Semua Bab Mommy's Hiding Her Quintuplets From Her Charismatic CEO Baby: Bab 41 - Bab 50
104 Bab
You Made My Wife Your Target Of Destruction
Brigitta woke up and surprisingly find herself inside her very room. Her mind quickly trailed back to what happened yesterday, she has gone to Rollo's party and after eaten and drinking, she felt dizzy, on her way to the toilet, she experienced a total black out.How did she suddenly find herself here? She managed to stand and look around the room as if finding a clue to her curiosity. Who carried her home?The door twisted open all of a sudden and she immediately greeted as soon as she saw Ragnar, "Good morning.""Are you a type that drink? You were wasted at Rollo's birthday party yesterday, I had to tell my men to bring you home.""I didn't get myself drunk. Infact, I had barely drank a half cup of the wine when I suddenly began to feel dizzy." She defended.He observed her for a second and said, "it's okay. You are awake now, that's all that matters." Then he turned in an attempt to leave."Erm..." She called not knowing exactly what to say but she didn't want him to leave yet. He
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He Is The One That Raped You
Everyone in Ragnar's cabal knew he doesn't attach himself with women. Infact, one of the women that the Wigglesworth's family arranged for him in the past was fucked by two men in his cabal and he just turned a blind eye on it. Perhaps, this was what Rollo took advantage of.However, nobody knew that Brigitta was special. Although he couldn't really place why the woman's existence affect him and why she doesn't ever want any man on earth to touch her."You can go," he said to Rollo."Sure boss," Rollo then walked away.He immediately placed a call across to Beocca, one of his trusted men in his cabal, "arrest Rollo, and keep him at the torture house. I'll be there by 6 in the evening.""Got it, sir?" Beocca answered.He hit his hand on the table repeatedly, again and again out of anger. The more he remembers the sex scene is the more he feels a stab to the heart. He didn't know if it was his ego that was hurt or his heart. He wanted to tear Rollo apart, kill him mercilessly and feed h
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If You Make Yourself Useful
Miguel Marcola looked like someone whose life is almost drained out. There are intense scars all over his body, from his face to his neck, to his belly to his tigh, his legs and foots. It was obvious he had being beaten mercilessly. This was her godfather.Miguel Marcola's left eye was already blinded as a result of the intense beating he had been subjected too in the past one year. Ragnar Marshall had ordered for him not to be killed but to be tortured severely just like he turtured him for years when he was little."He's my godfather, can I talk to him, please?" She asked Ragnar, feeling very pitiful for her father.Regnar allowed her. She went straight to where he was tied to and knelt before him, "father, it's me..." She said, as his swollen right eye was closed.He struggled hard to open it slightly and when he saw his beloved daughter, he almost cried, "I am sorry, Brigitta."Brigitta couldn't help the tears that gushed out of her face, it's like an angry cloud that emptied it's
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The Ball Is In Your Court
"Sir, do you want to kill me cause I'm useless?""It's because I find myself unnecessarily attached to you, which is unlike me. I have a mission, a goal that I'm aiming at and that is to destroy the Wigglesworth's family and any kingdom that host them. You, Brigitta is a clear distraction cause sometimes I find you in my head and trying to get you off my head seems very difficult sometimes." Ragnar Marshall didn't say this out loud. He only said it in his mind.He then said this out loud, "Rather ask how you can make yourself useful to me."She nodded and asked."Join me in my fight against the Wigglesworth's family. I know you are weak and can not fight. Of course. But I can have Beocca train you, he's one of my best and trusted man." He said.Beocca? Her uncle?"Sir, after my mother died years ago, my father remarried my stepmother. My stepmother and my stepsister bullied me for many years of my life, I want to take revenge on them as well, can you help me? Moreso, my bestfriend, Ni
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LUCK Is Truly Real
Begging Ragnar Marshall for help is definitely not an option, but perhaps, she can speak to Beocca to help. She then determine to speak to Beocca when she gets to the training ground the following day.She went into her room straight up but was surprised to see Ragnar Marshall and Chester together. She was stupefied that she didn't know exactly what to say for the next one minute."Good evening, sir.""Mommy, welcome," Chester said cheerfully. He had not fully recovered from his health yet and he had been dull in the past couple of days, Brigitta was surprised to see Chester acting cheerfully. He was on Ragnar Marshall's lap which was very weird to her. Chester understood the expression on his mom's face so he smiled and said, "I was hot, very hot so I managed to stand, while finding who I can tell, Mr. Ragnar saw me and came to my aid.""Oh...thank you so much, sir." She said to Ragnar. But seeing Ragnar carry her baby comfortably in his arms shocks her still. "I've invited the docto
