Все главы The Withered Flower of Silence: Глава 21 - Глава 30
Chapter 21: Rebellion
CHIARA P.O.V.As I nuzzle Wolf's neck, I watch as Wolfgang's hired crew painstakingly build my horse's stable. Two days ago they started the construction, and they have been very fast, they will probably finish the stable today.My mind is filled with thoughts of Wolfgang's interrogation of my cousin. I am still shocked by the revelation that my cousin Renzo is still alive. I have so many unknowns that I desperately want to solve. I wish I could talk to him again, know what his life has been like all these years. But at the same time, I feel a deep pain as I realize that he has deliberately cut me out of his life. Is it possible that my father also knew that Renzo was still alive and will hide it from me? This uncertainty makes me question if my life has been a carefully constructed lie. However, I have decided to believe my father and think that he must have had a valid reason for lying to me, if he really did. After all, the dead cannot defend themselves.My thoughts then turn to Wo
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Chapter 22: The escape
CHIARA P.O.V.I pace back and forth in my room, feeling the adrenaline flowing through my veins like physiological saline. The nerves of being discovered by Wolfgang consume me. Although I once ran away from home as a teenager, the fear I feel now of being found out by him is much greater than I felt in front of my father then. It's ridiculous, I remember that before I was Aldo's captive niece, I used to go out with my college friends to clubs, and I never felt remorse for having fun.Would it really be worth it to anger Wolfgang and risk having me locked up as punishment? -I ask my self-. I sigh deeply and try to remember that Wolfgang promised me that he wouldn't lock me up again. I have a hard time understanding why I feel so afraid when he has repeatedly assured me that he would not lock me up or harm me. Then I also don't understand why that fear sometimes turns into angry butterflies betraying me in my stomach when he gets too close to me.I stop in the middle of my room and loo
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Chapter 23: VIP room
WOLFGANG P.O.V.I'm sitting at my imposing desk, surrounded by Hans and Karl, having a video call with Gunther and Klaus. Gunther has been in Italy collecting crucial information on the incomplete shipment, while Klaus traveled to the United States to meet with Otis and Luther. These four men are my circle of trust, my chosen brothers, and I fully trust them. So even though Otis and Luther are looking into Aldo and Renzo's encounters in the States, I felt it was important that Klaus was by his side."Gunther, have you found out anything relevant about the shipment?" I ask expectantly.Although regardless of the situation, Gunther has the most jovial and relaxed demeanor of all my men, his current expression is stern."There's not much Wolfgang. But I'm not going back to Germany until I figure this out."Klaus chimes in, adding:"Aldo is still in the United States and has had at least a couple more meetings with Renzo."My brows furrow as I process this new information."What else have
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Chapter 24: The stable
CHIARA P.O.V. I find myself submerged in my huge blankets, cut off from the outside world since the night before. I ignore the knock on the door, refusing to let anyone in. My room has become a refuge where I try to escape from the thoughts that torment me. But I can't help but remember Wolfgang's kiss, a kiss that consumes me and makes my heart race.14 hours have passed since that moment, and I still can't get that kiss out of my mind. I shake my head, trying to erase all the images from my thoughts. But his hands running over my body feel so real, like they're still there. I feel elated and guilty at the same time. How could I get carried away by someone as bad as Wolfgang? Why didn't I stop him from the start? Now how am I going to be able to face him and get mad at him when I actually enjoyed that moment as much as he did?I feel overwhelmed with shame and the desire to disappear. However, I hear Constanz's voice calling from
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Chapter 25: Preparation
CHIARA P.O.V. I keep my gaze fixed on his, unable to take my eyes off that man who has made me feel so confused and alive at the same time. I don't know how to react or what to say. My mind is stuck replaying the kiss scene over and over, and I'm afraid of what that could mean. My mind struggles to find an appropriate response to this unexpected situation while my body continues to react to his presence with a mixture of excitement and fear.I internally debate between staying there or running out of the stable to lock myself in my room for a couple more days. However, before he can make a decision, Wolfgang breaks his silence.“Did you like the stable?”Faced with your innocent question, I have no choice but to answer."Yes, it's perfect."I swallow hard and decide to be brave, reminding myself that I'm a woman, not a girl, and that Wolfgang probably doesn't even remember that kiss. With a
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Chapter 26: More questions
