Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
The entire mansion had become a black cloud, filled with sobs and woeful faces. But being a leader, I couldn’t cry, even though I wanted to. I stayed right next to your mother’s coffin. Wearing a white gown and resting ever so peacefully, she looked as beautiful as the first time we met. I was missing her terribly, but I didn’t let it show.I was able to put a door on my emotions until, it was time to bring you out to say final goodbye to your mother’s warmth, forever. A maid brought you out and you were already irritated at the absence of your mother. I took you into my hands and lowered you on top of your mother. The moment you mumbled something incoherently and reached your tiny fingers up to caress her pale face, as if trying to wake her, I lost it. Warm tears rolled down my face and I cried in public, for the first time in my life. It was your feeding time and you were very hungry. You refused to get separated from your mother and held on to her coffin with your stubborn fingers.
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A Teary Reunion
When Kate entered his empty room, the familiar musky scent welcomed her, but she could tell that it was fading away, just like the love bites he had given her.The laptop that she wanted was placed on the bedside table she walked up to. She took it and sat along with it on the mattress and pressed the power button. It still had the same screensaver of her child hood picture, but unfortunately, it also had something else. A column to type password.Kate was aware that she was stuck, but she wasn’t going to accept defeat that easily. During her lonely life in the mansion, she had developed a few not-that-important skills and one of them included guessing passwords. She has always emerged successful in guessing the password of her father’s computer, so she thought that she should give this one a try.“I can do this” she prepped herself up and wet her lips before guessing the password for the first time.Kate’s fingers fluttered on the keyboard as she typed the first thing that came to her
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His Past
Pulling her closer to lay flat against his chest, he began narrating the past that her heart had been fluttering to know, ever since she had found out about Marcus.“As a child, the only family I knew was my mother and her brother, whom I used to call ‘uncle’. My mother never spoke about my father and I still know nothing about him. My uncle provided for us with the salary he got as a research scientist. He worked for the government and was so dedicated to his field of nano technology that he didn’t bother to have a family of his own. Most of the time, he behaved like a mad scientist and it often crept my mother out. But I enjoyed giving him company in his lab.By the time I turned eight, he was promised a huge sum from the government to work on a project in the defense wing. Since it was a highly classified program, me and my mother had no clue about it. I assisted him by delivering materials via driving and in return, he taught me a thing or two regarding the principles of nanotechn
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Truth About Her Father
(Past) A month ago...“Quisito.... thank you for coming to meet me on such a short notice” Winston said from behind his table, when he saw the Don entering his office room.“No need to thank me sir; I’m always happy to be at your service” Quisito said with a polite smile, before taking a seat across from Winston.“Marcus... I... I called you today to ask for a very important favor...” Winston said, as he shifted uneasily in his office chair and gripped the armrest. His voice was strained a bit, like he never wanted to ask for the favor that was in his mind.“Of course, Winston, anything for you!” Quisito said as he leaned forward and placed his joined hands on the table. Even Quisito could see the palpable tension on the old man’s face.“Here is the thing” Winston said after taking a shaky breath “I miss my old Kate. I miss her smile, I miss her playfulness, I miss her enthusiasm and her little pouting face full of stubbornness. After her memory treatment, I tried to forge back that s
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Staying With Him
The next day itself, Quisito had his men bring over her clothes because he decided that Kate would stay with him. He would have given his clothes, but as much as he loved seeing her in them, he absolutely hated the idea of other people looking at what belongs only to his eyes, because most of his T shirts barely reached till her knees and the loose neckline betrayed a lot of her cleavage whenever she bend down to pick something.The pain they gave each other in the past slowly began to fade away as they competed with each other to show who loved who more. She clung to him 24/7, only letting him out of her sight when she visited her father twice a day.Kate dressed his wounds and fed him with her own hands, and they always shared one plate of food. One day morning, she decided to cook something for him and stepped into the kitchen. She had never cooked in her entire life and ended up setting the whole kitchen on fire, but fortunately, no one was harmed. Quisito just laughed it off and h
