
Chapter 2

That night was magical. We ordered some food and while eating Ethan could sense some uneasiness and broke the silence “Am I interrupting or you don’t like the dish, should I order another?” I felt bad and quickly said, “No, I’m fine.” Still feeling concerned he looked straight into my eyes and asked “Are you sure ?” I answered and said, “I’m sure.” I couldn’t forget about the kiss earlier and it has been on my mind ever since then, and I was so eager and nervous to do it again because since I’ve been in m twenties no man has ever touched me the way he did earlier. I couldn’t take my eyes off his lips while he gulps down the wine, I never knew he was watching not until he broke the silence and said 

“Is there something on my face? Or is it my lips?” I quickly snapped off of my thoughts and replied “No, I… I mean... I must have been lost in your thoughts.” He walked over to me from across the table and carried me to the room where we were both wrapped up in a blanket, snuggled together, watching the stars twinkling in the sky as the roof was made up of transparent glass roof which isn’t common but can only be used by the wealthiest of all in the world. And then, out of nowhere, he leaned in and kissed me. I was so much expecting this, It was like a scene from a movie, and my heart skipped a beat. It was as if the whole world had disappeared, and there was only us.

From that moment on, our romance blossomed into something truly special. I knew I was in love with Ethan, and I felt like he was in love with me too. I broke away from the kiss and looked at him while saying “I’m a virgin Ethan and I’m scared.” He smiled and looked at me kissing and caressing my cheeks in his palm before finally saying in a coerced voice “I will never hurt you and I will wait for you until you are ready. I promise not to touch you, Ava.” And with that, I leaned in and kissed him with so much hunger within me that he had to take the whole of me in his arms, our bodies moving together as my body crushed against his well-built body. He slid his hands into my hoodie and unzipped it. I stopped and looked at him with my eyes a bit opened and said “Ethan, you just lit my world and I love you.” And with a pang of hunger, he replied, “You mean so much to me and I want to explore the world with you.” And with that, he drew my undies down and caressed my breast which was so round and curved. He cupped them with his hands and suck my rosy nipple which got tightened and as adrenaline flow through me, we both found ourselves moaning and wanting for now with that, we both kissed passionately and our lips rhyming until Ethan took his hands down to my panties but before he could pull them down I reached for his hands and said: “I’m not ready Ethan.” He stopped and said, “Let’s go to bed Ava, I won’t hurt you and I won’t touch you until you are ready, I love you, Ava.” And with that, we both wrapped ourselves in the duvet naked while Ethan stroked my hair and adorned them with kisses till I slept off.

While we were lying in bed together when we heard a strange noise outside. Ethan went to investigate, and that's when it all went wrong. A group of armed men stormed into the room and took him away.

I was left alone and terrified, with no idea what to do. But I knew one thing for sure – I had to save Ethan, no matter what.

As I searched the mansion for clues, I couldn't help but wonder if our love was strong enough to overcome the obstacles that were now tearing us apart. But deep down, I knew that I would do anything to be with Ethan again, no matter what challenges we faced.

I couldn't sit idly by and wait for Ethan's captors to make their next move. I needed to find out who they were and what they wanted, and most importantly, how I could get Ethan back.

I searched the whole room from top to bottom but found no signs of forced entry or any indication of who might have taken him. I was beginning to lose hope when I heard a knock on the front door.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was a trap, but then decided to take the risk. I opened the door to find a man standing on the other side. He was tall and muscular, with a stern expression on his face.

"Are you the girl who was with Ethan?" he asked.

I nodded, my heart racing with hope and fear. "Do you know where he is? Who took him?"

The man hesitated, then spoke in a low voice. "My name is Alex. I work for Ethan's father. He's the one who took him."

I gasped, unable to believe what I was hearing. "Why? Why would his father do that?"

Alex sighed, his expression pained. "Ethan's father is a ruthless man. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and his interests. He sees Ethan as a threat to his power and wealth, and he'll do anything to eliminate that threat."

I felt sick to my stomach, realizing the full extent of the danger Ethan was in. But then I felt a spark of determination ignite within me. I couldn't let him be taken away from me, not after everything we had been through.

"I have to save him," I said firmly. "Will you help me?"

Alex looked at me for a long moment, then nodded. "I'll do what I can. But we need a plan. We can't just storm in there blindly and hope for the best." And with that, I got entangled in Ethan’s life.

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goodnovel comment avatar
am loving the suspense

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