Semua Bab Mommy, Look I Found Daddy: Bab 31 - Bab 40
156 Bab
Paint On His Face
She was wearing a small blue shirt and a joggers pants with a towel around her neck. She was sweaty and looking all exhausted like someone who couldn’t wait to slump on her bed. Her long hair was tied in a tight ponytail and she was still without makeup as it was morning and her pouch, white and natural skin glowed through the window in the morning. Marcel glanced at her and saw how she dressed. It was like the Izabelle who just entered the room then was the Izabelle from years back when she was still seventeen. It was like being transported back to the past and she was just coming in after a rough morning jug. It was like time didn't change her at all and she was still the same person from years back. Carefree and naive. He was stunned for a moment but said nothing. Just as he took a step to move to the bathroom, the little child pulled at his hands and climbed off the bed to wrap herself around him tightly and begged. “Daddy don't go.”Marcel staring at the child’s face didn't kn
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Daddy Is Stupid
The child jumped in happiness at her father’s words. She felt happy that her father did not clean up the makeup she did for him. She prayed that her daddy stays and never leave so that she would be able to paint him every morning before he woke up. He would like that, right? Marcel lowered his head and stared at Rosie who was sitting on the bed. The corner of his lips curved as he rubbed her head.Marcel admits that children were indeed the most melting thing in the world as this child just managed to melt his cold heart since the day he met her. Little Rosie smiled and held the hands of her father, dragging him to sit back on the bed. She moved and hugged him before continuing to draw the back of his hands with her watercolor and he let her do so.It seems to be her new favorite thing. To draw on her new Daddy’s body. Marcel could see that the child had a soft spot for drawing and when he looked at what she was drawing, he noticed that she was drawing randomly and writing a few alp
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Barbie Dolls Are The Replacement For Mommy And Daddy
“Mommy, what if Daddy comes back and doesn't find us? What is he going to do then? Daddy might cry,” Rosie complained, pouting at her mother who was driving their car. If she was given a chance, she would ask her mother to stop and run back home as she was worried that her father might return. “He would leave and come back some other time, hmm? Daddy is not running away.”“But he might cry. I used to cry whenever Mommy was not around.”“Daddy is not a baby like Sie Sie. Daddy is strong and won't cry even if he doesn't see Mommy or Sie Sie.”The child didn't sound convinced by her mother’s words. It was evening already and there was an event going on in the Rossador’s mansion. It was the grandfather's eighty-fifth birthday and he had requested that both mother and child attend his birthday party that would be held in the Rossador mansion. It was a small party for family members only. Well, she had forgotten to tell Marcel that they had plans for the day and wouldn't be around if he co
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Rosie's Gift
“Great papa,” little Rosie called as soon as the grandfather came into sight. She released her hand from her mother’s hold and ran to the Grandfather of the Rossador’s family who was standing with some group of people in the high mansion hall. His hands immediately stretched out as he bent a little to carry the little bundle of joy in his old arms. Although he was old, he could still raise the girl without difficulty. His old arms wrapped around the girl as he showered her with kisses on her face causing her to giggle. From the look of things, it seems that the two of them have become close just a few while since they moved back to the city. The guest smiled at the old man’s interaction with his great-granddaughter and some of them even took cute pictures of them. Izabelle walked to her grandfather’s side and greeted him. “Happy birthday, grandfather.”“Elle. It's good to see that you honored my invitation. Thank you for bringing little Sie Sie with you.”She only nodded and looke
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The ‘Rossador’ Behind Your Name Was Only Borrowed To You
“Izabelle, you came.”Izabelle turned when she heard her name from the side. Jasmine’s heels clicked as she walked towards her. Behind her were two of her close friends and they walked majestically to her. “Good thing that you honored grandfather’s invitation. I thought that you wouldn't come,” she said, coming to stand right in front of Izabelle. Izabelle contemplated whether to walk away or to answer the seemingly annoying girl who would not rest until she annoys the hell out of her. She looked at her from up to down. Jasmine was wearing a skimpy pink dress that hugged her body almost too tight. It was strapless too. Her shoulders and back were open and her hair was tied in a round bun. Her fair long legs made her look captivating and Izabelle could swear that she saw the eyes of men on the girl. She thought this was a birthday party. Why does it seem like a club to Jasmine? “I know my dress is pretty. You don't have to keep checking me out.” The audacity. What's pretty? Who was