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The Dream Wedding
(Fuse a slow music in your ears before reading. You'll enjoy it ;)Katelyn almost didn’t recognize the bride who stared back at her from the mirror. She was going to be his in a few minutes and no force in this world would be able to stop it. She wore a floor length satin white gown that completely covered her feet. The veil she wore on her head was long enough to drag behind her. Her hair had been pulled up into a donut bun fashion, with two tendrils of hair suspended from the side of the hairline. The makeup was simple – A touch of blush with cherry red lip gloss.She wore blue diamond earrings and a small emerald pendant around her neck to match with the engagement ring he gave her.Her heart thumped wildly against her ribcage as she stood behind the small room’s curtain that separated her from the inside of the church. It was a ventilated room, but still she felt mildly claustrophobic because of the tension that coursed through her veins. She was beyond happy, but she also wished t
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I Love You
“Hey wifey, wake up...” Marcus said while nudging against her cheek with his nose. He was hovering on top of her sleeping form, his weight balanced on the arms placed on either side of her body.“Noooo... I wanna sleep... go away...” Kate whined and snuggled her face deeper into the pillow.“It’s time for the surprise... come on, get up...” he husked again while nuzzling the crook of her neck.When she made no move to get up, he peeled away her blanket and pepper kissed all over her face, purposefully grazing his beard on her skin.“Stop...stop it! I’m getting up!” she squealed while chuckling at the ticklish feel of his face hair.He got off from above her, allowing her to sit up on the mattress.“What time is it?” Kate asked groggily as she rubbed her eyes, a yawn escaping past her lips.“It’s one in the morning” he said and she looked outside to find the sky still dark.“Get ready honey, we are going somewhere” he said eagerly while getting off the bed.“Hold on... I need to pee” s
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Under The Stars
Kate moaned when he captured her arms and held it overhead while his mouth nibbled on her neck. Warm wetness drenched her sex when she felt his arousal nudging her inner thigh.“Please....ohhhh” she whimpered when his mouth closed around her pebbled nipples and sucked. She didn’t even know what she was pleading him for. She did feel tiny and helpless under him, but she was ready to give him everything that he wanted to take from her.“Marcus?” She moaned out this name when she felt his lips smooching on the underside of her bosoms. But he knew that she wasn’t just moaning out his name with pleasure. She sounded like she wanted to ask something.Pausing his actions, he looked up at her face.“What?...” he asked, his voice coming out in the hoarse tone, almost harsh enough to scare her.“C...Can I... t..touch you?” Kate asked hesitantly because she doubted that he would never allow her to do it.“Of course, baby... you don’t have to even ask” he said and let go of her capture wrist and l
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Goodbye, Dad
2 Weeks later...It was her first day of going to college and Kate was so excited that she barely slept the previous night.After returning from the lake house, she texted her friend Emily about going to college and both the girls were super excited to share a classroom space. It was like a dream come true for those long-distance friends.Kate had packed her bag the previous day itself and now, she was getting dressed along with Marcus, who would drop her off at the college.“Marcus...”“Yes, Honey?”“What if some boy comes up and talks to me?” she asked, hoping to get a rise out of her husband because she knew how much he hated when she talked to other men. And now that she was going to be surrounded by teenagers, he should be furious. But his answer was calm.“Then you talk back to them. That is how you socialize” he said monotonously while buttoning up his suit. He was getting ready for the office. After leaving her at the college at the guard of his loyal men, he would go to work.
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Marcus woke up in the morning way earlier than Kate and began clearing the blinds on the windows. She cursed under her breath and pulled the blanket above her head when the bright yellow sunlight fell on her face.“Wake up sleepy head, It’s graduation day...” he said and walked over to her. He tried to take away her blanket, but she wouldn’t let go.It was kind of his fault that she was still sleeping. The previous day, Kate didn’t have to go to college and was bored out of her mind at the mansion. So, she did online shopping and bought some normal clothes and lingerie. The clothes arrived at her place within half an hour and she tried on all of them. She had never worn lingerie before and when she tried that one on, a naughty idea lit up her mind.She took pictures of herself wearing them in the sexiest poses and send them to her husband. Marcus was hosting a meeting when he received a set of ‘hot’ notifications. He regretted his decision to open the messages because the moment his e
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