Lahat ng Kabanata ng Secret Crush: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
90 Kabanata
Texting with Zach
It was almost as if Zach could feel Chloe's eyes on his body, burning holes into the insanely gorgeous body because he turned to look at her, a small frown on his face. “Holy shit, you both are connected.” Hailey squealed and Chloe rolled her eyes. "That's why he can feel you looking at him, and that's why he turned to look at you at the time you started to stare at him.” She added, causing another eye roll from Chloe. Hailey had always been a tad bit dramatic, but she was getting more dramatic as time passed by. Perhaps, it was the drama that was going on at home that had made her that way. Chloe was still staring at him even while Hailey spoke to her, so she didn't miss it when he winked at her and gave her a smile. For some reason, that angered her, even though it should have pleased her. For a while now, after the cafeteria incident, he had been avoiding her at school, and been bleeping annoying, no other word for that. Why the heck was he smiling at her now, like he cared abo
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Don't You Dare
His voice welcomed her as soon as she entered the room he was waiting for him in. "I didn't think you would actually come.” He said, and she could hear the smile in his voice, even before she turned to face him from closing the door of the room. In there was a little bit dusty and dark, but she could still see the annoying grin on his face the moment she turned to face him. That annoyed the hell out of her, but she just swallowed it all down. “When I had to wait for more than a couple of minutes, I thought that you had stood me up.” He said, and Chloe shrugged. “Well, I'm here now.” That was what she wanted to say, but she knew Zach well enough to know he could do something funny if she happened to act defiant. So instead, she put a small smile on her face, although pleasant, and she stopped in front of him where he half stood and sat on a high desk. "Why would I do that?” she asked. He lifted his shoulder in a shrug and grabbed her wrist suddenly to pull her to him. It was so ou
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Let's be friends
“Because I don't want to have to beat the shit out of someone, okay! There. I said it.” “What are you talking about? Why would you do that?” When Chloe asked him that, silence fell between them. He could tell she was confused about that half ass confession he had just made, but he wasn't sure he wanted to explain anything yet. “Why don't you want to beat the shit out of anyone, I mean why would you have to?” Chloe asked again when he didn't say anything. “I just don't want to be a bad friend and allow some jerks to mess with you.” He said, hoping that was an explanation enough. It wasn’t though, because, after a moment, she shook her head as if to say that wasn't genuine enough. “That’s not answering my question, Zach. Why won't you just explain what you mean when you said what you did?” she asked him, looking at him and hoping he would explain what that meant to her. Zach rubbed his temple, he could see what she was thinking plainly displayed on her face. She was thinking that
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Movie Night
After accepting with reluctance, Chloe might add, to become Zach’s friend, she still tried her best to avoid him except it was not feasible, or they shared the same class. In those classes she shared with him, one like this, she would make sure she was sitting right at the front, where she knew Zach hated sitting, and then walk out of class with her books already packed and ready to go as soon as the bell rang. But today, it was difficult to escape like that, because he was seated right beside her. That was surprising, seeing as she was sitting at the very front of the class, in the middle with the board directly facing her. Due to his determination to frustrate her, she was trying so hard to concentrate and not look beside her to him. She was succeeding at that until he kicked her table and bend closer to her to whisper in her ear as the teacher turn her back to the class. "Aren't you excited?” he asked. Chloe shook her head with an eye roll. "About what, Zach? What should I be e
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Surprised Visit
Chloe spent most of the classes for that day planning on how to best avoid Zach through the movie night: how to make sure he wasn't in at least five feet of her, hoping it would work as well as it looked in her head. She remembered what Hailey had whispered to her in the third period class, telling her how she better not cause any trouble because she could see the glint in her eyes. Whatever glint she saw though had nothing to do with wanting to cause trouble, but to stay out of it, and Zach was trouble. He surely was, but what the heck would she do without an escape and avoid plan? He grimaced as the soft words replayed in her head and she wondered why she would want to cause trouble. She had no reason whatsoever to do so except he was planning to, and the best was to just stay away from him. If anything was to happen when after trying her possible best to stay out of trouble, it would be Hailey’s fault. She would be held responsible because she was the one that invited him to th