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My Leftover Belongings
“And if we don’t? What are you going to do?” Jasmine asked. “Nothing, of course. Who am I to do something to the almighty adopted daughter of the Rossador family.”Yes, an adopted daughter. That was what she was. It is high time she starts knowing her place in the family and stops trying to take the place of the real daughter of the family. Perhaps she forgot how she came about in the family?“How ironic. An almighty adopted daughter that is far better than the real daughter herself. Have you seen something like that? Just leave with your bastard and we’ll be fine.”Izabelle clenched her fist. Not them calling her daughter a bastard for the second time on the same day. If they continued with this, she wasn’t sure that she was going to take it. “I guess you’ll have to pursue me then. I already told you not to worry. You can take whatever is in this house that belongs to me. My clothes, my shoes,” she paused to look at Jasmine’s hand. “I don’t even have to give you permission consider
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Past Slutty Ways
“Your bastard daughter.” Izabelle slapping her today was surely going to ruin the reputation of her family. But she isn’t going to let her family ruin alone. She was going to take the Rossadors with her at all costs. “Yes, I’ll repeat it. YOUR BASTARD DAUGHTER.”Another slap followed after her statement. This time she almost fell on the floor if it wasn’t for her friends holding her and putting her back on her feet. Her hair which was straight previously was now scattered around her head and her makeup was slightly scattered. Her cheeks hurt like hell that she wondered what Izabelle put on her hands to make it hurt so much. She was surely going to need an ice presser for her cheeks. She raised her face again and glared at Izabelle. “One more word about my daughter and I’ll make sure you find yourself in the hospital.”“Just because I’m saying the truth and everyone is watching?” she laughed. “Come on, don’t be childish, Miss Rossador. Tell them the truth they all want to hear,” she
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Marcel Revealing The Truth
Murmurs and gasps were an understatement for the noise going on in the room right now. It was a huge understatement. The guests could hardly hear themselves as everyone was talking about the situation and the arrival of someone new to the hall who the child ran to shocked them to the brim. “Daddy,” Rosie called and immediately ran to Marcel who just got into the hall only to be met with a commotion. He was delayed due to traffic and getting here, this was what he met with. Someone openly said that his daughter was fatherless and Izabelle does not know the father of her child. He waited to see if Izabelle would reveal the truth and when she didn’t, he put things in his hands to reveal. “Daddy, the wicked auntie called me a bastard and keeps bullying Mommy.” He carried the child in his arms and moved to stand in front of Margie whose eyes were wide like that of three persons put together. She could feel her bones shaking and her eyes unable to finish registering the shock and slim d
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Stay The Night
“Now let me make this clear to everyone,” Marcel started. This child here is my daughter, our daughter and I will take it as a disrespect if anyone dares to bully her or call her a bastard.”Izabelle raised her head and stared at Marcel. Their eyes met. Never would she have imagined that he would announce to the world that he had a child with her. Definitely not this way. She knows how much Marcel hates being the talk of the city hit here he was declaring to everyone that Rosie was his daughter knowing fully well that he was going to be in the headlines for a week or more. The silence in the hall right then as he spoke the shocking words shook the guests to the core. Even Grandfather Rossador was shocked. He never expected that such a thing would happen today but he was happy that Marcel stops up for both the mother and child. Five years ago when he heard that Marcel got his granddaughter pregnant and after seeing the whole situation, he asked them to get married but who would have b
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Revealing The Past
“Shut the fuck up. All I'm saying is true.”“How dare you publish that. If feel like strangling you.”“As if what's there is not true. Stop being a hypocrite and tell everyone the truth, okay? If you don't, I'll help you.”“Stop it!”The noise from outside her room walked Izabelle up the next day. She grunted as she sat up on the bed and stared at Rosie who was beside her. “Un un.”Rosie who was also woken by the noise started crying and only fell back asleep when her mother started patting her back and hugged her to her chest. “What noise is that?”She concentrated her ear to hear what they were saying and caught the voices. The voices belonged to Kathie and Jasmine. She could also hear the Grandfather and Jared’s voices. What were they arguing about? Because the argument started getting louder and harsher, Izabelle stood up from the bed still in her pajamas, and walked out of the room. The scene that she met outside made her eyes widen. The whole members of the family were on th
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