Semua Bab ETERNAL OBSESSION: Bab 41 - Bab 46
46 Bab
Chapter # 41
I opened the door and saw Raymond. His coat was thrown on the bed. His hands are in his hair. His sleeves are neatly rolled upwards. His tie was also thrown on the bed. He seems stressed."Are you alright..?" I called him. His body tensed up upon hearing my voice. But soon he relaxed as he looked at me."You are back early." He said in a deep voice. His voice sends shivers down my spine. This is telling me that I shouldn't stay here even for a second."I want to surprise you. I am waiting for you downstairs," I said as I turned around. I was about to leave but before I could go anywhere he picked me like the bridal style."You are not going anywhere.." His voice was so low and breathless. I looked at his eyes. My body shivered as I saw his eyes are clouded with nothing but a Pool of Desires. Thank you. Maybe surprising him was a bad idea. My hairs stood on their edge as he closed the door and threw me on the bed. He hovered over me. I looked at him in fear as I crawled back."You can'
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Chapter # 42
"EMMA!"I called her,"Yes Sir."She asked."Give me the house keys.""Yes sir" She handed me the keys as I left for her.I opened the door, too much to Violet's terror. She almost screamed upon seeing me. She was a crying mess. She was sitting on the ground. She looked at me with pure fright. She crawled backwards. Her lips were trembling. Her petite form is submerged in the pool of fears. I saw nothing but appall glistening in her eyes. Her trembling form was engulfed with nothing but dread. She is showing the fear she held in her heart for me. It's the terror; I was trying so hard to induce in her heart. But, It didn't feel as good as it should have. I felt bad. I want her to look at me lovingly, not like I am some kind of devil. But right now nothing can save her from my wrath, not even myself. No matter how bad I am feeling for her, the rage of her humiliating me is far more Fierce and powerful and she will pay for it."I-I am so s-sorry R-Raymond. P-Please F-forgive m-me.." Her vo
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Chapter # 43
I stood up and went to his study. My hands were cold as ice. My throat was dry. I felt my energy being drained out of me by each step I took closer. It's not easy, I know. I bit my lips as I knocked."Come in."Upon hearing his voice my body froze as my heart began to thump loudly. My mind was hazy. I gulped as I entered. I looked at him while he was sitting on the sofa. I took a seat on either side of the sofa."Violet.""Raymond."We both called each other. I looked at him,"You first, "I said."I think I should."He said sternly. His voice was different."Violet.. I've decided... I am tired of this game of obsession..."He passed me some paper and began to say in a cold tone," I'm going to free you "I tilt my head in confusion but his eyes are so serious and cold. His eyes are those ruthless eyes which I saw in him at first. The coldness.The heartlessness. Superiority. Everything, Is of the Raymond I used to despite because I didn't know him."Come again?"I asked. I have a bad feeli
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Chapter # 44
"Let's cook together!"She asked so cheerfully so I couldn't say no to her."Okay.."I said as I poured the pancake batter for the third time on the pan."Come on Raymond! You can do it!"Violet cheered. Last two tries were a failure because I burned them.I flipped the pancake as it looked good."Finally.."I said as I put 2 pancakes on the plate. Violet looked at me."Seriously Raymond? That batter was for 6 pancakes NOT FOR 2!" She scolded."It was my first time cooking something, "I said monotonously.She sighed as both the pancakes in the kitchen. After eating we both broke into laughter as the kitchen was a mess. I called the servants to clean the mess. Violet chuckled as she wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled to me. I smiled."Looks like you love doing it.."She just nodded.Violet POV:-Finally! We're lovers and not each other's obsession. I never want this moment to end. I felt really happy. I smiled sheepishly to myself as I snuggled with Raymond. My happiness cannot
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Chapter # 45
"Please Raymond leave... I don't wanna talk... for now..." I raised my head as I looked at her. I stood up as I kissed her forehead. She looked down as I left her room. I walked out as I wiped my tears when I was about to leave Mrs Cadhill called me, "Raymond! Come here!" “Yes, Ma’am?” I asked nonchalantly. I walked to her. She motioned me to sit next to her which I did. She patted my back which gave me a strange warmth, having no friends or loved one, I don’t remember anyone ever patting my back as she began to say, "Give her some time...She'll forgive you.."I looked at her as tears brimmed in my eyes, "How?Whenever our relationship gets better my stupidity always ruins it." "But that 'stupidity' of yours brought you two closer, didn't it?"She smiled reassuringly. She was right. I looked at her. She is like the mother I always want. I have never hugged my mother; she always pushed me away whenever I did. "Can I hug you, Mother?"I asked desperately. I was surprised by my own
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Last Chapter
Violet POV:- "Does it really look good?"I asked mum for the 5th time. "Yes, Dear. You are not even that nervous at your wedding."Mum jokes. I glare at her and sighed, "I just want it to be perfect."I spun around in my purple dress, which Raymond especially bought for me. I never wore it before. Thanks to Kenneth who got it for me from home. I took a deep breath as I looked at myself for the last time. It's almost 8. "Oh! I am late! Love you, Mum!"I said as I left. I entered as I took a deep breath. "Welcome, Mrs Smith. Please follow me."The manager said as I followed him. We reached a luxury hall, filled with not very many people. The stage was empty.Strange.I took a seat. Raymond wasn't here. I frowned. Where is he? I sighed as I got up. It's almost 9 and he isn't here. I felt heartbroken. Was he trying to humiliate me? I controlled my tears as I stood up and began to leave. "WAIT VIOLET!"I turned around and saw Raymond on the stage, holding the mic. Raymond POV:- My eyes
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