CHIARA P.O.V. I look at myself in the mirror that hangs on the dresser in my room, and observe myself carefully while trying not to be too critical of myself. I am wearing the beautiful turquoise dress that Constanz lent me, and while it is true that I have a slim, curvy figure, I have always worried that I am not voluptuous enough, like Constanz, for example. Constanz and Katharina have amazing bodies. Nervousness comes over me, why now that I'm going out to dinner with Wolfgang am I worried that I'm not as pretty as other girls? I feel my heartbeat echoing in my ears and my hands sweat slightly. Every time I think of Wolfgang's lips, a rapturous wave of sensations sweeps over me, but I can't put a name to them yet. Suddenly, I realize how easy it was to agree to go out with him. I didn't say no to him, but there was no clear reason to turn him down either. However, I still don't understand why he would want to take me out to dinner. Almost unwillingly, I find myself wondering why h
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Chapter 27: I don't want to let you go free
CHIARA P.O.V. The atmosphere changed in an instant. I think my question rang a disturbing bell in the quiet atmosphere of the restaurant. I saw Wolfgang avert his gaze to the window, his jaw tensing slightly. The caramel color of his eyes darkened, becoming dangerous and deep. A feeling came over me that I had struck a chord with her, a door that perhaps I shouldn't have. I almost decided to take it back and tell him that he didn't need to answer, that he didn't have to tell me. But before I could raise my hands, his eyes met mine, and his voice, firm and direct, broke the silence that had settled between us. “It was Aldo," he said, without pause. His tone controlled, though a shadow seemed to lurk in his words. “My mother and grandmother were killed by Aldo.” My hands instinctively rose to my mouth, stifling an exclamation. I stared at him in disbelief, stunned by his words. Suddenly, my heart seemed to pound in my temples, as if I had been given my father's death a second time, a
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Chapter 28: No judgment
CHIARA P.O.V.When I wake up again, it is morning. The soft, warm breeze coming through the window lightly ruffles my hair. Although I still feel a little depressed about the truth, remembering what Wolfgang told me afterwards, even if it's ridiculous, makes me feel better. Maybe I'm an innocent fool still, I still want my life back, I wish I could change a hundred things, but I know perfectly well that this isn't an infatuation, I'm in love with Wolfgang, and even though I know it's impossible now, I wish I could merge our worlds and make that work.I turn my face and find Wolfgang's face lying on the mattress, still asleep. I smile, and allow myself to detail the features of his face that I like the most, which are all of them. I hesitate, but finally reach my hand up to remove a lock of his hair that is in the way of my inspection. However, as soon as I push the lock away, Wolfgang lifts his hand and catches my wrist. His grip is not hard, but it surprises me.What he does next, ho
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Chapter 29: Travel
WOLFGANG P.O.V.In the office are not only Karl, but also Gunther and Klaus. I wasn't expecting them until the following week. But unlike Klaus, Gunther had a busted lip and a slight bruise next to his right eye. I didn't even reach my desk when I started the meeting. If there was one thing I cared about as much as being between Chiara's legs, it was destroying Aldo. I hoped that, if Gunther and Klaus had returned from Italy and the United States so soon, it was because there was good news.“Speak," I say and fold my arms.Gunther is the first to speak, looking eager and excited about what he brings.“While I was in Rome, I did some research. I followed two guys we thought were related to Aldo. I had seen them with him in Sicily several times. But, it seems that in reality these guys don't just work for Aldo," he continues. “I was in the same bar for several days, and one night I overheard them talking about someone called Il Lupo, their boss.”Hans furrows his brow, while the others
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Chapter 30: Berlin
WOLFGANG P.O.V.During the plane ride, Klaus, with his sharp, analytical mind, took over the planning. We discussed different scenarios and ways to carry out the operation. The idea of using Blaz as a resource to lure Nathaniel into a trap had its appeal. If Blaz was clean, his cooperation would be important in unmasking the real culprit. However, we couldn't completely trust anyone at this point. Loyalties were at stake and the game was dangerous.My private airstrip was 40 minutes from Berlin. We took two cars and split up. By the time we arrived in Berlin, the city was already plunged into the darkness of night. I have 10 nightclubs in Berlin, Blaz checks them all, but he usually pays special attention to Euphoria, the main and biggest of them all. The hustle and bustle and energy of the nightlife hovered over us as we made our way to the club, and normal at this hour for the activity to start in the club. However, the sight before us was disconcerting. The place was completely des
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