Semua Bab Beautifully Unfinished: Bab 21 - Bab 30
316 Bab
10.5I paused. "A little bit."He paused too and looked at me. "Is England the place where they have that large clock clock that’s the same as my name?"I nod, "Yes baby. That’s right.""Are we going there?""Do you want to go?"He paused again and pressed his lips together while he was thinking about what to answer to me. "No."Ben begins to eat again as I sigh inwardly. "Why not?" I can’t help but ask."It's pretty expensive."He's right. Who am I kidding? Everything in England is expensive and having the both of us there, with no friends around like Vivian or Arthur or Christian who would actually help me. New York is expensive too but at least I have friends who would help me when I am in financial need."You see Ben, mommy has been offered a job there in England and a friend of mine will help us when we get there." I tell him.Ben pulled his head up and looked at me, "You mean we're leaving New York?"I nod. "You don't want to?""Mom, I don't want to leave.” He pouts. “I can't le
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11H U G O "Come on Hugo.""I told you, nothing."Ned remains silent from the other line while I was busy with my laptop."Tell me exactly why you're helping this woman, Hugo?" Ned asks me while he's on the other line.I fixed my Bluetooth earphone in my ear, "Because she needs help." I answered seriously as I kept my eyes glued on my laptop.I need to finish my presentation for next week's meeting and I still have tons of other stuff to prepare at the studio while Ned here keeps on bugging the hell out of me.I hear Ned chuckling. "Is that all?""Yes." I answered firmly, still keeping my gaze at my laptop."Really?" Ned teases."Yes Ned.""You don't need to lie to me Hue." He persuades me.I stopped from typing and just stared at my laptop while I release a deep sigh, "I'm not lying."My eyes hurt. My head hurts. My ear hurts. I think I need to take some good rest and it’s getting more annoying because Ned keeps irritating me from the other line. I thought to myself."Come on." He w
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11.5I glance at my phone as I hit send but in a split second, my eyes widened in surprise as soon as I heard the receiver’s name.Ah, shit. Why did I send that to Miranda? I was supposed to send the fucking text to Audrey. Jesus Christ, Hugo you have always been such a clumsy little fucker.My eyes travelled back to my phone screen as soon as I received a message from a response from Miranda the next minute.MIRANDA: Hey Hugo. It’s surprising that you messaged me. I’m actually doing fine. How are you?HUGO: I’m actually doing fine. Are you busy nurse Miranda?I don't know why I'm texting her.Christ Hugo, are you flirting?Damn it. Damn it Hugo.I shake my head sideways as I think about… Stop it while it's early. You know yourself better and you have got to stop this fucking non-sense. I wasn't actually thinking about Miranda when I was typing that message because it was absolutely meant for Audrey.MIRANDA: FYI I'm no longer working as a nurse. But I'm not busy. I'm just teaching Be
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12M I R A N D A “It’s just Ned. Relax.” I tell myself as I stare at my own reflection on the rear view mirror.“Who am I kidding? It’s Ned Hall!” I exhale heavily as I tried to gather my thoughts. “But remain calm Miranda. Don’t act like a thirteen year old. You’re turning twenty-five for Christ’s sake. Grow up.”I exhale heavily through my parted lips.Vivian is picking Ben up from school since I had to sign some papers from the hospital for my clearance. The entire drive to Alfonso's, my mind was boggled about meeting the Irish-Canadian business mogul Ned Hall. I had these situations in my head how the meeting will turn out and I try to tell myself to avoid ruining it.I push my hair behind my ear as I stare at myself from my rearview mirror. You can do this, I encourage myself. You know you can talk professionally with Ned without screaming and hyperventilating like a teenage girl. You have grown. You have conquered that stage in your life.You’ll be fine. You will be fine. You w
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12.5He’s your old time friend since you were a teen. He’s that long haired and hot lead vocalist from Satellite Patrol who has such a powerful and raspy voice that sounds so fucking hot. He’s Hugo Saintclare and he doesn’t know we have a child.I smile weakly, “I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m sorry.”“Oh. Don’t be sorry. I’m the one who should apologize for asking personal stuff.” He takes a sip from his drink.I smiled ruefully. “It’s nothing.” I tell him.“Anyways.” He chimes. “Hugo has been talking to me about helping you find a good job here in New York and since he’s a very dear friend to me, I am willing to help you.” Ned starts talking about what we’re really here for.I nod, “I will be forever thankful to you, Mr. Hall.”“We really don’t have to be formal here. Just call me Ned. It’s totally fine.” He responds.I nod shyly with a smile on my face. “Okay, Ned.”“Better.” He smiles. “Since this job you are about to apply is about business and it’s far from your field,
