Lahat ng Kabanata ng Can't let you go, Omega: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
109 Kabanata
Kiara's POV"What are you doing in my room?"Damien had zero concept of this little thing called personal space. How could he just waltz into and sit in my bedroom as though I had given him the leave to do that? Judy who did he think he was? I was sick and tired of the shit he was constantly pulling.He didn't respond to me, instead he moved towards where I stood just by the closed door. I backed away instinctively before realizing I would be baiting his instincts as a Lycan so I stood still.I stood still as he leaned in and sniffed at my neck then he let out a menacing snarl that almost had me quaking."Why do you reek of him?" He growled.I shoved him away."And who are you to ask me that?!" I shouted."Who am I?" Damien looked incredulous. "I am your mate! Now answer my question. Didn't I tell you two days ago to let go of him but you came back to your room at this hour reeking of him?!"I gaped at him in awe of his sheer arrogance then a laugh escaped me unawares and once I start
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Kiara's POVDamien looked taken aback by the intensity of my reaction but then again he didn't know that Dorian had come to me with the same white shades story and that it was difficult to treat this as though they weren't lying to me. Because it felt like they were. It felt like everyone was lying to me. "Kiara? What's wrong?"Damien asked his hand outstretched to touch me but I moved out of the way so that he couldn't. I needed my space and a clear head. "Nothing. I think you should leave. I want to think about this a little bit more."It wasn't that I didn't trust him. I saw him on top of Keturah and the trust between us fragmented. I wasn't sure how to get it back at the same time I wasn't sure if I wanted to get it back.Damien's hand hovered mid-air as he looked at me then he pulled away. "I know you are distrustful right now. As you should be because of our long history but I assure you that once I realized what she has done, I threw her out of my bed and my life."Yeah ri
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Kiara's POVWe didn't go to the restaurant we went to before. We didn't go to a restaurant at all.Damien took me to a properly maintained hillside that could have doubled as a tourist attraction with its immaculately maintained grass, the well-placed lighting and the stunning view. He hired a chef and attendant to bring us our meals when we summoned them with a bell. For someone who was so gruff and friendly, he could think up the most romantic settings for a date. I gazed at him enthralled, he was exceptionally good-looking tonight with his hazel eyes glimmering an almost golden hue, his dark hair slicked back and his blue suit giving all it needed to. My heart skipped a beat from meeting his gaze. "You need to stop taking me on dates like these, Damien."He looked at me over the food between us on a well-spread table. "Why not?"I idly twirled a lock of hair around my finger as I sought the words to explain how I felt."I might begin to have unrealistic expectations of you."D
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Kiara's POVThe table was quiet despite the fact that all of us were present for breakfast apart from Shaun who had gone for a run earlier on.Damien wasn't looking at me and Dorian tried to engage me in a conversation noting the atmosphere in the room but wanting to alleviate it somehow."I got a message from your father, he has arrived at home safely and he asked after our honeymoon, he hoped it was going fine. I can't believe that we got away with that."A laugh almost escaped me as I remembered how awkward that had been but remembering it now it sounded extremely funny. "Me neither. And that moment where he was all but telling me about how I had to be of a 'strong constitution' to have a child."Dorian laughed and I heard a growl from across the table from Damien who was sulking as he had been throughout breakfast. I suddenly felt bad for being so happy when I knew that I was the reason he was pissed. I was only worsening matters by talking to Dorian. It was like I was trying to
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Kiara's POVThe words are heavy in my mouth. Dorian's father might die before he got home or worse when he got there yet the best I can do is give him an apology. But I tendered it anyway as I watched him pack his bag."I'm sorry, about your Dad." I said softly. Dorian looked up at me and his expression was stormy but he still attempted a weak smile."It's okay." The thought of going home for him must be scary. Scary for many reasons. He must be scared for his father and his mate that would no doubt be rallying support to crown her child her to the throne in his absence. I was only glad that Shaun would be with him. Dorian's voice cut through my thoughts as he looked at me guilelessly."You don't plan on coming with me, do you?"I was surprised at how easily he could read me. It was something I had decided on the way to his room. It was too soon, too fast. I just couldn't leave yet. I couldn't make myself leave yet. But how did he know that? "Dorian." I said softly not knowing what