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Wet and Naked
Zach stood there with his mouth dropped open, staring at her as he would a candy. He wondered what was going through her mind, because his own was filled with what he wanted to do to her, like getting the towel off her for starters. Damn! If he had known this was what he would meet, that this was how she would answer the door, he wouldn't have come upstairs to her room. He had decided to come pick her up and drive them together to Hailey's place because he knew she didn't own a car, and it was on his way so there was no big deal dropping by and pick in her up, only to see this. When he had arrived, Camden had been the one to open the door for him and he had led him here, saying it was better to let her know he was here or she might take the whole afternoon, according to him. "Are you sure it's okay?” he had asked, but the boy had grinned and nodded his head. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought that Camden had done this on purpose. "What are you doing here?" Chloe
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Chloe was nervous, and it was entirely because today was Monday, the start of the tutoring with Zach. She had been able to avoid him until today, but she couldn't anymore. At Hailey’s house for the movie hang out on Friday, she had done her absolute best to stay away from him, and nothing dramatic had happened thank God. It was still early in the morning, but it didn't stop her from being all tense. All usual, she walked to school while her father drop off her brothers. She loved coming to school early so that she wouldn't have to draw any attention to herself. As she got to school, a car entered into the parking lot, and she wondered who it was. She didn't think other people arrived at school at this time, but she was surprised. There was another car in the parking lot she didn't recognize too, but she wasn't sure it was a student’s car. The principal and some of the teachers sometimes parked in the student lot. “Chloe, good morning.” Someone said behind her and she turned to see
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Being a Distraction
Today was the first day of their tutor session and Chloe couldn't concentrate because of two reasons. One, she could feel the burning stare of Zach on her even though his attention should be on the books in front of them, and two, what had happened between them that early morning at school in that abandoned place. Zach had hugged her, and held her for a long moment, telling her how good she felt against him and how nice it was for her to be in his arm. But that wasn't what actually got to her. It was the way he was looking at her before he pulled her into that hug. What the heck was wrong but the boy with all of the confusion going around and all? One minute he was all good with her and the next he was being a jerk, or rude as heck. To be very honest though, that wasn't the definition of liking someone but she treacherous body would always fall for those eyes, the ones that could literally melt her panties off. “Okay, that's an exaggeration, even for me.” She thought out loud and
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Little Bird
“Hey, little bird!” Chloe heard someone shout at lunch the following day and all she wanted to do was freeze. She knew who it was even before she turned to him, and she was so embarrassed. No one knew that name, nor did they know who he was calling, but they were looking at him with weird looks on their faces, probably wondering to whom that weird name belonged to. He had a grin on his face, as if nothing had happened, while she stood here, all mortified. At this point, all she wanted was to disappear from this place if that was possible, but it wasn't. “God, you're such as ass.” She whispered as he walked towards her. She thought of what it might have been if she had pretended not to hear him call that out and continued her way, or didn't even stop so she wouldn't have to face him, but then again, she knew he was relentlessly stubborn, and would probably call her that until he caught up with her with those ridiculously long legs. People’s attention was still on him, still waiting
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Miss Two-Goody Shoe
“There’s a party tomorrow night at Liam’s house,” Zach said as he picked up his book from the table to tuck it into his bag. "Do you think you want to come?” he asked Chloe and she gave him a look that said he couldn't be serious. “What? Isn't tomorrow a school night?” she asked, and he nodded. “Huh, yes it is. Is that a problem?” he asked and she shook her head with a smile. “Oh, no! It's not.” She said, sarcasm lacing her voice as she spoke. "I don't think I want to come though, I've got things to do.” She said. He should have known, he knew that she was a two goody shoe, and sometimes that annoyed the hell out of him, or maybe it was the fact that he was attracted to her that made his blood boil. Zach was the life of the party, and he own the school they both attended because of how mysterious he had always seemed to people, all handsome and brooding when he wanted and gorgeous and lively when he wanted. Knowing that he had never had to go through all of this just to make a gi
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