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I Can't Let You Risk Your Life
When Brigitta came back, she packed all the empty dishes on the table including the poisoned tea to the kitchen and washed them all. As for the poisoned tea, she just poured it away. Just when she was done washing, she turned and saw Ragnar Marshall standing by the door, "I may need you to sleep on my bed this night." "Why?" She corrected quickly, "why sir?" "My nightmares are getting worse." He confessed. The first time she had slept beside him overnight, his sleep was peaceful. Perhaps, she's the antidote for his terrible sleeping habit. He suffers from insomnia and when he managed to sleeps, he would be hunted by all sorts of terrible nightmare. "Okay, sir." She said. She watched him turn from him and walked away. But she smiled, at least, he thinks of her. Knowing that gladdens her. Breaking an ice isn't easy, so is breaking an icy heart. It won't be easy but at least, it's breakable. She can't wait for the day when Ragnar Marshall will truly warm up to her in the most affectio
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Don't Tell Me He Kidnap One Of My Kids
Beocca, Brigitta and sixty eight other skilled men went secretly to Alex Roberto's house. Alex Roberto's house were gaurded by more than a hundred security men so Beocca knew that attacking them head on isn't a wise thing to do.So, around 12PM, Beocca and his men lunched a silent assassination attack, Alex Roberto's men were being taken down one after the other. The ones at the front firstly then the ones inside.Then they began to penetrate inside the house, meticulously finding where Alex Roberto was. The silent assassination had been going on successfully until one of Alex Roberto's men managed to escape the assassination attempt and then blew an alarm.That alerted everyone in the building including Alex Roberto himself. The alarm that sounded was a 'danger alarm." The first thing that crossed his mind was if Mr. Ubba and his men had come to attack him. He stood at alert and immediately went into the room that he had kept Nikolai."I think some people are here to save you." He sa
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You Can Both Sleep In My Bed
When she found the children, she noticed they were four instead of five. She didn't find Chester, "where is Chester? Where is Chester? Where is Chester?" She asked repeatedly like a woman running mad."Once big man took him away after the school bus dropped us," Rome answered."What! Big man!" She ran outside immediately to meet Beocca. "It's true, it's true. Chester had been kidnapped. We must save him.""Get in," Beocca said and at once, they both got inside the car. In a jiffy, they drove to the seaport. She stepped down from the car hurriedly and ran to where the ships were. There was a ship loading but there was another ship that had already taken off.She didn't know which one Alex was. "Let me search in here," Beocca said. He was about to search the ship that was still loading.Brigitta can only pray that Alex wouldn't be in the ship that was already moving.All of a sudden, someone shouted her name from the ship that was already moving, "Brigitta! My dear Brigitta! My love!"S
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Please Punish Me Instead
This scene made Brigitta remember the time he caught Cassie and her half sister having a threesome with her ex husband, Alex Roberto. She felt sick to the stomach."I'll pass." She turned from them and walked out."I feel bad that she left," Cassie faked a sad expression."Should you feel bad? I already told you she would come to sleep here this night but you insist you want to sleep here. Anyways, I hope your presence gives me peace this night." Then he laid on the bed and turned from her.Didn't he want to have anything to do with her this night? Cassie thought to herself. Did she not look sexy enough for him? Her sexily curved body would turn any man on and drive them crazy yet he didn't seem to be moved at all. If not that he had once had sex with her, she would have assumed that he was impotent.Nonetheless, she laid. Hoping that he would turn to her soon. However, an hour passed yet he didn't bother to turn to her. Infact, it was as though he had fallen asleep. She didn't know w
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Why Don't You Prove Your Love Is Genuine
"Everyone would carry their own cross." Then he stood and walked up to her, "first, you stole the necklace in my office and now, you stole the wristwatches in my room." Then he suddenly grabbed her by her arms and slammed her to the wall.She winced in pain and said, "it's all a misunderstanding, Mr. Ragnar..." She quickly said. "I'm not a thief.""Oh yes, you are." He said. "I do not know of other things you have stolen from me." He grabbed her by her chin and forced her mouth open."Pl..ease..." It was difficult for her to plead but her jaw was madly paining her. His hand was as strong as a rock. He eventually removed his hand and said, "what exactly are you stealing for? As my wife, you can ask for what you need but I noticed you have never asked me for anything.""I... Don't need anything from you, sir." She twisted her mouth, trying to ease the pain his hands had caused on her chin.He walked away from her like he was dissapointed in her and went to sit. He had more than enough m
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