Semua Bab Heat (Blood Bound Book 4): Bab 11 - Bab 17
17 Bab
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 Damon walked into Moon Dance with Michael with a single purpose. He’d made up his mind and this time he wasn’t going to help them behind their backs… he’d do it to their faces. He looked around at the group that had gathered and inwardly took stock of them. He’d seen them all before at various places and after the graveyard battle, but most of them had never seen him. He supposed it was time to fix that. Damon wanted them to know just who was going to take Alicia away from them. Warren looked up from the blueprints spread out across his desk when he heard the door open. Seeing Michael and Damon enter he didn’t need an introduction… Michael and Kane were the only two people he’d ever known with amethyst eyes and the man with Michael could be none other than Damon. Just in case the others in the group weren’t as intuitive as he was, Warren stepped around the desk and held his hand out to Damon in a friendly gesture. “It’s good to finally meet you, Damon,” Warre
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Once she left the suburbs behind, Alicia had to resort to the city sidewalks which didn’t settle well with her. She kept up a steady running pace toward Night Light needing to get away as quick as possible. She knew this would probably hurt everyone especially Micah… but she couldn’t stay and see the look on their faces when they realized what she was becoming. Voices up ahead made her slide to a stop, the soles of her sneakers squeaking a bit on the concrete. She looked around frantically before ducking into the shadows of a nearby building. Alicia pushed herself back into the darkness just as she saw Zachary coming down the street with a blonde-haired woman. She held her breath as they walked by on the opposite side of the street talking amongst themselves. “Well, well, what do we have here?” a voice suddenly whispered right next to her ear. Alicia gasped and spun around in shock and surprise. She’d been so focused on staying out of sight that she hadn’t fe
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13 “How many do you think you’ll kill tonight?” Devon asked good-naturedly. “That depends on how many we find.” Quinn answered. “It sounds as though Micah and Titus are getting their piece of the action tonight.” “I wouldn’t have minded joining them,” Devon said after a moment. Dean shook his head, “We need to stay with the plan Warren arranged. Only by doing it this way can we have any chances of finding Misery tonight.” “And we get to knock off a few soulless vampires while we’re at it.” Quinn finished. “I’m going to say I'll kill four, maybe five, tonight.” Devon said after a moment. Quinn smirked, “Would you care to make a wager on that?” “Don’t do it!” Nick exclaimed over the comlink. “If you do make sure Dean is the one counting because Quinn cheats.” Devon chuckled softly making Quinn look at him. “What’s so funny?” Dean asked. “Nick just told me to make sure you count how many we kill tonight each because he’s convinced Quinn
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Chapter 14-1
Chapter 14 Kat turned off the com-link receiver in front of her and rose to her feet. That had sounded very bad. “Where are you going?” Tabatha asked. “Where do you think?” Kat responded with a worried frown. “Who’s up for a short road trip?” “I’m game.” Kriss said and Envy nodded her head in agreement. “Want me to get the jeep warmed up?” Steven asked. Kat nodded, “Yes, I’m going to go get a few things… I’ll be out in a few.” Envy tilted her head in thought then announced, “I’ll go with you.” Jewel slipped out behind them without Steven noticing and caught up with them down the hall. “What are you going to do?” Jewel asked. “Nick isn’t the only one who has a stockpile of weaponry,” Kat answered. They entered Kat’s old bedroom and the other two women watched as Kat approached a throw rug and tossed it aside. In the floor was an indention that looked like a handle of some kind. Kat pulled up and the compartment swung open revealing a small sta
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Chapter 14-2
Chad started firing his gun and mentally breathed a sigh of relief when the bullets Nick had given him not only knocked two vampires off their feet but they also had a chemical that made the creatures explode. A blast of heat made him take a step to the side and raise his arm to protect himself when Zachary formed a fireball in his hand. “Tone it down, Human Torch,.” Chad complained. Zachary looked over at him with a wide grin. “Aw, that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” The grin vanished when a vampire grabbed Zachary by the collar of his jacket. Zachary merely placed his flaming hand on the vampire’s forehead then stood back as he was set ablaze. The creature ran around in large circles around them trying to put himself out. Finally he stumbled and fell to the ground, rolling around in agony before all movement stopped. Zachary had already set three more on fire by that time and was searching his pockets for something. “I know I put them somewhere.” Zachar
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Chapter 14-3
Kane heard the question and looked over his shoulder at the woman Michael was speaking of. He still wasn’t completely sure what Angelica’s connection with Syn was. She’d dreamed of him and drew a picture for crying out loud. But why would Michael call her mother? It was question best left for another time and place. Syn stood upright and took a step back from Damon, releasing him from his hold. He now knew where his mate was… he would be coming for her. Without a word Syn vanished leaving behind no trace he had ever been there. Damon blinked his eyes and shook his head a bit before looking down at his mate. With no hesitation, he bit into his wrist and placed the wound directly over Alicia’s lips. He moved his other hand over her throat but she wouldn’t swallow the blood. Had he been too late? Kane abruptly released Michael and approached the couple. Michael stumbled a bit, still in shock over what he’d discovered before going after Kane. Kane knelt down on the other si
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Chapter 14-4
Alicia tossed in her sleep, reliving the last few seconds with the werewolf in her dreams. She looked directly into his golden eyes and heard the gunshot go off at close range. Alicia cried out and her eyes flew open. She was breathing heavily and looked around the room she was in. It took a few moments to realize the furnishings were familiar… she was in Damon’s penthouse bedroom. Looking down at herself, she was laying on her back in the huge bed with an arm across her waist holding her gently and a leg thrown over hers. Moving carefully, Alicia turned her head and felt her heart start to pound heavily in her chest. Damon was awake and looking at her with unreadable eyes… she never thought she would see him again in this life. Damon had given Alicia a thorough sponge bath to remove any dried blood left on her skin before laying down next to her while she slept. He had refused to sleep in case she woke up. He would never admit it to anyone but he wanted to be the first thi
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