Lahat ng Kabanata ng Dear Daddy Series. : Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
108 Kabanata
We are currently waiting in the first class lounge at the airport waiting for our plane to arrive. I'm busy reading and writing emails because since the rest of the company found out that I'm their future CEO it's like they all want to talk to me! On my left is Conor also busy on the phone with his PA about that client crisis which hopefully can be fixed soon without any problems with the Mafia! I pray!.45 minutes later our plane arrives and after the cleaners have done their business the boarding procedure starts and we all walk to the airport lady who will check our tickets one last time before entering the plane.Hours later....We have finally landed back home and currently we are in a taxi on our way to our house. I've told Melissa that I'm back so she sent me my new work schedule in my new role as Co. Boss as I call myself now. Back home I quickly let the detectives know that we are safe back home and they were happy to know that. After that i started to empty our suitcase
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Following morning I'm rushing my breakfast since I woke up too late as of the event in the park with Hunter that had haunted me in my thoughts for hours so I fell asleep late and now I'm almost late on my first day as Co. CEO!! "Melissa is going to kill me!" I mutter to myself.I grab my bag and run out to my car and drive off to work. On the way I dial Melissa nr to tell her that I'm on my way. "Morning fellow boss, are you coming or did you forget??" She smirks over the phone....okay okay she is not sounding angry that's a good thing!! I think by myself before replying. "Melis, I'm so sorry, I'm on my way now but traffic is a bit slow! I know I've should have left earlier but i woke up late due to the fact that i couldn't find sleep most of the night and when i did it was almost time to get sorry it won't happen again i promise!" I Rumble everything out in one sentence..."Hey hey, relax okay, I'll get you some coffee and when you arrive come to my office first where we c
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Little did I know that my life was about to take a drastic turn and not in a good way!....It all started with some strange notes which were sent to me from an unknown source.....The first one arrived by post at work...."You don't know what you are playing with don't you? You are playing with fire Melody!" it says and i just stare at the note not knowing what to say or do for some minutes."Hey earth to Mell?" I hear Melissa calling me suddenly and I look up. "Sorry?" "We have a meeting at 5, what's up with you?, You look like you've seen a ghost?" "This came by mail just now and I haven't any clue who it is or what it means but it just scared me!" I whisper to her while showing her the note. "Jeez okay I'll als the mail department to be on the lookout for suspicious mail droppings by hand ok, for now I'll say Jeet in in you desk and let's go talk to our new client!" And I nod while getting my bag with papers for the meeting and run after Melissa to the boardroom.2 boring long h
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The next morning I wake up to noises from the kitchen so I slide out of the bed and walk downstairs only to be met by a disheveled looking Conor...."Hey, long night?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and to my surprise he jumps up at my voice. " hmm yeah yeah, did i wake you?, So didn't mean to wake you!" He mumbles and rushes out of the kitchen upstairs to the bathroom...."That was strange!!" I mumble to myself thinking why would he lie to me or behave so secretly all of the sudden??......I go upstairs and I hear the water rushing in the bathroom so I take the time to fix his clothes that he dropped on the floor. They stink so I intend to wash them but suddenly a strange scent of a woman's perfume enters my nose.I smell his jacket and find out that the scent is more Javier there than anywhere else.....was he with a woman??? I started to think...."Babe, was there any woman at your dinner last night?" "Why you ask?" I hear him say with a muffled voice through t
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After Hunter's message last night I couldn't sleep so I feel tired this morning and don't feel like going out but I have to meet him so I go out to meet him again at the same spot in the park where we met last time.The weather isn't nice today! It's even chilly and I think it will even rain so I'm happy that I came prepared with a jacket on. It's almost 11, but I haven't seen him yet so I just take a seat on the bench and wait a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect from him!. "Melody!" I hear and I look up and see him walk up to me. He looks good in his jeans and leather jacket!!"Hey!" I say and get up to hug him and the moment I feel his arms around me I feel safe! A warm cozy feeling engulfs me and spreads like wildfire throughout my entire body!. "Your shivering!, Are you okay?" He whispers softly in my ear and I shake my head as tears are starting to fall out!. "Heey hush baby, I'm here for you! It's going to be okay I'm promise!" He then says with his head resting on my