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13M I R A N D A"Take care of Miranda for me." Ned tells Hugo while we head out of the front door.Ned had always been known as the sweetest one in the band and he’s always been the most thoughtful among the five of them.Hugo smiles at Ned and I was just completely quiet the entire time the two of them were together because it was a little overwhelming seeing two of my favorite rock band conversing so casually in front of me. I don't know why I get insanely quiet when Hugo arrived because it felt like my tongue curled to the back of my throat. Worst, it seemed like I swallowed it and my mind doesn't work as if it was back being an empty dome.So many questions were running inside my head and I was then reminded that he is engaged. Wait, why is he even in New York? What did he come here for? Who did he come here for?I was hoping that it was because of me but them he could probably mean business.Oh don't be silly Miranda, you really think you're that special to Hugo just because he
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13.5Seeing my son, I just wish he would grow fond with Hugo’s companionship right now. Hugo’s not a bad man and back in the day I know he likes kids.Ben's curly hair was blowing against the wind and I quickly hopped off from Hugo’s car. I marched towards them and kissed Ben's forehead. "Hey little fella." I tell him.He yawns. "Hey mom.""He just woke up." Vivian kissed me cheek to cheek."Oh poor thing. Have you had dinner already?" I ask him.Ben nods. "The pasta aunt Vivian bought me was amazing."I smile at Vivian. "Thank you Viv.""You're welcome. Who's car is that?""I'll tell you about it later. Long story.” I responded. “But we need to get going now. Let's go Ben."Both of us started walking towards Hugo’s car as soon as we bid goodbye to Vivian. I opened the passenger door for Ben and Hugo just stares at him the second the door cracked opened with a tight-lipped smile on his face.Ben looks up to me. "Why are you together mom?""He offered me a ride to pick you up." I answe
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14M I R A N D AIt begins to rain.But my eyes were still on Hugo and his eyes were still on me.What in hell is he thinking about? Those eyes tells me that he wants to say something.Shit, did he figure me out?Talk Miranda. Say anything."W-Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him.Hugo recovers from staring and shakes his head. "Let me help you put the groceries inside. It's raining.""I can manage Hugo." I lied. “You have already helped me too much tonight.”He looks at me doubtfully."Plus my house is a mess right now because of Ben's toys and it would be embarrassing to let you in." I added.He chuckles. "I don't really mind. My house is a mess too. I just want to help you and Ben. Please, come on let me help."He hops out of the car without hesitation and I quickly followed him out. It's raining harder now and both of us started getting wet."Carry Ben." He instructs while I watch him getting soaked by the rain. "I'll bring these inside." He says while popping the trunk
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14.5I smiled right away. "It's okay."He's still looking at me and I really think that he really wants to know where Ben's father is. God Hugo! It's you! How badly I want to tell you about the truth but I'm not ready yet.I am not ready for the consequences that I will be facing and the changes that will in all our lives.I take a deep breath in and exhale, "Well Ben's father... he's..." I trailed off.I moved my eyes back to my cup and suddenly saw Hugo’s hand moving towards mine. He begins to begins to hold me and as I pulled my head up and stared at him, he smiles at me ruefully."You don't need to answer that." He tells me. "That douche doesn't deserve you and Ben anyways."That douche is you Hugo. And you're not a douche. Goodness you're far from being a douche. Ugh! This isn't good for me. I can't contain this anymore. All this guilt and pain and torture that is building up every single time I spend time with you.I'm trying really hard to stop my tears from falling by biting m
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15M I R A N D A My heart is pounding inside my chest as my eyes glued on his lips. I had a feeling that we were about to kiss but then he pulled himself away and shakes his head.“I’m sorry.” He apologizes right away pushing his hair off his face. “I shouldn’t have done that. I apologize, Miranda.”Hugo begins to leave the room so I started following him as well. He was completely silent and I realized that he pulled himself away because he realized that it was completely wrong. Well, it seemed like he wanted to kiss me and wanted to initiate doing something to me, damn and I didn’t even push him away orWhen we reached downstairs, he was still quiet so I had to do something to make this feel a little less troublesome. "Thank you for putting Ben to sleep.” I croaked.He smiles at me, "It was nothing. It’s something I really want to do.""It meant a lot to me. It's hard to put Ben back to sleep especially at a time like this.” I responded with a smile. “So thank you."I glare outside
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