Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Masked Billionaire : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
19 Kabanata
© Angel Adigwe, 2022Published by Angel Adigwe. INTRODUCTIONDamien white is the CEO of white enterprises.An event which occured in the past led to him always wearing a mask over his face. But no one really knew what happened. Even when he gets asked by people about the reason for the mask he still refuses to disclose anything about it and instead choose to live like that. But there's was a particular someone though who always puts a smile on Damien's face and gives him joy each time he thinks of her. It was Joan knight the girl who stole his heart years ago without even knowing it.The girl who he is deeply, insanely and madly in love with.But he wasn't sure if she even knew much about him or about their betrothal, or if she even as much as love him the way he loves her.But one thing was for sure though, he would make joan his and only his, no one else's, and if Joan didn't love him then he was willing to do anything and everything within his power to make her do. Anything at
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Chapter 1 - An Epitome of Beauty
THIRD PERSON'S POV.Captivating eyes.Inocence.Lovely, and an epitome of beauty that's all damien could think of as he looked at the picture of the girl he was madly in love with and also his soon to be wife. There was this strong connection he always felt with her anytime he looks at her picture, he has always loved her right from the day that he layed his eyes on her. He then remembered how she became his due to the incident that happened in the past. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the picture again, indeed she looks just as beautiful in real life. He had seen her more than once in real life and there was a time he tried talking to her, but she didn't feel at ease near him at all and she could barely utter a thing let alone finish a sentence, most of the time he asked her how she and her family was she just nodded her head and looked as if she would rather be anywhere else than be talking to him at the moment.Sometimes he blames it on the mask he wears over his face
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Chapter 2 - His Father's Condition
Damien was sitting in his office while doing some file work when his phone rang and he saw his mom's name flashing on the screen he quickly answered the call. "Good morning mom, what's the matter" Damien spoke as he answered the phone."Morning dear, i called to tell you that your father's condition has deteriorated greatly and it has gotten worse than it was before, I'm afraid damien i don't know if he will make it to the ending of this year." Damien's mom said as she broke down crying after saying this."Mom please stop crying, you know it also hurts me seeing you cry like that, mom don't worry okay? I'm sure dad will not die anytime from now, he has the best medical care and i know that dad is a very strong man so please don't cry too much okay" Damien said while trying to comfort his mom."Okay I'll stop crying, thanks dear for the encouragement" Damien's mom said while sniffling."No problem mom anytime, you know i love you" Damien said while smiling."Yes dear and you know how
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Chapter 3 - The Marriage Issue
Damien opened the door to his father's ward and entered the room which his father was in. Inside the room he saw his father laying on the bed with some tube-like stuff connected to some parts of his body and his mom sitting besides him on a chair her eyes were also red from all the crying she must have done earlier before he came.He went besides his mom and asked if she was alright, after getting a positive answer from her, he went over to the other side of the bed and sat besides his Father."Father how're you feeling now" damien asked while touching his father's forehead trying to feel his temperature."Well, i don't really have a direct answer to that question of yours seeing as i am not in a good condition at the moment, but you I'm definitely feeling better than i was few hours ago. Now let's forget about all this ill health talk and focus on the matter at hand. So how have you been and how's the company affairs going." "I'm fine, well its been stressful handling everything al
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Chapter 4 - The Marriage Issue (2)
Mr Felix knight -(Joan's Father) Mr Felix was about to get up and head into the bathroom when his phone started ringing. He Looked at phone and saw Mr Dominic white flashing on the screen, he quickly picked it and answered the phone."Hello Dominic how are you doing" Mr Felix said the person on the other side of the phone while smiling"Felix my good friend all isn't well at all " Mr Dominic said."What happened Dominic is anything the matter hope you're feeling better now" Mr felix said sounding worried."No Felix and that's the reason I called you""What do you mean Dominic" Mr Felix said while starting to feel worried. "You know I've been very sick for a while now felix and right now as I'm speaking to you I'm laying on a hospital bed, i don't know what may become of me in the future felix, the doctor said the illness is getting worse and my health isn't improving either, i don't know if this might as well be the last time i speak to you, i called you because I wanted to tell you
