Lahat ng Kabanata ng The werewolf spell, the gateway to hell: Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
123 Kabanata
"Okay I didn't understand what he meant by a letter arriving but I needed to hurry to find out. Highest points? That sounded like me and also not at the same time."Come come. I made your favourite. Lasagna" he said as I walked out if the room was refreshed.He made an elaborate show of opening the cover and the smell of herbs and meat hit my nostrils. I loved lasagna.It wasn't long before we were clearing our dishes and shoving them in the dishwasher. Then we moved to the living roomCoach had a paper with a list of questions he wanted to ask me, I immediately realised his behaviour was so me. I would do something like that if I feared forgetting what I wanted to say or ask"How badly were your injuries?" He asked first.I was curious as to why he wasn't asking me to just tell him in full every single detail of what happened"I broke a rib or two. I had some scrapings. It made things painful for a while before it healed" I replied"How bad were the injuries of some of the players?"
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"I won't go back"Mr Gregory stopped what he was doing and looked back at me. We were both hiking, having started since morning and were on our way back. It was currently mid afternoon but still pretty cold in February. We were dressed quite snugly in our tracksuits He stared back at me for a second before he resumed walking. He didn't say anything for a long time"Can you live with the decision?" He finally askedI said nothing the whole way home. We were now back at home and I stood on the other side of the kitchen table as he took bottles of water from the fridge and passed one back to me.Our gaze clashed and held, feeling a shift in the atmosphere. This was an important moment for both of us"I can. I have to live, and I won't if I go back. I can always find the answers another way. And I will, not just the way I wanted. But I would find them alive" I repliedI had really thought long and hard about it. It was the right thing to do for myself. I had wanted to be at the Academy f
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The slap came out of nowhere. My right hand already hit him in the face and his head had hit the trashcan a few feet away before I realized that I hit him.It was tense for a moment before the others attacked. They all turned at once, their eyes turning red and claws unsheathing. I could see as their jaws started changing, one of them was tearing out of his clothes and even turning, they were five of them including the one struggling to get up from the ground and I didn't have time to think anymore, I just attackedIt was the most exciting thing I had ever done. The sound of wolves snarling and growling as my fists connected to them, hitting body parts apart of theirs felt soothing to my ears. I was more in tune with my surroundings and I could hear or percieve an attack before it even got to me. I had most of them whimpering and struggling to rise up at the end of three minutes.I looked around at the ground. A few were still able to get to their feet. I didn't like that, I wanted
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The six hours flight to Brittania was...quiet. The passengers had been all quiescent and nobody had made a ruckus, I didn't even remember hearing anyone say anything. It could have been because I kept listening to music on my phone or the sleep I had on the later part of the flight. But now that I remember it, everyone has just been...quiet. it was oddI met the same man at the terminal with my name written on a board. He took me on the same car through Brittania to a hotel. It was...huge.I was currently standing in front of the same receptionist who went ahead to register me. Then I was escorted again to my room.It was now midnight and had been told I would be conveyed to the arena when the time was right. Maybe later tonight, or maybe early tomorrow morning. All I knew was that I needed to be close to let that happen.I wore my training clothes and walked from my room to the quiet hallway. It was midnight and hence most players who I now knew were in the other rooms were all
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I didn't have time to think of a strategy between the time of the announcement to the moment when the alarm blared. Then we all turned on each other.I didn't have time as a swift blow to my head knocked me to the ground. The crowd in the background were cheering and hence, blocking out my ability to listen to any sudden movements close to me. The attacker swung his fist again at me and I rolled away from him. I kept blocking several of his attacks, not having enough time to regroup and throw an attack of my own.I saw behind him as a woman with a sword pointed horizontally ran forward towards him. I made sure to keep us in place. His face suddenly twisted in pain before the sharp point of the sword protruded from his stomach as she stabbed him.She withdrew the sword and he fell to the ground bleeding. The damage was too much for his tissues to repair themselves, he was going to die.There was no time as she turned on me. Her eyes were blaring red, meaning she was using some of h
