Semua Bab Rejected by the Mate that wanted me: Bab 21 - Bab 30
97 Bab
Chapter 21 Time for things to change
Nightmare's are just the startAxel's POV When I saw the photo my mind was reeling. How did she have this? Who took this, from the angle you can't see that I was basically two seconds from killing her, yet the photo looked intimate.What did she think when she saw this, right after we spoke. Did she see it before we were on the phone, is that why she was asking me those questions? She has never questioned my feelings for her before yet now things feel so strained with us. I don't know what to think about this so I messaged her back yet she wasn't responding to me.I tried for the next three hours to get her to answer me that by the time I chose to stop, looking back at my messages I looked crazy, there were so many messages. Thankfully none of them came across as angry despite the rage burning inside of me with every minute that passed without her responding to me.Telling myself she fell asleep to help calm Lucian down inside my head. He was raging about the fact that I didn't just
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Chapter 22 Did he really sleep with her
Their bond was shatteredAxel's POV Continued After Raven finally spoke to me again she told me about the message that came in after the photo was sent, she was positive that it was from Becca considering no one else ever called her 'Garbage Girl' besides Becca.The thought that she had managed to not only get my phone without my knowledge but knew how to navigate through it enough to find Raven's number to text her.I ended up telling her everything, everything outside from what the nightmare was about that caused me to hurt my mother. She was worried for me, that's when everything with us truly changed, like a light switch being flipped."You need to take a mate Axel. I don't want to lose you, but you going mad is far worse than anything else. I love you so much which is why... I'm so sorry, but we need some time without speaking.""What about the baby?"Her silence was deafening as we sat there on the phone, no one saying anything as my words hung in the air when I chose to speak
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Chapter 23 I don't want to move on
Remember this, love is infiniteRaven's POV When Axel and I spoke, his words coming across anxiously as he was worried about my take on the photo that had been sent to me the previous evening by, who I presume to be Rebecca Bryant.He went ahead to tell me everything that had transpired between them, my heart pounding as I listened to his vivid details about how he gripped his hand around her neck, he wanted to kill her, well Lucian definitely did.I worry that he's beginning to go mad without having a mate. When a male wolf finds their mate but rejects them he must take a chosen so he doesn't lose his mind, but for someone of a higher ranking, like an Alpha, going mad is inevitable, especially if they mated, which we did even though we didn't finished the marking.Also it's been a year now without him marking and mating, so the fact that he hasn't gone completely mad is surprising.An Alpha turning rabid is dangerous for all around because not very many can come close to the sheer si
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Chapter 24 Where do I go?
Is it really you?Raven's POV Continued Being here, with just Jason, watching him with Hael, the bond they have been forming even after my Uncle came back home, it was awe inspiring. We spend a lot of time together, he has basically become Hael second parent as he has been such an influence in his life this past year. We haven't gotten intimate or anything, but there are definitely feelings there yet he never has pushed for it to be anything more than what it already is.He ended up moving next door tonus so that he could be closer to help me out more often, he has a great relationship with Hael but refers to himself as Uncle Jason, he shut down the Dada stuff when that started because he never wanted to take that away from his father even though it was unknown if that was going to ever happen.It's been an entire year of not hearing a single word from Axel, I even messaged him a few times throughout these months yet never received a response. My heart felt shattered when he didn't a
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Chapter 25 His loss
I will never love anotherAxel's POV A month had gone by of Edgar and I working tirelessly to find out whatever may have happened to David Michaelson, yet nothing. My mother had come home from the hospital feeling and looking better than she had in a very long time but after being back for two weeks she began looking withdrawn, almost hollow again.I knew it was my father, he chose to abuse her in the worse form a mate could do to their other half. He cheated repeatedly causing her a significant amount of pain while draining her life from her.My father and I got into a huge argument that turned physical where we beat the the shit out of one another until neither of us could keep going but the next day that's when everything changed, my father had my office and room raided until he found every single electronic device I owned, even my broken photo, then had them all destroyed saying that I'd never be able to speak to her again.Now with no one to contact her, I can't even let her kno
