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Chapter 11 Hugging the Boss
I hurriedly put on some leggings and a tee, refusing to show up in my fluffy PJs in front of Darius and Jeff. As I plopped down on the couch, waiting for them, I couldn't help but wonder why I was so damn nervous. I should be strutting around, proclaiming my independence and self-sufficiency. But there was something about Darius that made me feel different, something I hadn't felt before. Jeff must've taken some secret shortcut 'cause they showed up in no time and I didn't even have a chance to calm those butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Got me wondering, why the hell was I so nervous? It's like I should be strutting around my living room, chanting "I'm a single lady, don't need no man, cats are the real deal!" No, that isn’t gonna cut it. I've never met a guy like Darius before. The dude exudes confidence and looks like a freaking Greek god. I know for sure that he always gets what he wants. I hurried downstairs to answer the door, only to find myself enveloped in a tight embra
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Chapter 12 Kate at the Savoy
Darius was out in Geneva for the next couple of days, so I wouldn't see him until Friday, but we chatted on the phone. It was a more relaxed atmosphere in the office without him around. The big question now was what on earth was I going to wear for this fancy event at the Savoy? Maybe I could treat myself to a new dress. On Fridays, the bank closed at lunchtime, and I had a plan to visit Harrods and Harvey Nichols. Just as I was about to leave on Friday, Darius caught up with me. "Are you all set for tomorrow evening?" he asked. "Yes, I'm ready. What time are you picking me up?" "Seven? Dinner at eight, and the auction starts at nine-thirty. Does that work for you?" "Sure. Looking forward to it," I replied nonchalantly. I had been all business throughout the week, trying to shake off any silly crush on Darius. I couldn't quite tell if he had noticed, but he was playing it cool as well. It's like that hug never even happened. Whatever, it was just a hug because I was feeling down. B
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Chapter 13 An Impulsive Gesture
I think I'm the least impulsive person in the world, Handling and being responsible for millions of pounds each day tends to keep you on your toes, and everything I do is well thought out. I couldn't believe what I had just done. One moment, everything seemed fine, and the next, I found myself on one knee, a thirteen million pink diamond ring in my hand, asking Kate to marry me. It wasn't exactly the way I had planned it, but sometimes life throws you unexpected curveballs, and you have to adapt. The truth was, I knew Kate had no idea I was going to propose. She had been through a lot tonight, insulted by some despicable women in the bathroom, who had the audacity to call her an escort. It made my blood boil, seeing her hurt like that. Kate didn't deserve any of it. She was an incredible woman, strong, intelligent, and kind-hearted. But as I glanced at her standing there mouth agape, I couldn't help but wonder if I had gone too far. Was that really the right moment? I saw her eyebrow
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Chapter 14 The Big Quetion
I was trying to keep my cool when Darius came to take me out to lunch.. My finger was weighed down by the ring.. It took me a while to finally wear the ring on my finger this morning.. I was fully committed to a future with cats and antihistamines, but then a brightly coloured and shockingly expensive rock changed everything.. If my dear Nan were here, she would have called it obscene and questioned how I could possibly use that much money.. Thinking about her was enough to keep me grounded, even though she was gone..When I opened the door, Darius had his eyes fixed on his phone.. “Oh, there you are,” he said with a grin, I was wondering if you had run off in the night.” I enjoy sleeping too much to keep one eye open waiting for a knock on the door. When he leaned in for a kiss, I pulled back instinctively, feeling a wave of confusion..“I’m sorry, Kate. "I shouldn't have done that," he confessed with a regretful voice.. "No, no, the fault is mine. I should apologize," I replied, s
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Chapter 15 A Proposition.
