Semua Bab The Lost Bet: Bab 11 - Bab 20
42 Bab
Can She Fight Fate?
Author's POV Elena removed the shirt as soon as she got inside the bathroom. It had his scent which was intoxicating. But she was not ready to look at herself. Her body had marks. Her shoulder had swelled and a red mark was clear with his teeth’s indentation. Same goes for her breast where he had bitten her. Her lips were swollen, she had a hickey, and even her waist had a mark where he had grabbed her. She looked battered which she was. She sat down on the toilet and thought about the night. She had a normal day. If only John had not gone out, she could be sleeping in her home, in her room, beside her snoring husband now. Her husband, who betted her on a poker table. Elena’s tears fell as she thought about John. He didn’t even look up as he lost her, his wife. He only drank his drink and passed out. God knows what he must be doing now. Would he realize his mistake once he wakes up? But what would change? This man was not going to leave her. And what would happen even if John realize
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The Longest Night
Author’s POV Just then, the doorbell rang and Aslan had to get the door. He deposited her carefully on the sofa and vanished in the bathroom. Elena winced as she tried to move. She was sore and battered. He came out with a towel around his waist and Elena had to admit that he looked like a bad prince or maybe King who ruled everything around him. So, does it make her his slave? She shook her head but then realized that she was naked. What if the room service gets in? Definitely, the king won’t bring the food himself. She heard voices and quickly hid behind the sofa. If she would run towards the bedroom, they will see her naked ass running. Aslan pushed the cart inside and found the room empty. Then he heard her faint breathing. He got on the sofa and looked down. There she was, in a bundle. He smiled and wondered what was she doing there? But what would be the fun in asking. “Booo.” He yelled loudly and she jumped up, her hands on her heart. It made him laugh. Elena’s heart almost
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The Regret
John’s POVHe woke up and groggily rubbed his eyes. His eyes went to the clock but everything was blurry. He cursed and stood up. He went closer and saw that it was 10 o’clock. He had slept in late, but who cares? Elena must have gone to work already and there was no one to scold him.He had seen a horrible dream last night.He had bet and lost Elena on a poker table. But he laughed now. He would never do that. Besides, he had left poker. Not entirely but he was trying to.He came to kitchen and saw the dirty dishes from yesterday. He looked at the kitchen counter. There was no breakfast. He drank a glass of water and then called Elena. His head was about to explode. Her phone was switched off. His memory was coming back now. Dan had called. They had gone to Kings Casino. Why? He doesn’t know. He remember taking the envelope of money, Elena had given him. Did he pay the power bill?He turned on the light but it didn’t lit up. So, power was cut off. Now everything fell in place. Him lo
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The Web of Lies and Betrayal
Aslan’s POV He saw as she ate small morsels of her pancake. He loved how a drop of maple syrup slid down the corner of her mouth and he involuntarily bent to lick it up. She was surprised, but he looked deeper in her eyes and kissed her briefly before pulling away. She was back to her far away land once again. There was something on her mind and it was eating him up. He had no experience with such woman, those who think they are higher above others. She is not. She is just like others who had accepted him and opened her legs. It’s true that he had not given her much choice. But still, she is no different, no matter what she thinks. The bad news was that it was morning and she was still here and he was thinking ways to claim her. Why he was not bored? Until now, he had never had this urge to take a woman again once the sun rose. He always considered it a new day and looked for another woman who will warm his bed that night. It was never difficult. All he had to do was crook his finge
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I Am Not Afraid Anymore
Elena’s POV It had taken her great courage to decide to kill him. When he was gone, she contemplated for a long time and thought about whether what she was doing was right or wrong. What would happen to her if she kills him? She will spend the rest of her life in jail. The thought of a prison scared her. But then she thought about what will happen if she stays with him. He will rob her virtue every single day until he gets bored and then he will throw her out like outdated used handbag. He would insult her more by paying her. It lit the fire in her and she resolved to find a way to end this misery. There was no way he was sane enough to listen to her and consider her request of letting her go. Her way out was his death. Then only she will be truly free. She opened up a bottle of wine and drank. God knew she needed courage to do the deed. When she knew she will puke of fear, she drained half of it in the sink. Her heart had cried knowing the price of the bottle. But she did it and th
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What Should I Do With This Man?
