kicked off my shoes and made a beeline for my room, my safe haven. I collapsed onto my bed, the softness of the mattress a stark contrast to the harsh reality I was grappling with.As I lay there, staring at the ceiling, the events of the day replayed in my mind like a movie on loop. How did Eden find me? What did he want from me? These questions swirled in my mind, each one a painful reminder of our encounter.I wanted to forget about Eden, to erase him from my memory. But he was like a shadow, constantly crossing my path, his presence looming over me like a dark cloud. His words, his actions, his gaze - they haunted me, leaving me feeling helpless and trapped.I felt a sense of despair washing over me. It was as if I was caught in a storm with no shelter in sight. But amidst this turmoil, there was a glimmer of hope. A resolve that I wouldn’t let
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chapter #46
genuinely feel guilty about it. I shouldn't have left him alone in there. Now he has lost his calm and mind. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. “Benny,” I began, my voice barely more than a whisper, “I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry for leaving you at the club last night. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”Benny turned to look at me, his eyes cold and devoid of any warmth. “Your apology doesn’t fix anything,” he spat out, his voice laced with bitterness and resentment. “Because of your thoughtless actions, I had to suffer. I had to scrub the filthy bathroom floor of the club, clean up the entire place all by myself. And to top it all off, I lost my job.”His words hit me like a physical blow. The reality of the consequences of my actions finally sunk in. I hadn’t realized how much Benny had suffered because of my mistake.Suddenly, Benny’s anger flared up again. With the knife still in his hand, he lunged at me. A scream tore from my throat as I turned and ran.
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Chapter #47
I couldn’t bring myself to trust a single word he said, knowing how effortlessly he could shift blame onto others while keeping his own hands clean.“I don’t believe you. Perhaps you were the one who closed the program and now you’re blaming others just to appear noble in my eyes,” I retorted, crossing my arms defensively over my chest.“What kind of twisted mind do you possess? How can you even conceive such a negative scenario?” he shot back. But before I could respond, he cut me off, “You know, I was absolutely correct about you. I should never have listened to Declan in the first place.”I was left puzzled, unsure of who he was referring to or what he was talking about. Had he lost his sanity? Oh wait, he never had any to begin with.Eden’s POVI found myself hoping that Declan would be pleased to see me here, being berated by this girl. I regretted ever listening to him or coming here to apologize to her.FLASHBACK“ Eden, what are you going to achieve by sitting alone in your of
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chapter #48
found myself in a whirlwind of confusion. Just moments ago, Eden couldn’t stand the sight of me, and now he was offering me a job. His sudden change of heart was disconcerting, to say the least.What had happened to him? Why this sudden shift in his demeanor? His words echoed in my mind, creating a cacophony of thoughts that left me in a state of turmoil. Should I believe him? Or was this just another one of his games?His offer was tempting, no doubt. A full scholarship, an internship with some of the best designers in the world, and a salary to boot. It was everything I had dreamed of and more. But could I trust him? Could I trust Eden Waylon?I looked at him, his face impassive, giving nothing away. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, I thought I saw sincerity there. But then again, Eden was known for his convincing performances.I was torn between my desire to accept his offer and my fear of being played yet again. “You’re joking, right?” Robin’s voice echoed in the room, her to
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Chapter #49
Upon entering the kitchen, I was immediately greeted by the rich aroma of whatever Robin was cooking. She was hunched over the stove, her brow furrowed in concentration as she stirred a pot. The sizzling sound of cooking filled the room, mingling with the soft hum of the refrigerator.Across the room, Heather was seated at the antique wooden dining table, engrossed in painting her nails. The table was littered with an array of nail polish bottles, their vibrant colors standing out against the dark wood. The soft click of the nail polish bottle opening and closing punctuated the silence every now and then.I stood there, slightly taken aback to find them still here, and to announce my presence and draw their attention away from their tasks, I cleared my throat softly. Robin caught my presence first and said, " Stassie, you woke up and come on let's have dinner. I made your favorite dish spaghetti bolognese,"Their lack of questions about Eden or his offer left me feeling both surprised
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chapter #50
The next morningStepping into the restroom, I took a moment to check my reflection in the full-length mirror. The woman staring back at me was relaxed and approachable. My eyes were alert and my mind rested. My shoulder-length hair was pulled back in a casual ponytail, revealing small, simple earrings. Dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans, a soft, blue striped shirt, and white sneakers, I looked every bit the modern, casual professional.Perhaps the casual attire was a departure from the norm, but I wanted to make Heather and Robin believe that I can't work with Arden nor I want too.I found myself on the sixteen floor of FLEXXI clutching a folder so tightly that my hands were shaking. The folder contained my resume, cover letter, two pens, my sketchbook, and a cheesy motivational quote stuck into my head. My anxiety peaked during the two hours I spent alone in the empty lobby. I had intentionally arrived early, expecting Eden to be punctual. But he was held up in a meeting, and I w
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