Semua Bab Flights and destinations - The Lovely Life Of Blair: Bab 31 - Bab 40
66 Bab
31. A surprise visit in Istanbul
Blair I woke up the next day noticing the absence of the usual darkness in my room. The light came in through a crack in the half open door. I sat up in bed feeling bewildered. I never left the door open! My confusion became even greater when I saw a large bouquet of colorful roses on my dressing table. I stood up, putting on my slippers, hearing some voices coming from the living room. I picked up the bouquet, bringing it up to my face to inhale its perfume. There must have been at least fifty roses in there. Had my father decided to raise the level of his presents? Driven by curiosity I went toward the voices, still carrying the roses. " What we mean is, we're not getting involved in this relationship, Blair is an adult and knows how to make her own decisions," I heard my mother declare. Are they talking about me? " Here, have some more tea? " I frowned as I heard my father offer. Who's here? I hurried my steps, stopping at the entrance to the dining room to find Dimitr
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32.A proposal in Istanbul
Dimitri " Can I ask you a personal question? " Blair and I were walking together through the streets of Istanbul when I decided to satisfy a curiosity that was burning in me. We were walking down a narrow cobblestone street lined with colorful old buildings, people who didn't seem to be intimidated by the low temperature and the cloudy sky, which heralded a likely rain at any moment. Blair was radiant beside me and I was still thinking about how to put the plan I had outlined in my mind into practice. But that could wait for now, I just wanted to enjoy her company. " Go ahead.” " What exactly is your father?” " I don't understand," she frowned. " He's different than I expected for a Turkish man," I tried to explain myself as best I could. That phrase caused Blair to let out a small laugh. " Can you keep a secret, commander?” " Of course.” " My dad has this whole Turkish thing going on and talking about that damned war, but the truth is he went through Californication a l
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33. first time in St Petersburg
Blair Dimitri unlocked the door to his apartment, making me mentally thank him for having finally arrived. We boarded the flight to Istanbul late in the morning and had a very smooth flight, but as I looked out the window of the plane as we were about to land, I knew I hadn't wrapped up warm enough! About an hour and a half after landing at Pulkovo International Airport, going through a particular nightmare with immigration and almost freezing on the way, I felt happy to be welcomed into the warmth of my boyfriend's apartment. Dimitri closed the door behind me as I took in every detail of a place I knew only virtually. The living room was quite large for an apartment, painted in a light color, the furniture was mostly straight and in shades of dark blue and black. The place didn't have many decorations — unlike my apartment that was filled with the most diverse souvenirs from the countries I visited — but still, it was impossible to notice the good taste behind everything. On the w
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34. Unpleasant surprise in Pskov
Blair The next day, Dimitri tried to convince me to visit the city, but I refused to leave the comfortable warmth of his apartment heater for even a minute before it was time to go to his parents' town. We left around six o'clock in the afternoon, and I spent most of the way in silence, just observing the ice-covered landscape while feeling more and more apprehensive about this meeting. Had I really agreed to come to Russia just to meet my boyfriend's family? What was I thinking? " You're quiet. What's the matter? " Dimitri looked at me out of the corner of his eye. " Are you sure I won't be an intruder? It's a family celebration," I sighed. " Blair, you're not an intruder, you're my girlfriend," he assured me. " I know, but it's not like we're married.” " Blair, for all intents and purposes, as long as we're together and it's possible, I want you to be wherever I am. I don't care if we're married or not. But please don't bring up the subject of 'marriage' today, or we won't
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35.Pissed Off in Pskov
Blair Everyone was engaged in a lively conversation in Russian, and Dimitri was quick to join in with a smile on his face. The only detail he forgot was that I did not speak a single word of Russian. I sat down on the couch next to him, forcing a smile as if I understood every word he said. I tried to understand the tenor of the conversation, limiting myself to smiling every time everyone laughed, but it was impossible not to feel out of place, but luckily for me, my sister-in-law came to my rescue, interrupting one of Olga's lines. " You know, we could be a little more polite. We have a visitor today and from the look on her face, she doesn't understand a word we're saying," Masha smiled, drawing Dimitri's attention. " Blair, I'm sorry. You must be lost," he held my hand. Joanne came from the kitchen with two mugs in her hands, offering them to Dimitri and me, interrupting the awkward mood that had taken over the room. " Here, some Kompot for you, I hope you like it, Blair. Di
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36. When the gift exchange went wrong in pskov