Aslan's POVHe was looking at a proposal when she appeared in the doorway. He could sense her presence.“What is it, sunshine?” He spoke without looking up.“I have laid the dinner.”“Give me two minutes.”When he appeared in the living room, the table was laid like a proper dinner table. She was double checking his settings and he was pleased. What if she lays the dinner for him for the rest of his life?He shook his head. It was a concern already that he wanted her more than before and every time felt like first time with her. He was not getting tired. It was a concern for him. Then the thought of him spending all his life with her was more terrifying. She was weaving some magic. Earlier when she had said he looked like a man in love, it had burned him. Love was not for him. He will never fall for anyone. Not even Elena.He assessed her closely as she ate her taco absent- mindedly.“You should eat more.” It made her look at him.“I will grow fat.”“You are anorexic.”“Don’t curse me.
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Aslan's POVHe asked her on their way back what she would like to eat and her answer surprised him. “I want Indian food.”“You like it?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow.“Yup. Don’t you?” He had never imagined her to be a fan of Indian food.“I have tasted it occasionally but I am not a big fan.” He replied truthfully.“Oh you have not eaten their kebabs or rice and curry. It’s delicious.” For the first time, she was talking without looking scared.He wanted to tell her that she was delicious.Once they reached the hotel, she ordered it from the hotel’s kitchen while he opened his laptop and sat in the small office.So, he had to return to work, after all. His mind was asking him questions again. Why did he take her to shopping? Was it an involuntary agreement that he intend to keep her longer? He rubbed his hands on his face. He was changing and he didn’t like it.He was working and answering mails when he received an unexpected call. It was Matthew. He smiled looking at his best frie
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Growing Hatred
Aslan's POVIt was the first night when he had just laid beside a woman and not had sex. It’s not like he didn’t want it, but she was tired. Her eyes were screaming tiredness and he just wanted to feel her in his arms. He raised himself up on his elbow and glanced at her face. It looked like dew on fresh grass in the morning sun. He kissed her forehead and stood up.When he returned from gym, she was looking out the windows, lost in thoughts. He was growing impatient with her silence.He sat back on the couch and watched her as she braced herself. She was dressed in his t-shirt. It was way too long for her and reached her mid thighs. He wanted to lick her creamy thighs. There was no mark on them and he had this urge to do exactly that.She was shocked to see him there when she turned. She looked down and he saw how her cheeks tinted. Why she was so shy?She glanced at him again and he crooked his finger. She stayed rooted to the spot and looked at him with uncertainty. He didn’t like
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The Permission
Aslan's POVIt was after midnight and Elena was asleep, but sleep was far, far away from his eyes. A question was bugging him- why did he snap at her when she talked about when they won’t be together? Yes, there will be a day when she won’t be around and he will move on to another woman. But the idea wasn’t making him happy. He was feeling empty inside. He didn’t want to think about it.He punched himself on his head lightly and started to focus on work, but his phone rang. The name made him sit up. It was Cheryl.“Hello, Cheryl.”“I will be in New York tomorrow.” She was always to the point.“New project?”“Yes, a small ad shoot. Will I see you?”“I will let you know.”“If you don’t get time to call me, I will be at the usual place.” He hung up and closed his eyes. Her soft body filled his mind. Cheryl was a model he had met in Moscow some three years back. She was not his friend or girlfriend, but her body was something which had made him break his rule for her. He had fucked her qui
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The Vow
Elena’s POVHer hands were shaking. Her legs were jelly and she was holding her purse tightly. After the shopping, several handbags, shoes, and other things were delivered for her. She had chosen a simple one to visit her parents.Her mouth was dry and she was shaking as she stood on their pavement.She took a deep breath and covered the little distance to the door. It was hard to reach for the doorbell and ring it, but she did it somehow.The door creaked open a bit and her mother’s face came into view. Elena smiled. “Mom, it’s me.”The door didn’t open and her mother’s face changed. “Why are you here?” So her nightmare had come true.“Mom…”“Let her come in.” Her father’s voice gave her some hope. Her mother opened the door and Elena was not ready for the sight she witnessed. John’s parents, Milly and Ethan were there. Her sister Miranda was there with her husband Jim. Her father was seated in his couch and her mother went to stand beside him like an obedient wife.Her parents had n
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