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117 Bab
Just a man
Elena's POV.I was nervous as we were driving home. I needed to run.I was aware that he had watched the interview and, of course, had noted that, rather than trying to atone for my actions, I had spoken clean and didn't care who heard.Was he enraged and upset with me for hurting his public image? It was a good thing. Given that this is what I had always desired, wouldn't he want to remove me from his life? But then Matteo didn't deserve any of this. I didn't know what to do and wasn't prepared to begin again with my daughterI shouldn't have followed with my hare-brained idea.I had just made it worse The car stopped in the compound, and I hurriedly pushed the door open as my habit; climbing out of the car, I made my way into the house.I bumped into my children's nanny, who beamed at me while announcing, "he's in the children's room. The President can't get enough of his daughter."Sending her quick gratitude, I raced into the room.I planned to get off my clothes hurriedly and
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Authors POV.MATTEO.Since he could remember, his life had been perfect, easygoing, without fuse. Although young and growing, he was effortlessly popular in his little elitist school.Having the knack for calculation, which his father had cultivated, and being the top striker on his school's baseball team, Life was terrific.He was the teacher's favorite, loved by all, particularly the female teachers, who had kept asking about his father until his mother came into the picture again.All of this, he knew, was the advantage of being a president's son, and he reveled in it. Well, until she came along.Her head barely reaching his shoulder, she had coffee-brown eyes that seemed to entrap anyone who stared at her; she smiled a lot, and her voice was so loud it reverberated from wall to wall.It was hard not to notice her, with the braces she was proud of and her sizeable pink bag and her gummy bears, and her stupid fancy names.Aella Maximo had found him staring at her one day and then d
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Her Fiance
Authors POV.Nikolai.It wasn't so easy with her now that it was real; he was beginning to feel emotions he never wanted in the first place; one was guilt, hot, soaking, dripping guilt.He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was the reason for her sudden loss of confidence after years of ignoring her existence, repeatedly choosing Alexa over her even though he knew she had some feelings for him.He remembered that night, the night Alexa left again, the night he had fallen toward the liquor, stoned himself so severely it had taken a bunch of walls to get him to his room finally.Successful in not hitting the ground, he turned in the knob of the door, pushing it open, and came to the sight of her sitting on his bed.Only in her skimpy blue nightie and barefoot, she didn't look lost, she had a mission, and he had never felt so weak at the sight of a semi-naked woman.It had to be because he was at his lowest point didn't mean he didn't put up a fight trying hard to resist her.So his b
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Elena's POV.A smile teased at my lips as I took in the hustling and bustling in La Belle. It had never been like this since I took over; it had never been like since the company's history.All changed after the interview I had with Sofia.The orders had been trooping from both men and women, who wanted to look like I had promised or wanted their partners with a touch of daring.The lingerie where in high demand, especially spicy, and successfully I had put La Belle on the pedestal. I yearned for Mason to be here to see what I put together and how I had breathed life into the company that he had left for dead.But he wasn't.The phone pressed to my ear; I received phone calls from top boutiques in Italy wanting a supply of our creations; I had never felt so incredible, although I was stressed out. The lack of staff had Char and Joey out of their office, screaming into the phone and yelling orders.If this continued, I doubted I'd be needed Nikolai's card; it felt amazing just being in
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Back to the start
Authors POV.He watched her, still fidgety from her eruption, running from the result her outburst had created; he gazed at the laptop seated on the table; there were some things it couldn't answer.All of those words were because she was caught unawares. After all, she was scared; cool, she just led him to his first clue; his man was still close, even around, and there was a high chance she still saw him.Would she trust him enough to protect her if she knew what he was? If he knew the demon behind this skin, the monster he had contained all by himself?The devil she saw snippets of?He couldn't shake off the feeling he was also a target of this unknown fiance she kept hidden, and to her, she was saving herself, but he knew none of them were safe.In times like this, he needed Milo since he couldn't do too much under public scrutiny. But then, since Aunt Abby scolded, he hadn't reached out, and Milo seemed calm with the space.He wouldn't feel this shitty if he was in Calabria.No,
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Inner Denial