Blair " Blair, you can consider me jealous, but I'm going to tell my boyfriend to buy me one just like it," Masha warned me, making me laugh. " It's very nice," Katia agreed. Everything was perfect. Too perfect! " I also have a present," Olga called everyone's attention, causing me to frown, "I bought something for you, Dimulya.” " What? " I stared at her in shock. She has to be kidding! " You're not one of those controlling girls who doesn't let her boyfriend get presents from her friends, are you, Blair? " she smiled as she handed a box to Dimitri, who accepted it instinctively. Everyone in the room looked as shocked as I was, but I tried to recover quickly. " I don't have to leave anything, I'm his girlfriend, not his owner.”I returned sharply. " Perfect," her smile broadened. " Gospodi," I heard Masha whisper in Russian to herself, but my gaze was fixed on Dimitri. He opened the box carefully, pulling out a beautiful watch. A beautiful watch that would be perfect for h
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37. A wedding gift in Newark
Blair I was cleaning my apartment after returning from my vacation in Istanbul. After spending New Year's Eve with Dimitri, I stayed with my parents for another week before returning to Newark. I picked up the egg Dimitri had given me, sighing at the memory of the exact moment I had won it, at least before that woman ruined everything. I sighed, placing it on the nightstand next to my bed. A notification came on my cell phone, distracting me for a moment. "You need to come here now" That's what Abby's message said. With a frown I stood up, she was supposed to be busy with Noah moving into her loft. Her wedding would be in two weeks, but since his lease would expire before then, they thought it best to move the move ahead. "Is there a problem?" "I got my first wedding present, get ready and come see!" I smiled at her excitement, wondering if I would ever feel that way. Lately I had been ignoring all the negative feelings about my relationship with Dimitri, I could afford to ju
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38. Frustrated plans in Singapore
Blair I observed the unique architecture of the city through the window of the plane as we flew over Singapore. I was enchanted by every detail of this city that seemed to be unlike any other I had ever visited. I couldn't wait to see every corner of this place and I hoped that Dimitri would take the time to do so. " Is this your first time? " Sue, one of the flight attendants who was part of the flight crew, asked me a question as she saw me admiring the view through the small window. " Yes, and I am finding it amazing without even landing.” "Wait till you see the airport," she winked. I knew exactly what she was talking about, and I felt anxious about landing. Singapore's Changi airport was famous for its luxury and uniqueness, remaining number one on the list of the world's best airports. I checked the time according to the local time zone, three o'clock in the morning on an eighteen-hour flight. I urgently needed a good bed. Dimitri had also boarded the night before, except
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39. Meeting his friends in Singapore
Blair We both enjoyed the day, that city was amazing in every way, unlike anything I had ever seen. After a romantic dinner inside the city's Ferris wheel, we returned to the hotel, we still needed to get ready to meet Dimitri's crew at the bar on the terrace of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, the large boat-shaped building that was one of Singapore's trademarks. " Do we really have to go? " I asked, lying in bed without the slightest desire to move. I had put on high-waisted jeans and a white top that stuck out part of my abdomen, but I didn't feel the slightest desire to finish getting ready. " That's why we came, so yes, we have to go." Dimitri thought it was funny, holding my hand and helping me up. I sighed dejectedly, going to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Soon we were in the cab heading towards our destination. When we arrived at the place, my initial admiration was replaced by dismay as we found the place crowded. I hated the loud music mixed with the fact that it was
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40. A drunken, idiotic Russian in Singapore
Blair I arrived at the hotel and went straight to Dimitri's room, thanking him for keeping the key card. I started to gather my scattered things, throwing them into my suitcase anyway. Dimitri knocked on the door a few minutes later, probably taking a cab right after I left. For a moment I contemplated the idea of leaving him out of his own room, but soon gave up, opening the door, giving him passage to enter. He walked over to the bed, sitting there watching me with a frown. " What are you doing?” I didn't answer, zipping up my suitcase and putting on the sandals I had taken off when I arrived. " Blair, let's take a shower and talk.” He tried again, but I still remained silent. If he thinks that after everything that happened today he's going to bend me over like this. That's when I had an idea. I walked over to the minibar, opening it and taking out every single item, no matter how useless it was. " What are you doing? This costs a fortune, you know the company doesn't c
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