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Hunter.I'm currently on the way to my former house, driving like a madman just to save the love of my life, Melody!.....she didn't had a clue what's going on behind her back but thanks to my colleques we find a shit load of evidence against my father and his Mafia friends! When i was younger and i saw him cheating on my mother who really loved him I started to hate him and even more so when i saw that he was banging his assistant behind Melody's back as well....he doesn't deserve her!! I was younger so who would believe me? And that's why I got so angry all the time because I started to grow romantic feelings for her while she loved him and he was cheating on her!! Repeating the same thing all over again!!"Hey it's me! hunter, please send some officers and my fathers mansion, something is going on there and my stepmother is inside!" I told my friend who's a police officer. "Okay we are on our way!" I go as fast as possible without getting myself killed! Since that wouldn't help m
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Next morning I wake up with the feeling that somebody is staring at me and I open my eyes...."Morning is beautiful!" Hunter says in his raspy husky morning voice and I shoot straight up in bed!...."Did we .....did something happen.....last night??"I ask him shocked but he just smirks....."Relax love! Nothing happened......yet! But I'll like to do it with you when you are ready to give yourself willingly to me!" He smiles."You are a crazy Hunter! Never!!" I spat back at him and I jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom and locked it behind me. I go into the shower and start crying....."what did i do to deserve all this mess I'm in?" I cry out in frustration. My husband deals with a mafia king, my stepson wants to have sex with me, the Mafia tried to kill me.....god why??" "Melody, open up, open the door!!" I look behind me but the door is still locked but I hear the pain and frustration in his voice....did he hear me?? I wonder.....shit maybe he did....When I'm done i d
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"Baby sister!!!" I whisper looking at that blond woman's huge belly and then it falls to places, she's pregnant with Conor's baby!! The baby that i asked for but he denied me!!! "You bastard!!" I yell and launch my fist on his face, cracking his nose. "What the hell! Keep that crazy b**xh away from my man!!" The blonde yells holding her belly with one hand and the other around Conor's neck. I feel pain!! Immense pain in my heart and in my hand that i can't take it anymore and i see black dots appearing in front of my eyes and i gave in into darkness sliding my body on the floor..... Last thing I see is the panic in Hunter's eyes caressing my face before I go completely unconscious.... Some hours later.... I open my eyes and sigh deeply, I feel like I've been sleeping for hours and when I look up I say I'm laying in Hunter's lap who also snores lightly in a sitting position on his sofa. My body feels warm and at peace, I have to admit that, I feel so much better with Hunter tha
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I get out of the car and ring the bell, after some minutes the Mafia princess herself opens the door with an evil smile. "You're not wanted anymore here so leave!" She says with venom but i push her aside and call out for Conor who then rushes out of his study. "Melody?!" "we need to talk in private....NOW!" I spat angrily at him and he gulped, holding his office door open for me to enter and closing it behind us. "You wanna sit?" He asks softly and I smirk evil...."Look at you! You bastard!! Happy now with your life huh?? You will never be free!! ......but as for me, well , I don't like to be imprisoned by the mafia , so here is the seal, Conor!"....I said while removing a piece of paper from my back and putting it in front of him...."What's that?" "Divorce paper!!......i want to be free from you so sign! exchange for signing the divorce papers I'll not sue you for all you've cost me!! And hang your ass to dry in set me free or else i take every damn
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2 years later....Me, Melissa and her husband and some other colleagues are at Club Light to celebrate!.This morning I officially became the new CEO of our company and Melissa is officially stepping down!. She and her husband are expecting their first baby and it was his wish for her to stop. She is loving it so far and he really spoiled her for what i hear! So I'm really happy for them!. So now I'm The Boss....well I've learnt a lot from Melissa thank God otherwise it would have been really something! But with her help and patience and long hours of reading and taking some extra business classes I've managed to do it so I'm really really happy with the outcome, now i am where i always wanted to be!!. As for love.....well that's a whole other story!.....I'm currently "dating" Nick a guy that I've met at one of the seminars i attended and since then we've been seeing each other now and then, nothing serious though but casually....because for one reason or the other my heart never b
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