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Kiara's POVDamien stopped at the door looking at me with an indescribable emotion on his face. His voice was cold when he finally spoke to me. "What are you doing here?"I stood up from the bed to face him."I needed to see you."He entered the room, partly ignoring my presence as he pulled off his shoes and began to pull off his shirt. "About?"I began to feel the doubt that Keturah had begun to reap fruits. Was he being cold to me because they were already back together?I found my voice again. No, I refused to let Keturah win. "Keturah is back. I thought you would want to know."Damien didn't even turn to look at me as he responded."I knew that already."I froze, my limbs refusing to work. "You did?"His shirt came off and he turned to face me with a question in his eyes. "Yes. I did. What is it to you? It's my house after all."Heartbreak hit me as I realized that the probability of Keturah telling the truth was extremely high. They were together. I was an idiot. The bigges
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Kiara's POVIt felt surreal coming back here. I still couldn't believe that I had come back. To the pack that had disgraced me so thoroughly.I was missing Damien so much already and it had just been a few hours since my departure. I had to leave while he was asleep because if he had begged me to stay, I would have.Even now I questioned what exactly I was doing here. Right. The prophecy. I had to pick the right mate whoever that was. Not the person I was crazy about. There had to be a reason that Dorian was even in the running at all. "Hey." I saw him coming towards me to welcome me and I smiled. He embraced me and looked at me with poorly disguised surprise. "Hey. You came.""I did." So even he had not been expecting me to come. At least he wouldn't have unrealistic expectations of me. I took in his features. "How are you holding down the fort here? How is your Dad?"He ran his fingers through his dark blond hair looking frustrated. "Still out. The doctors don't know when he
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Ashly's POVThe dread that filled my veins at the sight of Kiara had yet to leave me. It consumed me from the inside out and I didn't know which way was up or down. She was back. She was back to snatch my happiness. To kill my joy. No. I wouldn't let her. Not now that everything was finally going well for me. I wouldn't let her take what I had worked hard for. "Take her to the dungeons." I ordered the guards and her jaw dropped. What else was she expecting when she came back here? That I would welcome her with open arms. She could continue dreaming. The guards seized her by her arms and that was when she came to her senses realizing what was about to happen to her. "Ashly. Ashly, what's going on? I–"I ignored her. "What are you waiting for?" I questioned the guards. "Get her out of my sight!"They bundled her away amidst her protests and pleas that I listen to her. I kicked the servant on the ground away from me feeling unnerved."Get out of here you worthless creature."She bo
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Damien's POVKiara missed her check-in call. I called her again and again before I finally deduced that there were two options. Either she wasn't with her phone or she didn't want to talk to me.Both options drove me to distraction. We had been fine before she left. Better than fine in fact. I was still angry that she had left without waking me up first. Perhaps she had known that I would never have let her leave. I had already started contemplating going to Dorian's to bring her home more than just once now and I was tilting towards that direction. The vision could go to hell for all that I cared. I would keep Kiara here with me by any method necessary.I know the only reason she has been bothered going there after how much we had connected was because she felt bound to the promise that she had made to Dorian. No matter, I would break that promise. I stepped into my room only to see Keturah on my bed with nothing on. Goddess, it was too soon for this could I not get even a moment o
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Kiara's POVI don't know how I couldn't put two and two together until she asked the men to arrest me. My childhood friend was Dorian's mate. The one who had drugged him with whiteshade. The one pregnant with another wolf's child that had made it his in order to take the throne. The one that made her maids and anyone else that she felt was a threat to her and Dorisn disappear. That mate was supposed to be Ashly? Ashly who had celebrated with me when Dorian had chosen me. Ashly who I told about my first kiss and we laughed about how his life almost covered my nose as well. Ashley who always knew what just to say to make my mood lighten up. How could they be the same person? How? Had she always been this person that I didn't know? What did that say about me that I had not noticed that she had two distinct attitudes and behavioural tendencies like that?The door creaked open and with each downward step I was certain it was her. Then she stepped into full view with her brown hair pul
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