Semua Bab STay: Bab 61 - Bab 70
92 Bab
Chapter 61: Cassidy
##Chapter 61: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveI gulp down a fresh burst of nerves. "Is it too late to cancel?"Cole squeezes my hand as his gaze darts to mine in the close confines of his Mustang.His eyes fill with humor. "You don't have anything to worry about. They're going to love you." He gives me another squeeze as if that alone is enough to reassure me.It's not."I promise," he adds.I nibble my lower lip before blurting, "And what if they don't?"At the moment, all I can imagine is his mom and stepdad hating me. Jackie's admittance about having lunch with Cole's mother snakes its way through my head before nesting in a place that makes it is impossible to evict it from. She's probably hoping her son will get back together with his high school girlfriend.Are Jackie and his mother still close?The question gnaws away at me.Unaware of the dark thoughts swirling through my head, Cole says, "Then I'll probably end up dumping you."My wide gaze swings to his. A smile simmers
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Chapter 62: Cassidy
##Chapter 62: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveI shift my attention away from the room as an older man who looks to be about fifty or so, walks into the foyer. A heartfelt smile curves his lips upward, and it instantly eases my frazzled nerves as he stretches out a hand for me to shake."Hi, you must be Cassidy. It's nice to meet you. I'm Thomas. We're so pleased you were able to join us for dinner."He pumps my hand so enthusiastically that I'm unable to stop the small smile from creeping its way across my face. A moment later, he turns to Cole and claps him warmly on the back.Cole's gaze darts around before settling on his stepfather. "Where's Mom?" His brows draw together. "Is she here?"Thomas runs a hand through his thinning gray hair. "She was called into work about thirty minutes ago. But you know your mother, she had everything prepared ahead of time or we'd be ordering a pizza. Everything is in the oven and should be ready in an hour or so. I would imagine that she'l
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Chapter 63: Cassidy
##Chapter 63: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveUnable to sit still for another second, I shoot out of my seat. The conversation screeches to an abrupt halt as three startled gazes settle on me.It takes effort to pull my lips into an anemic-looking smile. "I, ah, need to use the bathroom.""It's through the kitchen and to the right," Thomas directs.I force myself to take deep, calming breaths before releasing them back into the atmosphere.A mirthless laugh gurgles up inside, because here I am, using Dr. Thompson's breathing techniques in her own house.It's just too much.Finding the bathroom, I lock the door and rush to the sink before running the tap and splashing a handful of cold water onto my face. I squeeze my eyes tightly shut, all the while continuing to inhale and exhale.This is crazy.And when I say crazy what I really mean is totally fucked up.How can I possibly continue seeing Cole when his mother knows every ugly detail about my life? She knows how I fell apart under
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Chapter 64: Cassidy
##Chapter 64: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveMy feet stutter to a stop as my breath catches at the back of my throat. My heart thumps a painful beat as I watch my dad stare down at his phone. He must be texting, or emailing, or something. Even though I've arrived at the restaurant early, he beat me here and is already seated at a table.I've been a nervous wreck all day in anticipation of this dinner. This is the first time since failing out of school last year that my dad and I are going to sit down to talk. And I failed out last December. It's now November.That's eleven months of radio silence.Apparently, when I failed out, I not only destroyed my own aspirations and dreams, but my father's as well. He always wanted me to play Division I hockey at a prestigious East Coast college. I had been poised to make both of our dreams come true until the pressure, stress, and rigorousness of my course load, coupled with the intense level of play, had been too much for me to handle.An
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Chapter 65: Cassidy
##Chapter 65: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveHis guarded expression crumbles as he sucks in a quick breath before saying in a rush, "I know you are. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for how I handled the situation." With a shrug, he glances away. "Maybe I pushed you too hard. Or pushed you into playing a sport you didn't want to. I just don't know anymore..." A hint of a smile lifts his lips. "I used to think I had all the answers, now I realize that I don't have any of them. Raising children is a humbling experience."A thick sheen of tears fills my eyes as I shake my head. "No, Dad. I wanted to play hockey. I loved playing." I loved being out on the ice. I felt at home in a freezing cold rink. I still do. So many of my childhood memories are centered around the ice. Hard-fought wins. Crushing defeats. Time spent with my dad. I wouldn't trade any of those memories. They mean too much to me.My experience growing up wasn't a perfect one, but it's mine. And it's wh