It was a wonder how he knew this was coming; there had always been this pull; he ran from it and pushed himself to the opposite track only to return to the starting point.But it wasn't too late."Dad, I can't, I can't do what you're asking me to," he responded, knowing he was treading on slippery ground. Of course, they could all be gangsters until it came to their father; he still had the stare to get them on their knees.Wasn't he the godfather?"You didn't just say that did you?" Derinem's voice, although calm, held ice; that was him; he just never lost it. "Nico, hai appena ascoltato tutto quello che ho detto? Estella è morta" _Nico, did you listen to everything I said? Estella is dead_"Dad, I know, I know!" he tried desperately, "I heard you clearly, but I can't, Dad. I made my choice years ago, you agreed to it, you understand where my limit of being a Xavier stopped; I have responsibilities."Derinem let the silence fester for length before he breathed out his baritone-holdin
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Wrong decisions
He returned home that evening, drained, flush, and still without a clue what to do; climbing down from the car, he raised his head to find her at the window, a glass of wine in her hold.She locked eye contact with him, then, in annoyance, she pulled back away from sight and brought the curtains down.He sighed, unbuttoning his jacket and walking into the house, nodding his head at greetings thrown at him in all directions and making his way into his office.He wasn't ready to face her now; he knew she was angry; what else could explain why she didn't pick up his calls, turning off her phone and finally blocking his number?On his way to the office, Noah met him, "Welcome back, sir,""Any news I'm supposed to know about?""I'll start with the most important," Noah began, "Fabio Conti hitting the phone in the office nonstop,"With what was on the ground, that didn't seem like a problem, at least not to him anymore; he didn't want to be bugged. He just wanted to think."Anything else?"
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Not what you wanted?
Work went rough the next day. She couldn't get her mind off the mystery she had seen in Nikolai's gaze, how it had lit up with excitement when she had given him her answers. He seemed ready to show her whatever this was. If only it would calm her down. She couldn't help but wonder what it was. Maybe he was involved in something terrible.Bad, like? It was hard to imagine him committing a crime. She almost chuckled. Weren't they all talking about glassy-eyed Nikolai? Even when she had suspected him some time ago, she had little doubt. And when he finally set her straight, it was a relief she didn't know she needed.Now, wiggling her toes on the floor, she felt slightly excited. If he wanted to show her his little secret of who he was and not what he sold to the public, didn't it mean he now trusted her enough? She smiled to herself. Was it wise to have a little hope? Urgh, let the girl have a little fantasy.So there she was, smiling, when Noah came in being escorted by Joey, who was n
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A little blue
Author's POVLUCA***He knew he shouldn't be here. The reasons he had been in his car, staring at the door, waiting for a sign, any sign to get him ringing that doorbell and facing her.But as she had told him after she found out Grace was pregnant and broke the news that day, he had thought that would soften her heart towards him.But he was wrong.***"Grace is pregnant, Luca, and I want to be there for my grandson when she gives birth."He had been sitting on the bed, his head lowered, palms balled, supporting his chin, hating the heaviness of the atmosphere.It had never been like this since they were married. Now, he was receiving weeks of silent treatment.Derinem had said he should let her have the space she needed.But it wasn't working. At least, that's what he saw. Lina couldn't even stand the sight of him. Although she had managed to do away with Matteo's things, it didn't change things between them.He has felt relieved when she called him to talk things out.Even though s
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Not what she wanted? (2)
NICO***He had seen her going weak; he had seen her eyes dilating; knowing what was happening, he had caught her before she fell to the floor.She was so limp; mouth parted open, breaths sounding like wisps."Elena," he whispered, his face close to hers.And only a distinctive murmur came from her lips; at least he knew she was still alive, just knocked out of her stand. He was trying his best not to chuckle; she had looked like she could handle whatever was coming, demanding the mystery be brought to light, and now that it was, here she was.Picking her limp body in bridal style, he took her down the stairs, making his way to his room so familiar; every portrait he passed held memories.He heaved a sigh of relief, he hated to admit it, but he was beginning to feel at ease; this was home, a place he hadn't been in for years.Kicking open the room door, he walked up to the large bed and placed her gently against it, her mutters never-ending spilling from her lips.Shock still coars
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