Semua Bab Crazy Maid ( English Version ): Bab 21 - Bab 30
61 Bab
21. Will Not Do It Again Without Your Consent
"You don't have to avoid me! I'm not a monster!"Ugh! Jerrald couldn't take this situation anymore. For two days the maid had been avoiding him like he was a deadly virus. They were always together, but it was like they were in different places."What?""Take off your scarf! You're like a fool wearing a scarf in the summer!"Jerrald gave the maid a strange look mixed with annoyance. Didn't the maid feel hot with that thick scarf wrapped around her neck? Moreover, Jerrald had deliberately turned off the air conditioning in this room, so that his maid would no longer act foolishly.Cunning? Yes, don't know when Jerrald felt that he had become a cunning man.How could he not be cunning, when the maid never left the scarf with her? No matter where they were. In the apartment, in the car, and even in the office. That girl was testing his patience!Jerrald wanted to tear the scarf to shreds."Can you breathe properly? You even covered your mouth with that damn scarf!" Jerrald winced in disp
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22. Dangerous Virus
"Are you busy?"Jerrald looked up from the file he was studying when he heard a voice coming from the door of his room that had just opened."Uncle?" Jerrald immediately got up from his seat when he realized who was coming, and walked over to the person he called 'Uncle'."What are you doing here?" asked Jerrald after reaching the man who was the same age as his Pah-dreh."You don't like Uncle visiting you?" the middle-aged man asked.Jerrald's eyes widened. He quickly shook his head. "It's not like that, Uncle. It's just that it's been a while since you've been here. I'm a little surprised.""Uncle and Noe were attending a seminar nearby. So I thought it wouldn't hurt if I stopped by for a while.""Is that so? Have a seat, Uncle." Jerrald led his uncle to the sofa in this room."How are you, son?" he asked once they were both seated on the sofa and facing each other."I'm fine. What about Uncle?""You can see for yourself that your uncle is doing well, son.""You didn't ask how I was
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23. What Are You Doing?!
"Miss Floy—""Miss? Hey... Didn't we agree that we're friends now? You can just call me Cia. Remember, Eloy?"Eloy immediately fell silent. He grimaced in embarrassment with a flushed face. Since half an hour ago, he had been having a lively conversation with the boss's maid sitting on the sofa not far in front of his desk. Actually, it was the young girl who asked more questions. More about the company, and some of the tourist attractions in the city (Madrid) and Seville.It turned out that the young girl knew quite a lot. When Eloy asked her where she knew about it, the girl said that she went on vacation to this country several times with her former employer.Wow... it looks like the girl's former employer is very generous."Sorry... I'm still a little awkward, Ci-Cia.""Because I'm a kind-hearted person, I forgive you." The girl folded her arms while raising her chin haughtily. But her eyes emitted an amused twinkle.Eloy chuckled. It turned out that his boss's maid was not only c
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24. A Jealous Man
"Why are you silent? Is my voice not clear enough, Eloy Damario?" asked Jerrald again when he found his secretary turned into a statue.Jerrald's jaw was still set. Even his hands were clenched into tight fists.Eloy swallowed saliva again with difficulty. Cold sweat ran down his back. Swearing by everything, Eloy preferred his boss's usual expression, flat and unreadable, rather than what it was now. That was not the Jerrald he knew all this time."Are you guys that close that you call her that familiarly?" Jerrald folded his arms across his chest this time while glancing at the maid who looked confused. Jerrald did use his language, not wanting the maid to know what he had said to Eloy.The atmosphere returned to silence. Eloy was still unable to make a sound. He was not an innocent man who did not know that his boss seemed to have a crush on this adorable woman beside him.Eloy had been in several relationships and knew what jealousy felt like."Don't you realize you already have a
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25. Get Lost?
Feli stared at the large screen behind the cashier's desk that contained the food and beverage menu at the café she had come to. She was confused about which coffee to order for her employer. Feli reached into the pocket of the pants she was wearing to retrieve her cell phone from there.As she was about to take it out, Feli chuckled in annoyance as she just remembered that she did not have her employer's cell phone number."How am I supposed to know which one that Cheapskate wants to drink? I don't want to go back there just to ask for his order! I won't! I feel my legs swelling up already. That son of a bitch! Does he think his office is only two floors?! Why didn't he just order online?! There's no way a CEO of a top jet company like him doesn't know how to order online!""Miss, what would you like to order?"Feli was surprised when it was her turn to order. The cashier asked in a language she didn't understand."Miss?""A-ah... sorry, I don't speak Spanish."The cashier immediatel
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26. My Hell!