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Chapter 5 - The Marriage Issue (3)
"So i was thinking, the marriage should be done in 10 days time" Dominic said"10 days!! but that's too soon there won't be enough time for the preparations and i also don't want to rush joan because she might not agree and object so i wanted to have more time to convince her and I can't do that in just the space of 10 days" Mr Felix replied in a worried tone."I know felix that's why i called you and I'm telling you before hand, i know you very well and I trust that you'll be able to convince her in just a day, you know you're very good at convincing people so i know you can do it because she won't be able to resist wnd eventually end up accepting to get married" Mr Dominic said trying to cheer him up."I know I have good convincing skills Dominic but you don't understand joan is ome hell of a though amd stubborn girl and it will definitely take some days to convince her, but since i have only 10 days, I'll try and see what i can do. I just hope my skills work this time around""I kn
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Chapter 6 - Telling Joan
"Honey please have a seat i want to talk to you" Mr Felix said to his wife as she entered his room."Okay go on" She replied sitting down."You remember the promise that we made to Mr dominic's family some years back about joan getting married to his son damien" Mr Felix asked his wife. "Yes, i remember what about it""Honey i think its time for that promise to be fufiled, Mr dominic called this morning and his condition is getting worse so he requested that they get married as soon as possible Incase if he were to die any moment from now. I thought about it and I think that joan is already an adult now and so is damien so there shouldn't be any delay right?""Hmm i already thought that it was about time that they got married since they're both adults now. Poor damien I'm sure he must have waited enough to get married to her because from what I remember he has loved her for a very long time. Honey we shouldn't have kept him waiting for this long, i think its time already that they bo
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Chapter 7 - Ex boyfriend Mason
"You remember i told you when you wanted to get married to mason that you were already betrothed to someone else since you were a child and that the time had not yet come for you guys to get married." Felix said looking intently at his daughter."Yes father i remember very clearly, how would i forget when you forced me to break up with my boyfriend just because I was betrothed to someone who i don't know and probably have never even seen in my life before. Dad do you know that i had to force him to leave me even after he confessed his love to me just because of some silly promise you made that i had no say in, so of course i remember clearly" Joan said agitatedly remembering how she was forced to break up with mason just few days after he confessed his feelings for her. Mr Felix looked at Joan who looked like she would rather be anywhere else than be talking to him right now.He wanted to tell her about everything, about the reason for her betrothal and also the marriage, but he just
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Chapter 8 - Mixed Feelings
"Wait dad, i didn't get you very well, me, joan betrothed to damien? And is going to marry him?, that can't be possible dad, it can't work. Just why? Why dad, why was i even betrothed to him in the first place, why wasn't it someone else, why does it have to be Damien of all people and how do you expect me to get married to him? Huh?, i mean if it was someone else i would have agreed for you and mom's sake because that's the least i can do for you guys, but not Damien, dad who would want to be with or even marry someone who barely shows his face and looks scary, dad why did you even make a promise to his family in the first place or better still you could have choosen someone else for me but definitely not Damien" Joan said while panting."Are you done with all your rant" Joan's dad said amazed at the little speech she just gave. "What??? But da-" joan tried to say but her dad cut her off"Shhh, i told you before that whether you like it or not you must get married to damien, you ha
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Chapter 9 - Dreamland
But there was a problem though, isn't 10 days too short for the marriage preparations so she decided to ask her father."Yes father, i will get married to him since that's what you guy's want. But isn't 10 days too short for the marriage preparations?" Joan asked with a worried expression on her face. "It is, but what can i do, it is what it is and also that's how Damien's father wants it, by the way there's enough money and resources for the marriage to take place in 10 days, so there shouldn't be any problem with that" Joan's Father said while getting up."Well, it's getting late now and I'm already done here and since you don't have any more questions to ask, i need to go to bed now. You should also get some rest, both you and your mom, you'll need it for the marriage preparations." Joan's father said as he proceeded for the door, but then he stopped and looked back."Good night" he said and finally left the room. "Goodnight dad" joan said just before the door closed completely.
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