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Chapter 26 Another dead end
I don't believe this is the placeAxel's POV Continued Sylvia and Edgar are leaving another pack today. They spoke to everyone they could but still no sign of her or her Uncle. My hopes in finding them together were all I had to hold onto these days.Of course, I still have no idea if she even knew that she had an Uncle, from what I knew from speaking to her, she didn't, but I pray that is who she found after running.She didn't have a single sound of fear nor worry every time we had spoken, she had a untraceable phone so she could contact me, she sounded, happy.I pray that her trust was given so quickly because she somehow managed to find a person she didn't even know existed. The Goddess herself guiding them together so she would be safe, be loved for a change, treated as a person not a slave that was disregarded by so many.I wouldn't blame her if I found her and she refused to ever come back to this place, a home where she was treated as if she didn't exist. Who would want to sho
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Chapter 27 Training
But who would train the childrenAxel's POV Continued Now that I have found her again, all I want to do is run to her. Knowing that she's only been a three day hike from here this entire time makes my chest ache. She has been so close yet so far all at the same time.I didn't even think to ask about her Uncle, but what if she doesn't know she has family. I need to let her know. She is supposed to call me tonight so that we can talk a bit more about everything that has been going on, but first I need to deal with how to handle things with my father now.If I challenge him, we set up a time to fight, but like Raven had said to be before, that's putting me in the position to kill my own father. Despite the problems or his crazy, can I live with myself if I do that? It would be good for the pack, he is nothing but a damage to us all, someone that treats his people with hate as he dictates who does what now, that along with him forcing himself on she wolves.Most want it, they so desper
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Chapter 28 Nightmares aren't always true
Raven's POV It's been crazy having Sylvia here with me, nice, but still a but strange. Someone I had always assumed hated me was so thrilled to see me again, to have found me, not just for Axel but because she genuinely wanted to as well.She has apologized profusely for the way she acted towards me or treated me but I understand the fear that many had if they went against their Alpha.I try to reassure her that I don't hold any ill will towards her, or anyone for that matter. What happened, happened, it is in the past, all we can do now is live in the present. Change things that we want changed now sp that in the future we can look back without the feeling of guilt or sadness over something that couldn't be helped at the time.When she first found me my fear was overwhelming every other sense around me, but after I spoke to Axel, hearing his voice again made me realize just how happy I was that I never gave into other feelings for someone else, my love for him still as strong as it w
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Chapter 29 He lives in my family home
I don't want your apologiesRaven's POV After I got off the phone with Axel this afternoon, once I realized that Sylvia was texting him about needing to figure things out there and soon because she watched me at my son's birthday party.What got her worried, it would seem, is how Hael was with Beta Jason. She had come to me asking about the relationship that we share with one another. I stink at hiding things, my face saying more than I wanted it to."Are you two in a relationship? I know you aren't marked but you two seem to be quite close.""He has been my closest friend this past year, he has helped me tremendously when it comes to Hael but he is Uncle Jason to him, he never tried to be his father if that's what worries you.""Just curious dear, I saw the way he came to your rescue when I got to close to you.""Everyone here is quite protective of me, the higher ups, like Beta Jason, know about Alpha Hunter so they are a bit over protective at times. But honestly I was terrified w
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Chapter 30 I have a son
DadaAxel's POV Sitting down to eat with my mothers Gamma that managed to sneak her way back onto pack territory undetected thanks to a few guards that are on my side.She looked nervous but settled after a little while when she realized that, at least for now, she was secure in the house with us."It's so nice to see you again Alpha Axel, I have missed you greatly. Used to seeing you daily, basically your entire life, to nothing at all has been an adjustment. Almost like losing my own child.""I have missed you as well, I lost mom then you all to quickly. Where have you been? You don't smell of a rogue yet I know you are nonlonger a part of this pack.""I was taken in by my mates pack, he left his to come be here with me because of my position so when everything happened, he, he lost his life trying to protect me from your father, his family took me in along with the kids."My heart clenched at what she said to me, her mate dying at the hands of my father, but I still didn't know exa
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