Semua Bab Pregnant For The Playboy Billionaire: Bab 41 - Bab 50
158 Bab
We meet again, Annabel Walter
41.Annabel was supposed to be the main event and so she was being attended to while the other models wowed the crowd on stage.“Are you nervous?” Her attendants asked.“Actually, I was anxious a few minutes ago, but I think I feel better now. I have someone I want to impress tonight, so it made me less scared.” She smiled.“I like your honesty and personality, Miss. Annabel. You're different from the rest of the models we've attended to, who are aloof and overconfident.” She scoffed.“Not everyone is the same, you know.” She smiled at the girl.“You're right. So which clothes are you going out first with? Since you're the main event, you're going to be appearing on the stage three times today. And we'd be changing your make up to match with the clothes you're putting on.” They explained.“It's up to you girls to work your magic then. Let your imagination fly and do whatever you know will make the crowd go…” She trailed off.“Wild!” They concluded and she chuckled.They were so excited
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Pains from the past/Hate in the present
42.Annabel couldn't believe what just happened. How did he find out? How did everything turn out this way? She had so many questions she wanted to ask right now. She still stared at Roland, lost in shock.“Why didn't you tell me Annabel? Why didn't you tell me that you were the one all this while?” He asked and tears rolled down her eyes.“Is that why you acted mean around me? Is that why you acted like you hated me so much? Is that why you never let me come close to you or even talk to you? Is that why?” He asked.Annabel just let her tears flow. This wasn't how she imagined everything to happen. She didn't want him to find out and he still did. Just tonight that she thought she was finally happy; tonight that she was ready to unwind and have fun, then this happened.“Talk to me, Annabel! Talk to me, please, I'm dying here.” He said.She wiped her tears and faced him. “You're dying here, so what? What does that have to do with me and how the fuck is that my business? How is it someth
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Wanting her back badly; Don't leave me
43.3 DAYS LATERIt's been three days and Annabel hadn't come to work. Roland was worried sick because whenever he went to the house to look for her, he wouldn't find her there. Sometimes he felt like she was purposely ignoring him and didn't want to open the door for him.Ashton was back and had explained things to Roland. “She doesn't even want to see me, Ashton. She hates me more than before now. What do I do, Ashton, I'm going crazy.” He covered his face and bent his head.“You've got to calm down, Roland. I know it's not easy but you shouldn't give up. I'm sure she'll come around. All you have to do is have a positive mindset and she will forgive you when the time comes.” Ashton tried to advice.“She stopped coming to work, Ashton. She stopped picking my calls. She doesn't reply my texts. She doesn't even view my texts.” He complained.Ashton sighed. This was complicated.Roland paced to and fro in the office, thinking of what to do. He even tried talking to Brian to know whether
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Do you love me?
44.Annabel sighed as she finished up her work for the day. She rested her head on her palms as the events of the previous days replayed themselves in her head. She didn't want to quit this job but she was getting fed up.Never in her life did she imagine that Roland would find out who she truly was this way. Now she was stuck avoiding him whenever they came to work.“Are you okay?” Brian asked and she sighed.“Can we go out for a drink after work today?” She asked and Brian hesitated.“I'd love to but you know what happened the last time. I almost got fired.” He whispered and she shook her head.“No, Brian. We will try not to get drunk this time around. I just need something to calm myself down.” She smiled.Brian sighed and nodded. “Sure, no problem.” He smiled and walked back to his seat.Work hours were finally over and Annabel exhaled. She thought the day would never end. She closed her laptop and stood up but was stopped by Mr. Carl.“I need you to take this files to Mr. Roland's
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Rich Playboy/Desperate Poor Girl
45.“You promised that we weren't going to get drunk, Anna and you're already on your third bottle.” Brian complained. She had brought him to the immediately they left the company.Annabel said nothing. She downed the third bottle and was going for the fourth one but Brian collected it from her.“Give my drink to me or do you want to hurt me too?” She asked drowsily.Brian sighed. “Annabel, you're drunk.” He told her.“I'm not drunk, Brian. I'm tolerant to alcohol, now hand over my drink to me.” She ordered but he shook his head.“What's going on with you? I've never seen you this messed up before.” He complained and she snickered.He wanted to know what was going on with her; why she was withdrawn this days and angry whenever she saw Mr. Roland. Brian knew Roland wasn't a promiscuous person and wondered what he must have done to Annabel to make her act that way.He had confronted her about it when they entered the bar, but she didn't look like she wanted to talk about it and started d