"I already suspected that the guy who saved me from the trolley that time was you. I know you so well!" Feli was proud of herself after Eric told her everything.It turned out that all this time, her daddy had been watching her through Eric. The man sitting tall in front of her had been in this country since Feli set foot here."Relax a little, Eric. The way you're sitting is making me sore." Feli snorted amusedly with her arms crossed.A few minutes ago, they had been inside an ice cream shop not far from the coffee shop where Feli had ordered coffee for her employer. Feli sat facing the outside of the shop, while Eric faced the cashier's desk not far in front of them."I'm sorry, Miss, but my job requires me to be on my guard at all times.""But you don't need to look so tense in front of me! You look like you're about to be executed. Do you think I'm going to eat you?!" exclaimed Feli fiercely."Sorry, Miss."Feli rolled her eyes lazily. "Stop apologizing all the time, Eric!"Eric
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27. The Ice Cream Maniac
Feli's heart raced. She stood up nervously, then sat back down like a crazy person. "Oh my God, I forgot the order!" Feli stood up again, then sat down again as before."Miss, what's wrong with you? You'd better calm down first.""How can I calm down?! That grumpy man is here!" Feli glared fiercely."What angry man, Miss—""Did I order you to buy ice cream, Miss Cia?"Feli's body stiffened as she heard a voice right behind her. She closed her eyes, then cursed inwardly.It was the voice of the man who had been glaring at her from behind the shop glass. The man's face looked sinister, giving Feli goosebumps, and her body shudder in horror.'I've just tasted heaven, now I'm faced with hell!' Feli grumbled to herself.Feli opened her eyes again, then tried to put on a smile before standing up and turning around."Mr. Mendez? Why are you here?" asked Feli cheerfully and pretending to be surprised.Yes, the man she was looking at was the employer who had always been mean to her."Where's m
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28. What A Weird Guy!
Feli failed to put the ice cream in her mouth when her cell phone rang. She glanced at the phone near the glass of ice cream she was about to enjoy.Her eyes squinted suspiciously at the rows of numbers on the screen. She tapped her fingers a few times on the pantry table of her employer’s apartment."Who called me? Was it Daddy?" Feli shook her head. "No way Daddy! I've saved Daddy's number in this crappy cell phone!"Feli stared lazily at the cell phone that had accompanied her since arriving in Spain to become a maid. Actually, it was still a pretty good phone for a maid, but it still couldn't replace the beloved high-end cell phone that she had to leave behind in her country for this damn mission.Feli continued to watch the cell phone. It had died several times, but the cell phone rang again, and the same number."Ugh! This is so annoying! Is Daddy using another number? But the code is not English."Feeling resentful, Feli chose to pick up the call because someone on the other s
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29. Slipped
"The results of the meeting's decision, you immediately tidy up and give it to me immediately, Eloy.""Yes, sir.""What about the launching process of the Mendez Executive M190 Jet?" asked Jerrald again. He remembered that in no more than half a month, his company would be launching a new private jet that could only be owned by three people in the world.The company has been producing airplanes and private jets for years and has always had a steady stream of customers.For the production of private jets, MENDEZ AERO CORP always only produces a minimum of three to five private jets per model released and never fails to provide the best for its customers. Both in terms of engines, as well as luxurious interiors that are designed to be extremely comfortable. Five-star hotel-class cabins are always the mainstay of MENDEZ AERO CORP private jets.Of course, this makes successful entrepreneurs to government officials of their countries and other countries compete t
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30. Trapped
"We've arrived, sir, and I can walk by myself—""Shut up."Feli snorted harshly. She finally gave in and let Jerrald take her by the fingers and enter the apartment lobby, very, very reluctantly, AGAIN!Feli's face looked agitated. She was afraid that her employer would hear her heart beating mischievously whenever she was around this man.Jerrald was acting more and more arbitrary, which strangely made Feli feel comfortable, but uncomfortable at the same time.For the past few days, Jerrald had not let Feli walk alone without being led. Feli felt like she was walking with her daddy, but this was different. This was Jerrald, not her daddy. The man walking beside her was the man who had taken away her f
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