Sold To The Billionaire's Heart 의 모든 챕터: 챕터 1 - 챕터 4
4 챕터
Chapter 1
I looked around the crowded auction house with growing unease. I couldn't believe I was here, dressed up in a tight-fitting red dress and high heels, waiting to be sold to the highest bidder like a piece of property.It was all my father's fault, of course. He'd gotten himself into some kind of financial trouble, and the only way he could think to get out of it was to sell me to the highest bidder. I had no say in the matter. I was just a pawn in his game. My dad not considering my career, and thinking he was doing me a huge favor as i was on the brim of ending my artistic career.As I waited nervously for the auction to begin, I noticed a man staring at me intently from across the room. He was tall and muscular, with short dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a black suit that looked like it was tailored to fit him perfectly. There was something about him that made me feel both nervous and intrigued at the same time.As the auctioneer began calling out the lots, my heart pounded
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Chapter 2
That night was magical. We ordered some food and while eating Ethan could sense some uneasiness and broke the silence “Am I interrupting or you don’t like the dish, should I order another?” I felt bad and quickly said, “No, I’m fine.” Still feeling concerned he looked straight into my eyes and asked “Are you sure ?” I answered and said, “I’m sure.” I couldn’t forget about the kiss earlier and it has been on my mind ever since then, and I was so eager and nervous to do it again because since I’ve been in m twenties no man has ever touched me the way he did earlier. I couldn’t take my eyes off his lips while he gulps down the wine, I never knew he was watching not until he broke the silence and said “Is there something on my face? Or is it my lips?” I quickly snapped off of my thoughts and replied “No, I… I mean... I must have been lost in your thoughts.” He walked over to me from across the table and carried me to the room where we were both wrapped up in a blanket, snuggled together,
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Chapter 3
Together, we sat down and began to hatch a plan. Alex knew the mansion inside and out, and he knew the security measures that were in place. With his help, I was able to sneak into the mansion undetected, searching for any clues as to Ethan's whereabouts.As I searched, I couldn't help but think about the way he had kissed me on the boat that night. The way his hands moved over my body, ignited a fire within me that I had never felt before.I knew that our time together had been brief, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were meant to be together. That we were two halves of a whole, destined to be reunited no matter what obstacles were thrown in our path.Finally, after what seemed like hours of searching, we found Ethan. He was locked in a room in the basement of his father’s mansion, bruised and battered but still alive.We quickly formulated a plan to escape, using Alex's knowledge of the mansion's security systems to slip out undetected. But as we made our way to the exit, we
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Chapter 4
At that moment, I knew that I would do anything for Ethan. No matter what the future held, I was willing to face it head-on, as long as we were together.As the music ended, Ethan turned to me and said, "I love you.""I love you too," I replied, feeling the warmth of his embrace.We stood there for a few more moments, lost in the romantic moment, before making our way back to the car. As we drove home, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this incredible man who had brought so much love and romance into my life.As we walked into Ethan's penthouse, our lips met in a passionate kiss. He lifted me in his arms and carried me to his bedroom, where we fell onto the bed, our bodies entwined.Ethan's touch sent shivers down my spine as he explored every inch of my body. I moaned with pleasure as he kissed my neck and nibbled on my earlobe. His fingers trailed down my body, making their way to the most intimate parts of me.We made love with a passion that left us both breathless. The world
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