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The sound of someone making a phone call in the background woke me up. I startled awake trying to remember where I was.The room was stark white. Everything from the sheets to the curtains to the hung paintings on the wall. There was a balcony with the doors open and a wind blew the curtains here and there over and over again.I slowly sat up, registering that I had a slight headache. That was odd, wolves hardly ever had headaches, that must have been a shit ton of tranquillisers."You are awake," a voice said.A young man I had never seen was standing beside me, it was his voice that had woken me up. He nodded before walking away, and I heard his voice again as he made another phone callIt wasn't long before the doors bustled open and in walked Mr Gregory and a man had never seen before.Their eyes were trained on me as they walked closer till they stood next to me on the bed."You look okay" Mr Gregory broke the silenceHis gaze searched my face and features, almost as if he was
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The crowd went from excited to scared to fucking petrified. You know the most vicious thing of had the biggest smile on your blood filled face" Mr Gregory had to whisper the last part, his face transforming to that of shockI didn't react because I knew most of what he had said. I knew that I had never felt as happy as I did last night. had never been more at peace. It was something I would have to digest on my own."I know that" I said, waving my hand in dismissal"What happened after I fell?" I asked, I was more interested in that I looked up but it seemed his attention was divided"You killed everyone there. If not for the Academy management that quickly issued an order to sedate every living thing left alive in the arena. You would have just kept killing" his gaze seems lost, almost like he was reliving last night all over again."They kept shooting tranquilliser after tranquilliser at you. And you just stood there with that smile. I have never seen anything like th
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A car came for me late that same night. There was no time for me to prepare or fully rest before I was on the way. I couldn't help but think that it seemed I could never get a handle on anything before something else came up. I was out of bed and dressed when Mr Gregory told me and I was in the car in no time. It had all been fast and there had been no time to say a proper goodbye to him and the others.I closed my eyes and leaned back on the car seat, trying to catch my breath. I and Mr Gregory had gotten back from training a few hours earlier and I had gone to bed. Only for me to be woken up and now this, I needed a moment to calm down or I felt like I was going to break into many tiny unrecognisable pieces. This particular period was beginning to seem like the most taxing ever. It was one thing after another, and each of them was trying to break me down."Here" said the only other person in thecarI opened my eyes and I could see a hand through the visor as the driver passed w
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My wolf was in a very good mood, liking what has happened so far. My body was warm from using the commander as a training partner, and we were still ready to go a few rounds if that could be arranged. But said commander was currently.... indisposed."Player! You may move to the next room and await your verdict"The alarm kept blaring. I already had some level of control because I was able to loosen my grip on the commander, and his limp body slumped to the ground. We hadn't killed him really, he was still alive. Just too weak to stay on his own two feet.I turned around and walked towards a door opposite where I stood, and finally walked through it.It was a corridor, and a young Beta, older or younger than I was, led me to a room. It was a dressing room, and some of my normal clothes were already hung in the closet. I took my time dressing, still realising that my claws were still out and my other senses still heightened. I sat on the bench after dressing and let my tissues slowl
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My wolf was behaving weird, even weirder than before. She was hyper and super active, jumping around inside of me. My body immediately went tense in shock and fear, she only ever did this when she really thought I was in danger, and the next thing that usually occurs right after was for her to take complete control, and then she turned everything to ash. Literally."Miss Cassie. King Jade has told us many great things about you. The work your parents did for this pack. The sacrifice that they made years ago, we would never forget. We chose to place you in that environment, we watched you grow and we wanted the society to train you, to make you the greatest warrior wolf that ever lived, and look at you. Your specs during all the fighting was....outstanding. Your mental strength and skills are the one to beat. You truly are in this moment on your way to becoming the greatest commander ever" Said the old Alpha.It was dead quiet, everywhere. Especially inside me. My wolf and I had go
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