The only sound in the room was the clock ticking away on the mantelpiece after I asked Kate to marry me. The poor love looked dumbfounded. “Are you okay, Kate? I’m sorry this has all come as a bit of a shock. We don’t have to stay married forever, and I will pay you for the privilege of being your husband. A million pounds for one year of marriage, and …”“Stop, just be quiet.” Kate said, her voice was trembling a little.I stopped talking immediately. She closed her eyes, and as she did, my phone buzzed to let me know lunch was ready, and I didn’t want George coming up to see Kate in this state. “I’m just going to fetch our lunch. Here you have a look at this.” I handed her the envelope my lawyer and sent with the contract. “I’ll be five minutes.”Kate nodded, but she didn’t look at me and I was wondering if I’d blown it already. I’m sure Seb would not be pleased if I was on my way to the top of Everest to run my business. This would be like falling off a log to him and Ethan. I alw
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Chapter 16 Lunch with Henry
I strolled down the road, leaving Darius's house behind, my mind spinning like a tornado. Disappointment washed over me as I realized he didn't want the real me. Apparently, I was just a pawn in his grand business scheme. Well, well, well, Mr Darius Graves, you played your cards, but guess what? I've got a few conditions of my own. If I were to go along with this crazy plan, my requirements would be absolutely paramount, darling. I downed the last of my coffee, hailed a taxi, and off I went, headed for home sweet home. It wasn't until I plopped down in the taxi that I noticed the shiny ring still adorning my finger. Oopsie daisy! I had meant to return it to Darius, but hey, maybe this was a sign. A sign that I should do a little moonlight disappearing act, change my name again, and vanish into thin air. I've pulled off vanishing acts before, and I could certainly do it again. During the rest of the cab ride, I let my imagination run wild, envisioning the fabulous places I could go if
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Chapter 17 Breakfast at the Office
I spent Monday at home. I even went into the office at five in the morning to get a few things and left Kate a note that I would be working from home. I can imagine what she thought when she realised I wasn’t at work. I just thought it would be better to have some space between us. I’m not saying that I enjoyed it.I actually missed her. I missed her perfume wafting around the office, and the tap of her heels. She’s like a hummingbird flitting around the office in her sassy jewel-like outfits, the glinting of her small gold earrings when the sun catches them.Kellie had called saying that Kate had called in sick. I couldn’t blame her. She was only doing the same thing as me. I wasn’t sure how long to wait for Kate’s answer, but I resolved to give her a week. I went to work on Tuesday but Kate didn’t show. I was in trouble with Alma, too. She wanted to know why Kate had left the house so quickly and before pudding! I didn’t dare tell her what had happened. She would have strung me u
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Chapter 18 Who's That Girl?
Darius and I planned to throw an engagement party. Remember that gaudy ring? He received it back from me, and then he asked what I wanted in its place. His brilliant idea was to involve a jeweller, have me choose two rings, and then surprise me with one of them at the party. It may be excessive, but at least I get to choose my bling!Here’s the thing I knew I needed to get an engagement ring, mostly for Darius’s mother’s sake. She’s a very traditional lady, and it would cause a stir if I turned up without it. Despite my doubts, I realized I had to put everything on the line to secure that five million pounds. Finding my long-lost sister or adopting a child are both options I’m considering. That money could make us all live happily ever after!Here’s when the real stress set in. We set the party for the romantic Valentine’s Day, which was a Saturday, only ten days away. Panic mode activated! I called up Henry, feeling completely lost, and asked, “Henry, who on earth am I going to invit
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Chapter 19 Converations About Love
As I sat at my desk, Kate by my side, an indescribable mix of confusion and concern gripped my heavy heart. And let me tell you, I was bloody furious! I couldn’t help but ask, “Why me? What did I do to deserve this mess?” If Oliver had orchestrated this whole thing, it must have happened before Kate even entered the picture. I mean, it would make some twisted sense if it occurred after Kate came into my life, but then Sienna wouldn’t have even known she was expecting. And there she was, right in front of me, this young woman I’d never laid eyes on before. Yet, somehow, she was connected to me through a web of lies and deceit. The disbelief etched on her face as silent tears trickled down her cheeks spoke volumes. It was a modern-day collision of emotions, tangled in a web of secrets that threatened to tear our lives apart.Passing Sienna a pack of tissues, Kate offered her support. “Don’t cry, Sienna. We’ll figure this out,” she said, placing her hand reassuringly over Sienna’s. “Whoev
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Chapter 20 Runaway Sister
On the Thursday before our engagement party, Darius called me at the office to say his sister, Leo, had ditched school. She hasn’t been seen since last night. “I’m heading to Yorkshire in the helicopter to see what’s going on. She might turn up to the office, so can you hang out there in case she does appear there?” His voice sounded strained. He must be so worried. “Yes, of course I will. Poor love, do you know why she ran away?” Darius sighed. “It’s something to do with Seb. She adores him and Ethan, and I think she’s told some girls that she’s going to a party with him. Of course, they didn’t believe her and some sort of fight started. She might go to the house there, and I’ve phoned Mrs Cod to look out for her.” “Ok, I hope you find her quickly.” “God, so do I. I can’t think of anything worse, especially if she hitched a lift to York.” Damn, that would be dreadful. She was only seventeen, and if she got into the wrong hands, it didn’t bear thinking about. “Hopefully, I’ll see
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