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Chapter 66: Cassidy
##Chapter 66: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveI trudge through the dorm hallway and am about to slide my key in the lock when I hear shouting from the other side of the door. I lean a bit closer, trying to hear what's going on, because honestly, I'm not in the mood to stumble into some huge ass drama.Just as I consider backing away, the door is ripped open, and I come face-to-face with Austin. With a scowl, he grunts something that might be a hey or hi before stalking past me. I watch him retreat down the hall before my wide gaze swings to Brooklyn, who wears a similar expression.Kind of like his and hers matching sweaters.Except scowls.Tentatively, I step inside the room. "Do I even want to know what that was all about?" My guess is that I don't. I didn't even know they were on speaking terms. Brooklyn has been icing Austin out for weeks now. I had assumed everything was still status quo in that department.She shrugs before flopping onto her bed with a groan.Without any pr
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Chapter 67: Cassidy
##Chapter 67: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveNinety minutes.That's how much time I have to hit the books before I'm supposed to meet Cole for a quick dinner. He has a hockey scrimmage tonight, and Brooklyn and I are planning on being there to support the team.I still haven't worked up the courage to tell him that his mother is my psychologist. I keep putting it off. How familiar does that sound?Unfortunately, all too familiar.And here I thought telling him about all the meaningless hookups and failing out of school would be the hard part. I'd really thought we were past all the secrets, lies, and omissions.Turns out, we're not.With one last glance at my phone, I turn off the ringer before shoving it back into my messenger bag. Then I head up to the second floor. There's a quiet area buried behind the stacks. I always gravitate there because no one else ever uses the space.Imagine my surprise when I find someone camped out at the table I usually park myself at. Annoyance f
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Chapter 68: Cassidy
##Chapter 68: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveI suck in a breath before deciding that I can't keep all this to myself. It feels like I'm going to explode. Once I turn on the spigot, the floodgates open and everything comes pouring out in a torrent.After I've told him the story, my shoulders slump as his dark blond brows shoot up across his forehead and he releases a low whistle.I can't help but wince.Apparently, this situation is just as bad as I suspected it was.Perfect."And you haven't told Cole yet?"I shake my head."Yikes."When a smile trembles around the corners of his lips, I crumple up a piece of notebook paper and throw it at him. For a moment, he looks stunned, as the wadded-up ball of paper hits him square in the chest, before he bursts out laughing. A few of the students working close by glare in our direction.As my attention returns to him, he stifles his laughter before angling his body forward and resting his elbows on the table. "Sorry. That is a completely s
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Chapter 69: Cassidy
##Chapter 69: CassidyBook Two: Don't Leave"Are you going to tell me what's wrong? You've been all mopey since you came back from the library," Brooklyn asks as we sit in the bleachers, waiting for the game to get under way.Unable to stand the way she continues to eyeball me, I mutter, "No." I keep my gaze trained on the Zamboni as it slowly sweeps water over the ice to smooth out all the rough patches while my mind tumbles back to the ride home with Cole.None of this would be happening if I'd found my own table to work at. I wouldn't be sitting here in the stands with a pit the size of Texas at the bottom of my belly, feeling as if Cole and I are on the precipice of something terrible.Brooklyn refuses to take the hint. "No, there's nothing wrong? Or no, you're going to keep it all to yourself and not tell me what's going on?""I'll go with what's behind door number two, please."Before she can respond, the Zamboni disappears into a garage-type door at the far end of the rink,
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Chapter 70: Cassidy
##Chapter 70: CassidyBook Two: Don't LeaveHe's playing with a lot more aggression than normal. Over the past few months, I've learned that Cole is a smart player who understands the fundamentals of the game. He hits when it's necessary and advantageous for the team. And his hits are always clean and legal. He's not one to draw a penalty for being a cheap shot.Just as I think that, Cole slams into one of the other team's forwards. The sheer force of his hit sends them both crashing into the boards. The crowd winces at the reverberation that ripples throughout the chilly arena. I freeze and watch as the other player drops to the ice.It's not a surprise when Cole receives a penalty for roughing.To make matters worse, he argues with the ref as he skates over to the penalty box before throwing himself inside. After he slumps onto the bench, one of his coaches rips him a new one.Stunned, I watch with wide eyes as the older man's arms cut through the air.Brooklyn leans toward m
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