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Act as my parents
46.The next morning, Annabel awoke with a throbbing headache. She first of all glanced around her surrounding and found it familiar. When she discovered that she was in Roland's room, her countenance changed immediately and she hurried down from the bed.She saw a slipper at the side of the bed, which she suspected to be his and refused to wear it. She walked barefooted to the living room where she met Roland giving orders to the maid.Roland turned and saw her. “Good morning.” He greeted with a smile but she didn't return it.“Where is my car key?” She questioned, suddenly remembering that she'd supposed to be home by now to prepare Olivia for school.“It's on the table, I'll get it.” He said but she stopped him.“Don't bother. I'll get it myself,” She was about walking to the table when something pierced her skin. “Ah!” She exclaimed.Roland rushed to her immediately. “What happened?” He asked but she didn't give him an answer. She raised her leg up and Roland gasped when he saw bl
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It's you I want
47.Olivia blinked at Annabel cutely. “Please, mummy. I just want a father figure that day.” She expressed, smiling at Roland, who returned one of his own.“A father figure? Where did you learn such English?” Annabel placed her hand on her forehead.“What about your real mother, dear? Will she be okay with it?” Roland asked.Olivia furrowed her brows and was about to answer but Annabel interrupted them.“Why would you ask her such a question? Of course her mother would accept.” She didn't know when she blurted that out. Olivia beamed. “No, wait, that's not right—” She tried to explain herself but Olivia was quick.“It's settled, Mister. You're my daddy for next week.” She shrieked, hugging Roland, who smiled down at her.“That's not—” Annabel still tried to talk.“Aunt Sasha, I'm ready to go to school now. You can take me and leave mummy and daddy to talk themselves out.” She was so excited and held on to Sasha's hand.Sasha, who was still in shock simply nodded and held her hand. As s
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Desperate times calls for Desperate measures
48.After Roland left, Annabel sat and thought about all he had said.What did he mean by she was the one he wanted?The door opened and Sasha rushed in.“You didn't go to work?” Annabel asked.“How do you expect me to go to work when I no longer understand what the heck is going on with you? Where were you last night?” Sasha took a seat beside her on the couch.“In Roland's house.” She sighed and ran her hands through her hair.“I thought as much. What were you doing there or are you finally interested in him?” She questioned.Annabel shook her head. “Of course not. I got drunk and found myself there.” Sasha frowned. “Again? This is the second time it's happening. You aren't supposed to be drinking, Annabel. Stop it!” Sasha scolded her and placed her hand on her waist.“I couldn't help it, Sasha,” tears rolled down her cheeks, making Sasha wonder what was wrong with her. Annabel hadn't told her that Roland found out who she was because she didn't know how and she didn't want Sasha to
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Promoted to Personal Assistant
49.A week later...The moment Annabel walked into the company, the first person she ran into was Brian."Where have you been Anna!?" He asked and before she had the chance to do or say anything, he hugged her."Brian." Annabel chuckled and he let her go."Where in the world have you been? It's been forever since I saw you." Annabel couldn't help but roll her eyes at his words. "Stop exaggerating Brian." She laughed. "It's been only a week." She stated."Yeah, but it's like forever to me, I've been trying to reach you but all to no avail, what happened to you? How have you been? Or did you perhaps beat up Mr Roland and ran off alone." He teased."Very funny Brian, even if that sounds so fun, I still won't be able to do that." She winked. "And I'm sorry that you haven't been able to reach me, after what happened, Mr Roland gave me a week off work due to the injury I had on my leg.""That's very thoughtful of him and also, how are you now? Are you okay?" He asked."Yeah, as you can see
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An enticing bribe
50."What are you talking about? Your personal assistant!?" She asked in disbelief."Yes Anna, my personal assistant, you're being promoted.""No! I..I don't want that, I'm quite okay where I am." "The technical department? No Anna, you're not okay there."''And how do you know that?'' She frowned.Roland shrugged. "I just know it and that's why I'm giving you this promotion, you'll no longer be a part of the technical department but my personal assistant and that's not all too." He said and she narrowed her eyes."Your office will also be in here, this place is big enough to contain two people, so your office will be right there." He points at a space not too far from his.Annabel shook her head, now she see where he's going, she trying so hard to avoid him but the pest won't leave her alone and now he's trying to use this means to get her, but she's not going to fall for it, no matter what he does."I'm so sorry, Sir, but I refuse, I do not want to work as your personal assistant, i
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